4 Lily

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I fell asleep as soon as my head hit Christian's lap when I clammoured back into the car.

I'm woken up when the car comes to a stop and a door slams. I sleepily sat upright and covered my mouth as I yawned. I stopped mid stretch when I noticed Sawyer talking to a woman and my security who guarded my house right by my door. I turned to look at Christian, his lips were turned down at the corners as he frowned at the scene before him.

I reached for the handle of the door. "Kehlani don't," Christian warned, he wore a worried expression. "I'm just going to see what the person wants."

I hopped out the car and walked towards the group. As I neared I got a better view of the person.

"Jasmine," I muttered. My guard looked at me with wide eyes. While Sawyer wore an annoyed expression. Jasmine wasn't his favourite person so that was to be expected. Jasmine on the other hand wore a smug expression. "Ma'am I tried to tell her that you did not wish to see visitors but she wouldn't listen."

"It's okay Pat. You can go back to your post," I said dismissing him.

"Ma'am," he lowered his head in acknowledgement and jumped into his golf cart and disappeared from view.

I sighed. I needed some rest. Those few minutes in the car on the drive here were blissful but not nearly enough. My eyes turn to Jasmine who's already looking at me. I could play dumb and ask her what she's doing here or just give her what she wants and she'll leave. The latter means more nap time for me.

"How much do I need to give you to get you out of my sight?"

"Three hundred," she said with a hand on her hip.

"Luke will transfer one hundred to your account. Now get off my property," I started heading for the door when she speaks.

"That's not the amount I want. That will barely buy anything."

"No but it's what you're getting. Or should I make it fifty?" I asked with an arched eyebrow. She wisely shuts her mouth. "You should look into changing your lifestyle, that way you don't live above your means."

Jasmine titls her head up in defiance. She pulled her phone out of her back jean pocket when it chimed. Her face smoothed over and she slipped it back into her pocket. I guess that she got the notification.

"I have a reward for you," she said as she walked a short distance to her car. I felt Sawyer and Christian step closer to me. I frowned as Jasmine reached inside and to my surprise, pulled out a sleeping Matthew out of her car.

"He's supposed to be at mom and dad's," I said glancing at Matthew then turning my gaze back onto his mother.

"I fetched him this morning, as your reward you can spend some time with him."

Why did she pick him up if she was only going to dump him on someone else?

"Are you fucking insane? Luke sent you that money to get you off of my property not to buy your son," I said through gritted teeth. She grating every last one of my nerves.

"When you say it like that you make it sound like I'm selling him," Jasmine said with a hurt look on her face. I would have fallen for it if I hadn't seen her pull that same face over the years to get her way.

"Because you are!" I exclaimed then gripped my head. It felt like it was splitting in two. She needs to go right now. "Leave Jasmine and take him with you."

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