Deranged Chp. 45

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Sky's POV

I guess sleep was really what I needed to return to myself, because I slept all day and when I finally did wake up, darkness had fallen again and Harry was snuggled next to me. His atractions so deeply drew me in I decided to just watch him sleep. Something about the way his eyelids shutter sparatically and the way his curls break loose during the night fasicinates me beyond belief. I thought I'd been caught when the Harry began speaking, but he was talking in his sleep... about me.

"She's the one"

"I love her"

Were only a few of the words that melted my heart. Knowing Harry, he's a deep sleeper. So I gently swept away the wild curls and tucked them behind his ear. Leaning over I returned the favor he'd done me by telling him how much he meant to me.

"I love you Harry.

The way you make me feel confident.

The way every word you say sounds like it should be written in a book.

The way you treat me like I have a tiara on my head.

The way you comfort me at my darkest hours.

The way you put up with my rediculous shit.

The way I can tell you anything and you'll always listen.

But most importantly, it's the way you love me. You never left me, even when I expected you to leave quickest.

And I'm sorry.

Sorry I can't tell you, I can't warn you or even admit how much I love you, because that'll only make you leaving that much harder. I know I won't be the only one you love, but you'll be mine Harry"

Blinding rays of sunlight sent jolts of realization through me... It's morning.

"Harry?" I whined, reaching for the missing boy.


I'll surprise him!

No later was I up, dressed, fully fed and ready to embark on my quest for Harry. I checked my hair once again before finally leaving. 

I remeber seeing him always go left when I watched him leave in the morning, so that's where I headed.

Amused glances and periodic laughs were the main things my "run" consisted of. Honestly I have no idea how Harry does it, because about 1.5 miles into it I began mirroring a giraffe with two legs going slower than a turtle. An overly amused boy nearly choked on his food while watching me. I don't blame him for laughing because I was probably quite the entertainment.

"Harry!" I excitedly screamed in relief. "Oh shit..." I mumbled when a woman turned around, confused at who was yelling at her. 

"Dammit Harry! Where are you?" I asked myself, drawing more attention to myself. It amazed me that people are more amuzed by a struggling, running girl talking to herself than their own conversations.

In the end I ended up just going back home, where I was sure to find him. Passing shops nearby the store called my name, urging me to pick up something for lunch. It was normal to see me here every week, re-stocking the pantrys for the machine that is Harry.

The familiar cashier kindly welcomed me with a wave and small smile which I kindly returned. I laughed at the magazine headlines which always easily pulled me in and distracted me for awhile.

My mind pulled me in all different directions down all different aisles. It wasn't until I saw a group of uniformed people secretly huddled in a corner that I snapped out of my transe. It alarmed me to see police in the area as they didn't come around here often. "No he's here. He lives here" a hefty man (who looked like he enjoyed his doughnuts too much) assured a scrawny, younger man. "What's his name?"

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