Sky's POV
Harry handed me a fuzzy blanket and a pillow that carried his comforting scent. He insisted I sleep in his bed but I refused to put him out, so I snuggled up on the couch.
"Nite Sky"
"Nite Harry, and thanks again for letting me stay here tonight."
"Anytime" he added with a wink before shutting himself in his room.There was no use in even trying to sleep. Flashes of illuminating light shone through the window, only to be followed by loud sounds of thunder and the patter of raindrops on the roof.
I never sleep during a storm...
They always frightened me as a child and I never overcame my fear. Normally I would've turned on the TV, but Harry's empty living room gave no sign of any source of entertainment. I couldn't turn on a lamp because I knew it'd wake Harry, so I settled for just staring out the window.I curled up in the ledge of the window, with Harry's blanket as my source of warmth. My eyes gazed out the window, watching the drops of rain hit the ground and disappear... That's what would've happened to me if Harry hadn't stopped me that day.
I jumped at the surprising crack of thunder outside, nearly falling off the window ledge. My head rested on the cold glass of Harry's window, as I continued my steady gaze at the falling rain.
When I was little my mom (when she cared) told me that rain was the tears of angels that miss their loved ones. Maybe she was right...
"Sky?" the raspy voice whispered.
"Harry I'm sorry... I-"
"It's the storm isn't it? It's ok... they bother me too."
Harry cleared a spot on the couch and waved me over. I accepted the invitation and sat next to him. He placed his warm arm over my shoulder and pulled me close to him, softly brushing my hair away from my eyes. All the fear I'd experienced from the storm seemed to blissfully disappear at the touch of the curly haired boy.
"Your safe now Sky...Go to sleep baby..." his voice soothed. I placed my palm on his toned chest and looked up into his sparkling green eyes.
"Thank you Harry."
"Don't thank me for doing what I was always meant to do."I expected to wake up with Harry's arms protectively wrapped around me, instead I was left alone on Harry's couch.
nothing but silence followed... I searched around the house, flinching as my bare feet hit the cold tile in his kitchen.
Nothing... Harry was gone, without a note or text.
I slipped on one of Harry's beanies I found lying on the counter to tame my bed head and locked the empty flat behind me on my way out. The ground was still wet from the heavy rainfall and the air was cool.
I was headed home, but I stopped when I saw Harry's car parked outside a gym. It wasn't a very inviting building, as it sported a gray paint with cracks running throughout the foundation. A sign tried to remain attached to a rope read "Green's Gym". A voice inside me debated whether of not to go in or not. I didn't need to think about it any longer as Harry came strolling out of the dark building, a towel wrapped around his neck. I wasn't sure whether or not I was supposed to see him! but I figured it was fine when I saw him smile and wave me over.
"What are you doing here Sky?"
"I was going home, what are you doing here?"
"I, um- I work out here..."
"Well I can see that's a complete success!" wow! Did I say that out loud? I covered my red cheeks with my hands and closed my eyes. Harry's hands pulled mine away from my cheeks and kissed my cheek.
"Don't be embarrassed!"
I turned away to hide the tears beginning to form in my eyes. Harry tried to grab me as I took off running, but it was pointless, I was halfway gone.
"Sky why didn't you-" my mom asked but I muted her out (as usual) and ran up to my room to hide the tears streaming down my face. I slammed my door close, securing it with the click of my lock. I buried my head deep into my pillow while tears continued to pour into it.I felt a hand on my back, and I jerked around to find Harry standing over me.
At that moment I lost it, and buried my face into Harry's chest as tears continually flowed from my eyes. His large hand stroked the back of my head as he whispered soothing words to me.
Once my tears had slowed down, but not fully stopped, Harry set me down on my bed.
"Sky what's wrong?" Harry asked with concern in his eyes.
"Harry, I-I..."
"Sky it's ok, you can tell me anything."
"I think I'm falling for you!"
But Harry just smiled and laughed a little. It angered me to see him amused at my pain...
"Why are you crying over that?"
"Because! Falling for you is dangerous!"
"Why is that?"
"Because I'm broken..."
Harry grabbed my hand and entwined his fingers with mine. His gaze met mine, "I'll fix you..." He assured.
"You can't, you'll cut yourself on my shattered pieces..."
"Your worth the risk."
I stared at Harry in disbelief... His words were sincere, and I felt like he meant every word. I'd never felt that with anyone before... I'd always been lied too and I could never tell if someone meant what they said... But with Harry I knew for sure he meant them. I dried my tears with the sleeve of my sweater, trying to hide the red in my eyes. "Well great! Now you've seen me cry!"
"What's wrong with that?"
"Crying makes me look weak..."
"If you cry you aren't weak... It means you've been strong for too long..."

FanfictionPeople build walls up not to keep others out... but to see who's strong enough to tear them. COPYRIGHT© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED TO: Fumblingfive™ ANY AND ALL COPYING OF THIS STORY IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED!