Deranged Chp.35

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Sky's POV

I tossed and turned all night, as horrifying nightmares haunted my dreams. When I finally managed to wake up, I found my pillow soaked in tears. Harry must've heard my muffled cries and was quickly awake, rubbing my back to soothe me. "Shhh, everything's ok. It was only a nightmare" he cooed. He was wrong, it wasn't just a dream, it was a nightmare, and a very realistic one. Harry held me close to him, so I softly rested my head on his shoulder. He twirled my hair between his longs fingers, which quickly weakened me and forced me into a deep sleep.

"Morning Princess, Happy Birthday!" Harry whispered, trying not to wake me. I squinted through my half closed eyes and tried to focus without being blinded by the morning sun.

Harry had a neatly prepared tray, with my favorite breakfast on it. Blueberry pancakes, accompanied by bacon and tea. "Thank you Harry" I smiled, kissing him as a token of gratitude. He scooted in next to me and wrapped a fuzzy blanket around me that had fallen off last night.

He just sat there and watched me eat... Rather uncomfortably I shoved the flawlessly prepared food into my mouth. "So, are you excited for tonight?" curiosity getting the best of him. I nodded, because I knew food would fall out if I talked. In all honesty I was really excited for tonight. My mom never really had birthday parties for me, being as no one would bother to show up, so it's nice to look forward to something on your birthday. "Well you get the house to yourself today, I have to finish some business." Harry smirked a sneaky smirk and drifted away. He quickly peeked his head back in the room, remembering he forgot something, "I love you Sky"
"I love you too Harry"

I held off putting the dress on, wanting to save the best part for last. The time flew by and before I knew it, I was staring at and almost unfamiliar figure in the mirror. My hair was perfectly waved and my makeup was light, but just perfect enough to give my eyes a sparkle.

Never before had I felt as much confidence in myself as I had at this very second. I was pretty... Somewhere hidden underneath all the dirt and ugliness, I managed to find this beautiful girl. The sparkle of the tiara caught my eye, so I carefully (trying to keep my hair in tact) placed the sparkling crown on top of my head. It gave my eyes a sparkle that no make-up could supply.
All this time I'd been caught up with the surprising reflection portrayed in the mirror, I lost track of time.
A tiny silver car awaited me in the driveway, and the girl I had over estimated jumped out. "Hi Sky! I'm Danny! And I'll be your escort for tonight!" she laughed at the overly proper use of grammar.

The ride was silent, with awkwardness in the air, until she broke, "So you and Harry been together long?"
"Nearly a year, maybe 10 months now?" it was truly awful I didn't know, but Harry was the organized one! "He's such a great friend! I can't imagine having him as a boyfriend!"
"He keeps me strong Ill say that!"
"I can imagine! His carefulness towards everyone, and such a gentleman too!"
"He's one of a kind for sure. I've never met someone as strong willed as him" the words kinda flew out by themselves, without permission. But it was true really, I'd never met anyone like him in any way. That's what made our love so strong and deep, was the understanding we have for each other. Every girl dreams and deep down yearns for a boy who will always be there, no matter where or when, he'll be there. Even at your darkest time, cloudiest days or sunniest moments, he'll be there. I have that, and I'll never let it go.

The beach was softly illuminated with the dim lighting being casted off from the torches, carefully placed around the beautiful dock. In the middle sat a neatly prepared table for two and deep in the corner was a couch, covered in pillows, just inviting me to jump in. Harry held out his hand, and softly kissed mine. It felt like a movie, an elegant, fancy one with a princess and everything... And the best part was, that Im the princess and Harrys my prince. "Sky I-I, words don't even begin to describe how beautiful you are"
"Well look at you! You don't look half bad yourself Harry"
Harry fashioned a freshly ironed midnight black suit, with a pink vest underneath, very manly!

After he swept me off my feet with an elegant dinner, he led me over to an open area. Music seemed to start playing out of no where, but Harry went with it so I did too. "Give me your hand" I held my hand out, and Harry grasped it firmly and protectively in his. "Left, right, left, right" he instructed, leading me in a dancing way. "Wait Harry... I can't dance! I have really bad ankle support and I-"
"Don't worry... I will catch you if you fall"
"But I don't wanna fall at all!"
"You can't fly unless you fall"
And with those motivational words, I danced. Like there was no one watching, and Harry and I were isolated, away from everyone else.

Ballroom style didn't work as well as we would've liked, so we just swayed to the music. My head softly rested on his shoulder, a place were I felt secure, protected from the world and all the hate it contains. He kissed my forehead with his soft lips and drew me in closer so I could hear him whisper, "I love you, Happy Birthday Princess"

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