Deranged Chp. 12

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Sky's POV

I sat at home, alone all day, expecting to hear from the curly haired boy named Harry.

Nothing but silence from my phone and 3 unanswered messages all day.

I knew it! Just as I thought I'd found someone like me, and who I could actually trust, they leave.

I'd once again managed to get my hopes up, only to be sorrowfully let down by someone I thought understood me.

My mom wouldn't be home until tomorrow, because she was away at a meeting, maybe now was my chance.

My chance to fulfill the duties I'd previously tried to complete but was stopped by a stranger who played me.

When my phone lit up, a spark of hope ignited, only to be put out when I discovered it was only another hateful comment (some people seemed to have nothing better to do than shoot you down), "Go to hell! No one even cares about you!" and as much as I hated to admit it, they were right...

Nobody did care about me anymore, no one really ever had to begin with actually.

I shuffled into the kitchen and reached in the very back of the cabinet for the little orange bottles. Once I had them, I ran upstairs to my bathroom.

"So this is what it feels like? To be hated by the world..." .was freshly written across my door and to finish it off , "No more pain, no more suffering, no more hate, no more scars, no more tears, only silence now... Goodbye to anyone who actually cared for me..." But I crossed that last part out because that didn't apply to anyone.

I opened the bottle full of the white capsules.

One by one, my pain faded away...

My vision blurred and I gently laid my head on the cold, hard tile,

"Goodbye world, I will no longer bother you."

My eyelids shut, giving me the vision of nothing but darkness... This was what they wanted all along, and surprise... they won...


I could hear breathing around me, as a bright light shone through my eyelids.

This was it, my final destination, or so I thought.

My eyelids were yanked open, and a bright light was shone directly in them.

Death was a lot brighter than I thought...

"Is she ok? Is she alive?" a raspy voice, which I could tell had been crying, nervously demanded.

"Her heart rate is slowly increasing again."

Was I still alive?

The loud, long beep that followed told me that if I was I wouldn't be much longer.

"NURSE I NEED THE-" but that's all I heard before a large, volt of electricity was sent through my body.

That's all I can remember...

Harry's POV

I sat in the rock hard chair next to Sky's hospital bed.

"I'm sorry Sky, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed me... This is all my fault! God, I hate myself!" I stood up and walked out of the room, I hit my fists against the wall outside.

My fault, ALL MY FAULT!

Sky would be fine if I would've been there or answered her messages, but I wasn't and I didn't and now she's here.

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