Deranged Chp. 31

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Sky's POV

The day had been filled with an over abundance of laughter and happiness, something we'd both kept imprisoned for too long. Preoccupied with the paradise we played on, neither of us realized we were homeless... We'd left all our precious possesions back in our small town, a place where our presence was forbidden.

With darkness quickly falling upon us, Harry did the only thing possible... He spread out a large blanket over he sand, creating our bed for the night. I didn't complain, I mean why would I? I'm sleeping under the stars, cradled in the arms of the person I trusted most, while being put to sleep by the soothing waves hitting the shore, and retracting back into the water. Harry protectively encased his scuplted biceps around me. My head nestled into the nape of his neck, and I placed my palm on his stomach. Up, down, up, down...The same actions repeated themselves over and over as Harry inhaled and exhaled. What was strangest, was the silence in our voices. Not a word slipped from our mouths, and as much as I thought it would've bothered me, it didn't. Silence was not a consistent visitor to me, so when it came, I openly welcomed it.

My eyelids fell shut, and being in the sun all day caused my eyes to burn. "Goodnight Princess, I love you" Harry kissed the top of my forehead, still oily from the sunscreen I'd liberally applied all day. "I love you too Harry" I smiled a weak smile, before drifting away into a deep sleep.

He came back, shocker! Harry had once again managed to scoot his way into my dream. Every dream painted a clear image of the days previous events. I think I laughed in my sleep when I saw myself pour sea water all over Harry while he attempted to tan, or in his manly words "become the same color as a french fry." The dream was short lived, my eyes burning once again as the sunlight pushed through my eyelids.

A large group of girls were swarmed around me, their reactions varrying. Some worried, while others lauged at my wild hair. The sun reflected off the sand, blinding me as I tried to focus clearly. "Are you ok?" a shorter girl asked. "Uh, yeah I um-" but once they heard the satisfying answer they desired they returned back to their extreme tanning. The blanket was sprinkled with tiny grains of sand where Harry WAS laying. Great! I don't know my way around this town one bit and Harry just left me!

The air was warmer today, smuthering my fully clothed body. The swimsuit underneath releaved me from the heated air. My options were simple: Stay here and wait all day, or go on a hunt for Harry...

I slipped on my converse that were set out to dry from the soaking they'd suffered yesterday. Searching the parking lot, I came to the conclussion that I'd be on foot. The colorful town offered many shops, whether it be clothing, food and even pets, they seemed to have it all, but contained in such a TINY town. A woman kindly offered me a sample of a foreign food I just couldn't quite pronounce, while another woman offered me a free glass of tea. I felt pampered, and I hadn't even been walking an hour. My eyes wandered and my heart desired to take a quick stop at some of the shops, but I didn't have a penny to my name and wasn't quite in the mood for a tourturing.

Harry's car was parked in a secured spot with the warning "Employees Only Parking!", when will he learn?I shook my head and opened the door to the heavily cooled building. The cool A.C. air blasted me as I curiously wandered insde. "Can I help you?" a woman offered. "I, um-" but my sentence trailed off when I caught a glimpse of Harry. The lady must've seen me staring at him, "Oh your with him! Such a sweet boy he is!" I nodded vigorously, full heartily agreeing with her. "Well then go on!" she waved me forward into the office Harry sat in.

Harry jerked around and smiled at my appearance. "Told you she'd find me!" he taunted the business man sitting horizontal to him. "Um Harry? What is this place?"
"Why it's none other than the Hayden Brothers Real Estate Company!" The overly friendly man answered. "I'm Joseph Hayden! You must be Sky!"
The man extended his hand and firmly gripped mine, violently shaking it. "That's me." I shyly confirmed. "Wait Harry why are we-"
This guy had a thing for interrupting, because he kept at it, "Here's your key Mr. Styles, and welcome to Yorkshire Cove!"
"Harry what's going on?"
Harry dangled the keys in front of my blue eyes, something Harry had always been fascinated with. "Come on Princess!"

Harry parked in front if a tiny blue house, with yellow shutters accessorizing the windows. It was such a cute, friendly and welcoming looking house, much different from the dull brown houses back in our hometown.
Harry retracted the key he'd received from Joseph earlier and placed it into the door handle with not a hesitation. "C'mon jump on!" Harry once again offered me a comforting ride on his back. Knowing he'd end up winning, I didn't argue and just jumped on. He pushed open the vividly white door, "Harry?" I questioned, uneasily. "Welcome home Princess."

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