Deranged Chp. 2

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Sky's POV

"What the hell were you doing up there?" The unknown male demanded in a harsh tone. "Screw off dude! I don't even know you!" I spat, ripping free from his deathly grip.

"I'm Harry..."

"Good for you!" I barked, turning to leave him behind.

His dominating hand grasped my shoulder again and pulled me towards him. "Tell me" he urged, referring as to why I was standing on the edge of a bridge, as if it wasn't obvious enough.

"Why? Its none of your damn business!"

I released myself once again from the boys grip and ran to my car, seeking to find shelter from the stranger. He sat outside my drivers door window, as if waiting for me to get out and pour forth my feelings.

I flew him the bird and kindly sped off, leaving him behind in the dust, where I thought he belonged.

I returned to the horrible residence I lived in- where I confined most of my life- and immediately locked myself away.

"Sky? Are you ok?" My mom asked through my closed door, her tone worried.

"Fine mom go away!" I hissed.

I could almost sense the hurt she felt through the door, but why would I care!? She never did anything for me and now she expects me to just be this amazing, angelic daughter? That only happens in fantasies! And my life is far from a fantasy. It had never been a desirable life and probably never will be, but I learned to deal with it in my own way.

Shutting my mom out was one way... She was dead to me. Never once did she care about what happened that ruined my childhood forever. She was always too busy for her daughter, because her precious liquor was more important. She'll never be my mother, and I'm just fine with that.

Scars are just another item on the lost list of ways to deal with my suffering and painful past.

I wouldn't be dealing with my annoying mom (continuing to come back and try to help or whatever) right now if it weren't for the tall, curly haired boy! It still puzzled me as to why he did it...

The usual routine for the night followed. My mom set my dinner outside my door, and I finished off the night by adding another wound to my collection. I flopped onto my cold bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. My intense music quietly played through my I-Home and stared at my ceiling counting the silver stars again.

My ceiling had silver stars painted on when I was little and I never removed them. Each night I recounted them. And each night I came up with one less (as if a thief stole one in my sleep) or one more (like someone placed another one to my collection).

A buzzing sounded, and I picked up the tiny rectangle that let me communicate with the outer world. "Hello?"

"Is this Sky?"

"Yeah?" I snapped back, tired with the solicitors continuing to call me.

"This is Harry..."

It wasn't a solicitor.... It was worse.

Could this kid not take a hint! I wanted no one in my life! I just wanted complete and utter loneliness.

I nearly forgot he was on the line, but he quickly reminded me.

"Can you open your window, or am I supposed I freeze out here?"

There was no way he was standing outside my window! I hadn't even given him my number, let alone my address!!!

But sure enough, there he stood at the bottom of my window.

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