Deranged Chp.7

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Harry's POV

I don't know why Sky is pushing me away but it's really getting to me!

I like her and I want to take her out sometime but with her stubborn attitude, the chances of that are zero to none.

But that doesn't mean I won't try.

The way I feel about Sky isn't simply based on that fact that we both harm ourselves. It isn't the fact that I saved her or she thinks I saved her.

It's the fact that she saved me. If I ever told her that she'd laugh in my face. It's a weird feeling that I can't put my finger on. This girl I just laid eyes a few days ago is my savior.

So unlikely yet so possible.

I returned to the same spot I'd come the first night I met Sky and threw a rock at the piece of glass. I remember her discreetly keeping a CLOSE eye on me as I rudely scouted around her room. I probably would've done the same if someone I barely knew roamed my room. So I honestly can't blame her.

"What the h- HARRY?!" Sky yelled, annoyed with my unexpected arrival.

"Hi Sky!" I smiled at her beautiful figure leaning out the window.

"Get your ass off my property now!" She yelled, waving her phone out the window like she was threatening to call the police. That's the last thing I need. But a small part of me said she wouldn't dare dial those three numbers against me.

"Will you go out on a date with me?" I kinda just spit out the question hoping to lighten her mood.

"What the hell? NO!" She acted taken back by my sudden blurt of words. Obviously they didn't calm her down.

I climbed up to her window and jumped inside. The look on her face told me she was less than thrilled to see me, her stare empty and cold. It almost made me laugh at this deep hatred she acted like she had for me.

"You know Sky you aren't easy to deal with" I smiled to lighten the statement.

"I've been told. Now could you please just leave?"

When she pointed to the window her concealing sleeve rose just enough to give me a glimpse of the fresh wounds on her wrist.

As her eyes traced where my were looking she quickly yanked down her sleeve in embarrassment. "Why do you do it?" I curiously asked. Not meaning any harm.

"That's none of you're damn business! Nothing in my life is your concern!" she barked.

"Did you read that note I left the first night we met?"

"Yeah and it made no sense AT ALL Harry!"

I laughed at her oblivious attitude towards my note that a 3rd grader could've understood.

But obviously I was going to have to explain to her.

I moved closer to her, minimizing the space between us. Carefully, I rolled up my sleeves to reveal my scars. My hand grabbed hers, mine overpowering , and looked into her blue eyes. Her eyes seemed to tell a story that I had to know. I wouldn't leave till I knew.

"I understand you Sky... I understand..." I whispered.

Her eyes began to form tiny drops of water that began to slide down her cheeks, which she tried to brush away and conceal from me. I wanted her to so badly look me in the eyes and just let loose with all the pain she's been carrying but she knew better.

"You need to go Harry..."

"Why Sky?"

"Because I think I possibly falling for you... and that's dangerous."

Sky's POV

My emotions were a mess as the boy who actually did understand me somewhat, exited out my window.

"Harry? Will you call me tomorrow?" I asked, shocked at myself by my slipped words.

"I'd be happy too." He smiled and continued climbing down the tree. He seemed satisfied with my question and left in a happy, upbeat manner.

I had to think about all this. My mind was twisted with so many thoughts right now.

I was falling for a boy, something I'd never imagined would happen. There's always that first grade crap where you have a "boyfriend" but even then that wasn't my thing.

I'm falling for Harry...

And I don't know if it's a good thing... or a bad thing.

I barely know him. Yet I feel like I've known him my entire life. Like he's been the friend I've needed since I was little. See what I mean? My mind's a mess.

It's hard to believe that there are actually people out there who won't call you one of those god awful names!

I've grown too use to distrusting people because of the betrayal I've always suffered after giving someone my trust... And I can't tell who's worthy of it anymore?

So what kind of a sick world do we live in where trust is rare and betrayal is common? Our world.

"Sky! Dinner!"

"I ate at the mall mom!" I yelled slightly less harsh than before.

"Oh ok"

Lie... Lies were what mainly came from my mouth when talking to my mom out of fear that'd she find out about my lifestyle that no one knew about...

until a certain curly haired brunette seemed to figure it out in a matter of seconds.

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