Deranged Chp.25

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Sky's POV

     I was less than thrilled with Harry's sudden disappearance. The tiny luggage bag was hoisted over my shoulder and carried back inside to my empty, lonely house. It was different sitting in the living room, as most of my time was spent in my hideaway (my room). The TV flashed colors, in bold red. "Shit!" I mumbled under my breath as the words "Body discovered!" flashed all over the screen. Terry Hentges was found dead in her apartment, a gun wound to the chest. Another innocent life had been taken, and I prayed the murderer wasn't who I suspected.

      Harry's flat was only a skip away, and I don't know why I hadn't just walked earlier. The sun was brighter than usual today, our small town not used to receiving the fair amount of sunshine. There was a slight breeze tat caused a twitch in my thumb, an unusual symptom I always suffered from. Harry's flat came into view so I shortened the trip by making a quick jog through the neighbors lawn. My open palm slapped the fraudulent wood, awaiting the presence of Harry. After minutes of waiting and no response I pushed open the unsecured door and cautiously searched his flat. I assumed no one was here after my thorough search and realization that his car was still gone. Not long after I'd decided to curl up on the couch and catch up on my reading, Harry arrived home. When he noticed my presence he quickly grabbed a nearby coat to cover his arm. "Gimme the coat Harry!" I demanded. Harry better not have self harmed himself again. I've been clean the past 2 weeks and I expect the same from him. Maybe it was worse... A knife wound? Gun shot? What? "No, it's my arm!"
"Harry stop fooling around and show me! Please! I can't help you if you hide things from me!" I softly stroked his hair, hoping it would pry the information right out of him. He jerked away and walked to his room. He locked the door too, making sure I wouldn't enter the forbidden zone. It worried me, thinking I'd made him angry, until I heard the water running through the pipes in the wall. I put the thoughts aside and tended to the tapping coming forth from the door. "Yes?" I asked the man. He was tall, Harry's height, with brown hair only his was flat. His eyes weren't as meaningful or breath-taking as Harry's. The grin on his face told me he wasn't here for Harry and if he was, he wasn't anymore. His eyes wandered places that made me uncomfortable... I snapped my fingers at the curious man, turning his gaze to meet with mine. "I'm Bradley, and you're hot!"
"Well I'm not available Bradley. Bye bye now!" I reached to shut the door, but it was stopped by Bradley's strong grip. His smirk widened (as if it could even get bigger) and he stepped forward, now inside Harry's flat... "Um... I think you need to go Bradley. My boyfriend's here and he's not one to mess w-"
"Screw him! All that matters right now is you and I." Bradley whispered in a very chilling, seductive tone. Then he did something... He forced his lips to mine and pressed me against the wall. I grimaced in pain as my head made impact with the unforgiving wall. As my ear was pressed to the wall, something caught my attention... The water was no longer running... I ripped my gaze away from Bradley's just enough to see the soaking wet boy, dripping water down the hall as he approached us in an angered way. He ripped Bradley off of me and threw him to the floor, screaming words to awful to repeat. Harry continually hit his head against the wall, and twisted his arm behind his back. When he grabbed Bradley's collar, he pulled him close and whispered something so quietly only they could hear. Bradley's expression immediately changed, and his eyes nearly fell out of his head. Harry reached for the lamp and hoisted it above his head. It took no genius to figure out what was going to happen next... Harry was going to end it, end him. I reached out, just in time to grab Harry's wrist. He winced a little in pain as I remembered that was the wrist he was hiding from me. "Stop Harry, he's not worth it." I explained. Harry looked at me, shocked at the calmness in my voice. I retrieved the lamp from his grip and replaced it where it previously stood. Bradley escaped while he could, retreating from the flat holding the boy that nearly ended him. Harry  looked at me, "I-I"
"It's ok, that's why I'm here... To be your anchor and keep you safe..." I reassured the bewildered boy. Harry engulfed me into a deep hug, very meaningful... "Thank you Sky..."
"Harry, I wasn't going to let you end two people in one day." I quickly covered my mouth at the words that should've never came out. "What?" Harry asked, almost angry. "I'm sorry Harry, I-I... Someone else was murdered today and you left me without telling me why and I just-"
"I didn't, I mean I couldn't have! I know I didn't Sky!"
I laughed at the panic in Harry's voice. "Silly boy, you don't have to convince me! I'll always believe you!" 

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