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Sky's POV

He's gone...

The nights I woke up crying, frantically searching for him to hold me in my pain led me to the harsh reality that he was gone. And I don't know if he'd ever come back to me.

His miraculous touch that absorbed every inch of hurt and pain.

His flawless eyes that I got lost in so deeply and easily.

The way he held me like I was his entire world.

It shattered me even further when I found Harry's sweatshirt, the one he left when we first met, neatly folded on the edge of our bed.

My aching body, so desperately in need of a shower, slumped out of bed. The reflection in the mirror would've sent children running from my blood-shot eyes to my smeared eyeliner.

If Harry were here he'd think your beautiful even like this. My sub-conscience reminded me.

The steaming beads of water tried all they could to melt away some of the pain. Blindly, I reached out and grabbed shampoo. The familiar scent of Harry's irresistible curls filled my senses...

Harry left his shampoo...

Things like that would've normally made me laugh because of the carelessness I possessed. This time I nearly collapsed in the shower and bawled my hair into my fists before crying all the tears I possessed.

I need a distraction from what was my whole world. A walk. Yeah ok. My appearance no longer mattered to me and quite frankly I welcomed people to judge me.

After basically slithering out the front door, the recognizable scent of salty air filled my nose to my delight actually. Removing my sneakers to feel the welcoming feel of the white sand between my toes, I shoved them behind what looks like a dumpster. Pacing up and down, back and forth landed me at a tree firmly rooted in the sand grains.

I wonder if the tree knew? Its just an average tree, randomly planted on a beach. Did it know the change that would come later on? Possibly even disappointment? Would it change a thing?

My back rested against the back of the trunk while my index finger traced random patterns in the sand. A hollowing in the bottom struck my curiosity. Reaching in I pulled out something...

The flower.

The one I'd picked apart a couple months ago to see of Harry loved me.

Only one petal remained...

Reaching out I pinched it between my thumb and index finger.

"He loves me"


There is a trailer for deranged. Kik me at fumbling_five and I'll send it to you bc I don't have a YouTube yet. Sorry guys. But thanks and ily!!!

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