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Heyyy guys! .

I really hope that you enjoyed my last chapter. You know the drill read, comment and vote. (Not specifically in that order but yeah. Just do you)

Finally reached 1K votes. Even though my other book (complete with 40 something chapters doesn't have as much). But thank you so so so much for those who have voted and commented and given me words of encouragement. Thank you to my day ones who have been reading since I first published this book. Just THANK YOU!


Kehlani's POV

It is Friday eve as Jaden likes to call it. I've got a bump in my step. I'm practically floating everywhere at this point. I've got what I had come to Seattle for. Now it's just a matter of figuring my life out if I'm going to stay or go back home.

My good mood must have been contagious because Matthew was more talkative than his usual self.

Which was weird because Sawyer said that Matthew was really depressed yesterday. Well as depressed as much as a kid could be because a child in his class asked him where his parents were and why he had aunt dropped him off everyday.

I expected Mike to at least call me and to check up on his son even if he doesn't talk to him I could tell Matthew that 'Hey daddy called' or something but no he was radio silent and so was the mother.

I bathed him, dressed him in warm enough clothes that he wouldn't get cold and fed him.

Sawyer looked at me weirdly from across the table.


"You seem happy today." He observed.

"Aren't I always?" I asked.

"Happier than usual."

"I finally found who was embezzling money from SIP."

"Really? What are their names?"

"Mark Lautner and Kelsey Hunter."

"That's amazing."

"Right? Took us long enough."

"Should I be worried?" He asked.

"No. I'm not planning on doing anything today." I shrugged.

He starred at me for a moment before nodding his head.


"Ready for school Matt?" I asked.

"Yes!" He squealed happily pushing himself roughly off the chair. My heart dropped to my stomach before going back to its original place.

I was going to get grey hair before my time with this one.

"Come on."

"Say bye bye to Sawyer so that we can go." I said nudging him gently.

"Bye Sayer." He said hugging his legs.

"Bye little man." He said hugging him as best as he could.

We walked out of the hotel hand in hand to my car.

Even being stuck in traffic didn't ruin my mood or being cut off twice by the same car.

Nope. Nothing could ruin my mood now. I was on fucking cloud 9 and nothing would get me down.

Even greeted the parents who looked like I was crazy dropping off a kid in my sports car. If they had a problem they should look away then.

I picked up Matthew from the backseat and closed the door. We walked hand in hand as we reached his classroom. He left his bag in his small cubbie and took off his jacket and hung it up with all the other childrens. I wasn't worried about him getting a cold because it was warm in the classroom so I had nothing to worry about.

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