Deranged Chp.37

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Sky's POV

My foot lashed out and kicked the colorful screen off the wooden cabinet, sending it hurdling to the ground. I screamed a silent scream, so Harry wouldn't worry. "NO! NO!" I muttered as I tugged at my delicate strands of hair. I curled into a tiny, pathetic ball at the bottom of the couch and silently cried. My makeup from last night streamed down my face, giving me the ugly appearance of a psychotic clown.

Harry rushed down the stairs, panicked at the sounds of my muffled cries. Even when I was quiet he somehow managed to hear me, something I always found comforting. "Sky?! Shh it's ok" he soothed, crouching down next to me. But it wasn't ok.

The decision not to tell Harry about what was broadcasted on the news was pretty clear. And he didn't seem to mind the shattered tv scattered all over the floor, considering the convincing cover-up i came up with. I simply claimed I had an emotional breakdown. He was convinced.

I guess I'd never really thought we were in any danger, I thought we'd escaped it...

Every day, hour, minute, and second was crucial to me at this point. They had to be spent wisely, doing something we enjoyed, because our time could end at any time. I didn't want Harry to know... otherwise it would've affected the way he acted. He would've been sad, depressed, even sacred and that was far from my desire.

The idea as to how to spend the evening "wisely" almost immediately clicked. Fighting back the eager tears, I cleaned myself up and got dressed.

The lights in the distance quickly educated Harry as to where we were going. "Well aren't you sweet!" he complimented.

He payed for our tickets and we followed the line into the huge carnival. It smelled like popcorn with a hint of sweetness (originating from the cotton candy and kettle corn) thrown in the mix. Harry placed his hands over my eyes, and secretly led me to a ride. I placed my trust in him... But at the same time I prayed it wouldn't be some horrible, life risking ride.
When he removed his muscular hands away, I focused on the ride we were on... The carousel. What a little kid!
Looking around at our "unique surroundings, I couldn't but bust out laughing. While parents attempted to hold their screaming, less than thrilled kids on a plastic horse, others had to hold them down to keep them from falling off.
I immediately went for the pink horse (nearly taking out a little girl in the act) while Harry settled on the red dragon next to me. "Your such a little kid Harry you know that!?"
He laughed at my comment, "Thanks"

The night was filled with endless fun. From the food, games and rides. Not to mention the gigantic dolphin Harry won for me. It was pink too! I snuggled the fluffy, soft sea animal close to me. Harry looked over at me and chuckled under his breath. Playfully, I reached out and smacked his arm. "Shut up Styles! Whose the one who rode the carousel 5 TIMES!" I mocked. Harry, obviously defeated at my brilliant comeback, crossed his arms and kicked the dust under his sneakers.
While he bought a funnel cake, I sat on the edge of some metal box, swinging my legs and petting my fluffy dolphin. A small group of adults-waiting for their kids to get off a ride- whispered something and pointed at Harry, then looked at me. I hopped off the box and skipped over to Harry, trying to play it casual. "Um Harry? I don't feel good, can we go home?" I lied.
"But we didn't get to go on that" he pointed to the giant, brightly and colorfully lighted wheel. "Ok c'mon!" I grabbed his wrist and pulled his towards the lingering line at the Farris wheel, pushing aside the pain returning in my injured foot. The line felt like it was still, but I guess that's eclair I was eager. Eager I leave so nothing bad would ruin our night or possibly out lives.

Lucky for us, we got stuck at the top. Heights weren't exactly my thing needless to say. I shielded my eyes with my palm and inhaled deeply. Harry comforted me all he could, placing his arm securely around me and stroking my hair. "This is your fault Harry!" I teased.
"Look" he gestured toward a star shooting across the sky. Never before had I seen a shooting star, so I did the common: I closed my eyes and made a wish... A wish I prayed to come true! "What'd you wish for?" the curious Harry asked , clearly forgetting wish making rules! "I can't say, or it won't come true!" I teased. I nestle my head deep in the nook of Harry's neck and he softly kissed my forehead. "I love you Sky"
I nodded my head and smiled a pathetic, weak smile.

I didn't say a word. I didn't deserve to.

He didn't know

He didn't know I would cry myself to sleep every night

He didn't know the severe ache my heart suffered

He didn't know our beautiful time together was slowly slipping away

He didn't know they were coming

He didn't know the danger we were in

He didn't know

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