Deranged Chp.28

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Sky's POV

Harry grabbed my arm and quickly pulled me out of the house. He pushed me in the car, and quickly sped off. Once we were a decent distance away from the crime scene he began obeying the speed limit again. "Sky I'm sorry!" he pleaded, tears streaming down his face. "Don't cry baby, it's ok!"
"No it's not!" he yelled, punching the wheel out of anger, "you see what I've gotten you into? Sky, we can't go back anymore. The neighbors, they'll know, they'll have heard the shots. They.will suspect you, and it's only a matter of time before it leads to me. We can't go back."
"It's ok Harry!"
"No it's not! Now you won't be able to live at home with your mom and-"
"I don't wanna be at home with her! I want to be with you..."
Harry looked at me, "You amaze me Sky"?
"Because you aren't afraid, of what might happen, you live how you wanna live."
"Why would I be any other way? It's my life isn't it?"
"You just deserve so much better than me. I'll only pull you down..."
"I don't care, if you o down then we'll go down together! I just wanna be with you."

We've been driving for about 2 hours or so. Harry said we can't stay in any hotels, and well have to trade out cars soon in case someone saw us leaving the scene. "Sky, you'll have to abandon your phone too... they'll be able to trace it." I rolled down the window of his car and chucked my phone so far I lost sight of it within seconds. "Done!"
"Wow. Sky, I just... I still can't believe you stayed!"
"How could I not? Harry you weren't just a star to me, you were my whole damn sky! You saved me Harry."
"You can't same someone Sky, you can only love them."
"Well then you are an over achiever! Because you achieved both!"

Harry finally brought himself to detach himself from his precious ride. He was a little unsure at first, shoving me out of the car and locking the doors. "Hey! Harry c'mon! We have no time to waste!" I said, in an urgent tone. He slid out of the car, realizing he'd been defeated. "The things I do for you!" he joked. I rolled my eyes and took the keys to our new truck. Harry pouted as he started the engine, "This isn't the same"
"Aww is little Harry gonna cry?!" I laughed at his expression. "You hungry?"
"Well YEAH!" I answered in a matter of fact tone. Harry took me to the elegant headquarters of Taco Bell. I slipped away to the bathroom to check my hair and wash my hands. "You heard didn't you? About the shootings back a few miles back?" a woman whispered into her phone in a stall. My breathing picked up, faster and faster... "They haven caught them yet?! I swear they should be put in prison for at least 3 years!"
3 YEARS?!!?!?! I COULD BE IN PRISON?!?! But the conversation only worsened... "Really? No way? They have pictures!?"
NO NO NO! I ran out of the bathroom, panicked! The only thing I could do was rip Harry away from the flirty waitress an run out to the truck. "Sky stop! what's wrong?!"
"I-they-she!!!" I couldn't talk straight because of the heavy breathes my lungs used to try and catch up. "We have to go!" was all I managed to spit out. Knowing the situation we were in, Harry knew my command shouldn't be argued with. Once I'd relaxed and caught up on my breathing I explained what'd happened, "There was a woman in the stall, and she was talking about a shooting a few miles back. She said they'd gotten pictures of the shooter!"
"Shit," Harry was worried and his expression said it all. "Harry?"
He looked at me, signaling me to continue. "Are you scared?"
"Yes, but not for me... for you..."
"Don't be! I don't want you to be scared for me! I can take care of myself. Always have, always will."
"But it's my job to protect you Sky."
"Who said?"
"I did"

It was late, roughly 2am. I could tell Harry was tired, and liable to fall asleep any second. Time to use those extra hours of sleep I'd caught on the drive. "Pull over Harry, I'll drive!"
Harry didn't argue a word, he made a quick swerve over to the shoulder and we switched places. "Um Harry? Where exactly are we going?"
"Honestly I have no clue... So just drive"
"Well ok! Harry? Come here."
He leaned over and I kissed him. "What was that for?"
"A goodnight kiss. And to show how much I love you."
Harry brushed the hair behind my ears and smiled, "I love you too princess."
He snuggled deep in the passenger seat and closed his eyes. When he started to talk I thought he was sleep talking. "Let's go to Neverland shall we?"
The laughter was expected after his childish comment. "Ok Peter Pan! But why?"
"Because then we can be free and we never have to grow up! But most of all we"ll be happy because everyone else is happy, and there is no pain and suffering."
'I'm convinced! That's it, no discussion! We're off to Neverland!" I declared. Harry smiled and returned to his well deserved sleep. I wonder if he dreamt about me like I did him? Did he know every night he made an appearance in my dream? Whether it be comforting me, or fighting with me, he was always there. And did he know that at 11:11 every night... I wished for him to be mine forever?

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