Long Overdue

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This one is kinda long buh yeah. It was totally worth it and most definitely fun to write. Sooo enjoy!


Kehlani POV

I sat in my chair staring out the floor to ceiling windows taking in the view. It was nothing compared to the view Christian had but it was beautiful in its own right.

I was still on the fence about this date with Christian after our little argument.

I've been ignoring his texts and calls since last night. Luckily for me he didn't get a chance to ambush me at work because of his back to back meetings.

Honestly it has only been a day and already this is taking a toll on me.

For his part Christian has been apologizing even went as far as to send roses to my apartment and at work. He has been sending flowers every hour on the hour and if he doesn't stop there will be flowers all over the damn place. It was only half past two and I already had flowers everywhere.

He also had Olivia bring me and Claire lunch too. I'm sure she had to swallow a lot of pride because it was clear as day that she didn't like nor approve of me dating her boss. Whether she wanted to date him herself or whatever reason I still couldn't bring myself to care.

"Man he must have screwed up big time." I heard Jaden whistle behind me.

I turned around to see him and Nevaeh standing behind the chair gently caressing the flowers Christian just sent.

"We just had a little disagreement." I said.

"A little?" They repeated flopping into the two chairs opposite me.

"There are way too many flowers for this to be a little disagreement." Jaden said gesturing to all the flowers.

"He's been sending them every hour on the hour." I said sounding exasperated.

But I was anything but. I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't touched by the gesture. I'd long forgotten how it felt to be in a relationship and I was absolutely loving the attention.

"Does this mean you two are breaking up?" Nevaeh asked making me lean back and look at her. And I mean take a really really good look at her. It was her tone and the somewhat hopeful look that made the warning bells go off. Jaden turned to look at her too for a split second before turning to look at me too.

Was I still mad that he took out his frustrations on me? Yes. Did I want to tear him a new asshole for treating me the way he did? Absolutely. Did I want to break up our new budding relationship? No because although I haven't been in this kind of relationship in a while I knew that not everything was going to be all sunshine and rainbows.

What it all comes down to is that relationships - real true to God relationships need real work and effort put into them to make them work. There were going to be ups and downs but I was willing to make it work - I think. I just didn't want to get hurt again.

"No, we'll work it out." I said.

There was that look again. That look that I was all too familiar with. I opened my mouth to ask what is it about but closed it. The last time keeping my mouth shut didn't help me so I finally spat it out.

"Ok. I'll bite. What's going on?" I asked.

Jaden's eyebrows rose as his gaze shot between me and his twin.

"What?" She asked.

"Don't play dumb Nevaeh it doesn't suit you." I said sitting up straight.

"Spit. It. Out." I said.

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