Deranged Chp. 8

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Sky's POV

I grabbed a pen from the drawer and scribbled down some excuses as to why I wouldn't be home tonight. My mom was too easy to convince so it didn't take me long.

Harry had constantly asked me over and over again if he could take me out...

After 4 days I decided to give it a shot.

And if I get hurt, it's not like I won't suffer through it again. Maybe if it doesn't work then I can finish what he stopped me from finishing.

Or if it does work out...

I don't wanna go there.

By now I'm used to getting my hopes up and being hopelessly let down.

Most girls would've dressed up for a date, but me? Yeah no. Try again.

I wasn't like other girls. Harry realizes that's I think.

I wore a pair of skinny jeans, a black tank top and a gray sweater to shield myself from the oncoming fall wind. Needless to say, color isn't my sorta thing.

"Wow Sky you lo-"

"Save it Harry! Let's go!" I blurted and quickly walked towards his car.

Luckily he was behind me so he didn't see me smile at his comment I slated before he could finish it.

He jumped in front of the car door before I could open it. "No. I'm not leaving until you admit you want to be here" he demanded, tapping his foot impatiently.

"Don't push it Styles!" I said tapping my foot impatiently.

He laughed and brushed it off as if nothing happened. "I always win"

I muttered. Obviously loud enough that he heard. "We'll see" he smiled.

His bouncy curls swept across his forehead to enable him to see freely again.

He opened the door to his car for me and I uneasily accepted.

He'd noticed I was hesitant and wasted no time in making sure I was comforting me. "I won't hurt you Sky... Trust me...

if you can..."

Trust me if you can?

Why did his words bother me so much? Did he know about my past? Was he some creep, who stalks innocent girls?

I didn't even care anymore, because if he turned out to be a pshycotic murderer then he'd do the job he stopped me from doing days ago. It's really a win win situation in my eyes.

When I felt a hand run over mine I jerked away and swatted the unwanted hand. "WHAT THE HELL HARRY?! DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN!!" but he only laughed.

Was this all a game to him? "This isn't a game Harry."

"I'm sorry.. I never-"

"It's fine"

Getting into a heated argument right now wasn't really sounding appealing. So I ended it.

We pulled into a dark alley, that had a horrifying sense to it.

I clutched my sweater and cautiously opened my door, keeping my eyes open as my surroundings grew unknown.

He wasn't making it easy to trust him.

"Well hello I'm Mr. Harry Styles. Let me randomly work my way into your life. Beg you for your trust and then lead you down a dark alley way" like what the hell?

Harry walked down the narrow, dim lit alley, leading the way. In this case I was more than happy to let him go first.

We ended at a large door, secured with many locks. Harry pulled out a set of keys, allowing us entrance behind the door.

This "outing" grew stranger by the second.

The room was small, and even when the lights were turned on, they gave off such little light the room stayed dim.

In the middle sat an entertainment center, couch and chairs, finishing it off with a pool table. The concrete walls caused the place to feel like winter.

It appeared as though it was Harry's bachelor pad, where he brought his friends for an occasional game of cards.

"This isn't what it looks like..." He mentioned, like he read my mind almost.

"Where are we?" I asked looking at him like he was insane to drag me here.

"This is my safe place. It's where I come and I can be free and say and do whatever I want."

The ceiling was covered in words and phrases that should never be repeated by anyone...

Kind of like my bathroom door...

Exactly like my bathroom door...

Like I said before... Stranger and stranger by the second...

I expected something completely different for a date, like a small restaurant or movie.

I snapped out of my day dreaming when a pair of muscular arms wrapped themselves around my waist. My arms reacted before I could think about what to do. I laid my elbow into the holders gut, sending them doubling over in pain.

"Harry I'm so so-"

"It's ok, I shouldn't have done that. I'm too eager" he laughed and rebounded like nothing happened.

I helped him to his feet, and tried to hide my rosy cheeks shining from embarrassment. Even if Harry wasn't my favorite person in the world, I didn't mean to hurt him.

"Don't worry about it Sky. Damn you've got power!"

"Well yeah!? I have to protect myself, because no one else will! And considering my past, I learned to fight ear-..."

Crap. Crap. Crap. ...

I'd said too much again...

Why do I do that? I was never like that with anyone else! With everyone else I was overly careful about revealing that information. "What happened in the past Sky?"

"It doesn't matter and it's none of your business! Just forget I said anything!"

"It matters to me and it obviously matters to y-"

"I SAID NO HARRY!" I screamed a little too hateful. He was just curious right?

I could see the hurt in his eyes as he turned away to open the refrigerator. The night wasn't even halfway over and it was already going bad. Claps for Sky.

"Harry? I'm sorry... I just-" I wasn't one for crying but I lost it!


Was it because I was in the presence of someone who understood me? No or was probably Mother Nature telling me to prepare for that lovely time of the month.

He wrapped me in a hug and softly pulled my head to his shoulder.

"Shh.. I won't let anyone hurt you..." I looked up at him through my tear filled eyes, staring in disbelief...

No one's EVER told me that...

"It's ok.. I'm used to it..." I reassured him.

"No.. I promise... No one will ever hurt you again!"

So maybe that's why I all of a sudden felt some of my hate, or almost all of my hate for this boy to suddenly fade away. Maybe he isn't so bad. Maybe this is something here I just don't see yet.

If anyone else would've told me that, I probably would have run...

but this was different...

He wasn't like anyone else... He was like me. And that just made it a little ok.

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