Deranged Chp.5

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Sky's POV

To my amazement Harry and I talked all night, while consuming a countless amount of drinks. Without the drinks I probably would've either gone insane or died from awkwardness.

I vaguely him trying to slip the conversation to a part of my life that is forbidden to enter my mind. Much less leave my mouth. Harry realized I wasn't willing to talk about anything related to my past or my parents so he changed the subject.

Honestly I don't think I'd ever consumed that much alcohol, but after my first drink I felt slightly less uncomfortable. There was no stopping me after that, and Harry appeared to do the same. It comforted me in a deranged kinda way to know I wasn't the only one not completely relaxed.

The owner crashed out little private party at about 2am.

Harry offered to drive me home but I was sober enough to realize that wasn't a good idea. "I need fresh air. Thanks though"

Harrys POV

To my dismay Sky wouldn't let me take her home. She was smart. It probably wasn't wise to drive after I consumed over the driving limit worth of alcohol.

I did the same as her and stuck to walking home. We traveled the same streets for awhile but I stayed far enough behind to where the wind covered the sound of my footsteps. If she saw me she'd be upset and maybe even intimidated it appeared I was following her. Our paths soon parted and I made a right turn to avoid the park by my apartment that really should have certain times you can and can't go in.

That's where all the "labeled" people (for lack of a better term) spent their nights doing who knows what. Keeping my head down I tried to hurry home.

The last thing I need is confrontation.

Sky's POV.

Thankfully I'd managed to stumble home, securing myself in my room (like usual) and buried my head deep in the pillow. My mom tried to knock on my door and check on me so I stayed quiet. When she boldly took it upon herself to just come in, I acted like I was asleep.

I can't quite remember what Harry and I talked about last night, but I know I stayed conscience enough NOT to reveal what I was planning to do on that bridge. I'm not that oblivious.

"Sky! Breakfast!" my mom hollered, sending a painful ringing through my damaged head.

The sun killed my dreams of peacefully sleeping away this painful headache by shining through my window. A throbbing pain on my temples slowly worsened , and the yelling of my moms voice didn't help at all.

My ears were covered by the pillow I'd slept on, trying to block out the sounds that surrounded me.

"I'm not hungry mom!" I screamed. Hoping she'd shut up.

"C'mon Sky! I made your favorites!"

"No! Go away!" I hissed, re-burying my face into the pillow.

Take a hint.

I know my mom was trying to take her mind off last months previous events, by cooking nonstop.

Last month her boyfriend dumped her and she was laid off her job, but it was her problem not mine! Sure it'd been nice the first two weeks, endless food whenever I want, but now it's just getting on my nerves!


Harry: Morning ;) did you hit my head with a mallet last night or is that just an awful hangover.

Me: We both got hit then because I think someone swing at my forehead with a bat.

I managed to gather myself enough to get in the shower. It was an attempt to ease the excruciating pain, throbbing within my head.

A slight shock ran up my legs as my bare feet met with the horribly cold tile.

As I closed the door to my bathroom I glanced at all the words written across the piece of wood.

I'd taken it upon myself to go ahead and scribe some interesting words, I think describe myself, into the back of my bathroom door. It's nice having your own bathroom so you can avoid actually making contact with anyone in your family and you can destroy the backside of the door.

There was too many words to even say but they were there.

Words that no one wanted to read...

Words that described me and how I felt.

My room was my room, and I was therefore permitted to do whatever I wanted.

That meant I could write anything I wanted anywhere, even if it would probably disturb most people.

The steaming water rolled down my back, causing a slight burning sensation to my skin but it didn't bother me... I was use to pain.

I slipped my soaked hair into a towel and flopped onto my bed, trying to withhold the vomit attempting to leave.

I reached for the remote and flipped on the TV, only to be loudly welcomed by the shrilling sounds of TV. "BREAKING NEWS! A former teacher at Princeton Middle School discovered dead! More to come in 5 minutes!"

This is the second time someone's been murdered this week... The hell?

I could've been one of those people on the new if I would've taken that jump...

One jump, just one jump! Damn that Styles boy!

News broadcasters were reporting all night, the body was identified as Henrietta Wendall, a former teacher and widow. Her body was discovered hanging from the tree...

The worst part?

"Revenge is sweet" was written on her forehead.

To a normal person they probably would've split their wig and taken extra precaution before stepping outside. But normality is way overrated. I realized that last year.

So I decided to climb out my window and go for a walk.

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