Deranged Chp. 20

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Harry's POV

           Why? Was all I could think. She came back, even after I admired my darkest secret I swore never to reveal. "Don't I scare you?" I asked, hoping not to hear the answer I expected. "Being alone scares me more." At that moment I realized Sky wasn't like anyone else, she possessed secrets (although not as horrifying as mine) but that's why she accepted me. Acceptance was something I never really expected from someone. I was treated with such little respect because of my "shameful" past. The only acceptance I'd received was from my sister. She was the one that raised me and looked after me, considering my mother and father were too busy with their illegal business schemes. My sister never deserved what she got... She was always so loyal and caring... When I found her in er room, lying dead on the floor, my life changed... All the anger and fear I'd kept deeply confined within me was beginning to show, and there was no stopping it. From that point on I was no longer the innocent, abused little boy I'd come to be known ad, I was a psychotically deranged monster with a craving for justice.

     Sky remained clenched onto my shoulder while her eyes spilled the tears she could no longer contain. Crying was something Sky had become rather fond of the past few days, and I don't blame her. Keeping something locked away for that long only leaves you with a short amount of time to where you can't control it anymore. I was surprised when Sky lifted er ead up and walked toward the front door. She returned only seconds later with a secret revealed in her fist. "You're fixing me Harry... So now I'm fixing you..." Sky opened her hand to reveal a band-aid sitting in her palm. She grasped my wrist  and gently stuck the bandage over the scars covering my wrist. The bandage was tiny and didn't cover my scars very well. "You and me... no more... We're in this together, we have to fix each other and it starts here." She left once again, only to return a short time later with a jar. The jar was full of the cold pieces of metal she used to puncture the skin on her wrist. Some of them were shining, signalling their lack of use, but others were stained with the permanent crimson liquid that exited her wrist. "Go get yours Harry." I wasted no time in running of to my room where I kept a hidden stash of my own sharp metal. Sky took the box from me and placed her jar inside. "Get your shoes and c'mon." Sky demanded as she exited my cluttered flat.

Sky's POV
        This wasn't going to be easy, but I knew it had to be done... Our walk was silent, the only sound came from the vicious wind and swishing of cars flying by. We ended on the same bridge where this whole journey began. Memories of the day I almost forced myself out of existence flashed through my mind. The box that contained our self harm tools was firmly grasped between my frozen hands. My eyelids shut and I tried to shut out all the sound possible... Harry's presence was sensed fairly close to mine, but my eyes remained closed. "No more... Never to be in our possesion again..." I whispered as the box full of metal was released from my grip. I opened my eyes to see te box plummeting toward the deathly chilling water awaiting the new arrival of abandoned material. "And just like that we're freed of ONE thing that caused us pain..."
"It doesn't make much of a difference... There's so  much more to our pain than just those tiny pieces of metal..." Harry whispered. "Every little bit counts. It seems like with every torture you take away, a small piece of you returns." As I stared out, looking over the sparkling body of water, something happened... What would have normally been a cold, blistering wind, was warmer... It wasn't as harsh, it was gentle and soothing. Maybe it was a sign that I was finally doing something right in my life. 

     Harry gave me his hat to shield my ears from the harsh wind that had returned. His brown curls constantly moved all around his face as an affect of the wind. "Damn hair! I swear I need a new cut."
"But you can't!"
"Well why not?... You like my hair don't you?"
"Course! It's so cute and curly."
"Well I'm a man, I'm not supposed to be cute!" Harry ranted, adding a wink at the end of his "convincing" phrase. "Too late!" I whispered, knowing I'd caught me off guard by my sudden mushy emotions. Harry smiled, revealing his flawless set of teeth. When he stopped only miles away from his flat, he crouched down. His hands waved me over and welcomed me a spot on his back. "Hop on!"
"I better not, there's still a little ways to go and I may tir-"
"Not a chance! Now hop on." Harry demanded, easing me with a playful grin. I accepted the offer, though hesitantly, fearing I may crush the human being beneath me. My legs fittingly formed around is waist as he lifted himself up and continued the walk back to his flat as if another 200 lbs. hadn't been added to his back. "I'm sorry... I'm a load!"
"Not at all!"
"But I'm fa-"
"No you're not! Don't ever say that, or put yourself down, because it'll just take that much longer for me to rebuild you up. And besides, perfect is boring."

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