Falls Down

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Hiiii guys! It's 00:00 right now so it's officially the 18th of September. Y'all know what that means right? 😩🤭

It's my BIRTHDAY today. I'm officially 21😭😳💜🎉🎈. I honestly still feel the same. Nothing has changed. I could always drink (drinking age here starts at 18) so I don't know... It's still early though so I might feel different later on.

Also if you are currently reading my book Broken, there's an update on that one too.

Anyway I'd like to thank y'all so so much for sticking with me. It honestly means a lot especially since my updates inconsistent. I'm honestly trying but school is kicking my ass. I had four assignments due last week. Two of which were due on the same day and one was due (this) Monday. I had a lot on my plate but I worked extra hard to keep the tradition of updating this book on my birthday.

It's crazy today marks the fourth year of us celebrating my birthday together.

Stick with me here. We are so close to completing this book. I'd like to give you an estimate but I can't because of the 11 items I had to write about in this chapter. I only managed to write 5. So the rest will fall into the next chapter(s). But we are so close.

Anyway I'd like to thank Blessing_young  for my previous and present cover.

And I'd like to wish ayeits_nanee
Happy Birthday🎂🎈🎊

Happy reading 😃.


I feel someone gently shaking me forcing me to open my eyes. Confused I blink slowly and meet the eyes of the person who woke me up.

"Dad?" I say but it comes out more of a question than a statement. I touch my neck when I feel a slight pang in my throat.

"Why do you sound and look confused? Because you are in my office after all," he says regarding me with humour then straightens up on his perch on the coffee table when I sit up on the couch.

"You're not drunk or hungover are you?" he asks giving me a once over. "It's just a little past 11 a.m you can't -"

"No dad I'm not drunk. I just... I don't remember falling asleep. I was planning on surprising you but I guess the joke is on me," I said running my hands down my face. Feeling something wet and sticky against my hand I look down to see drool coated on my fingers.

"Seriously? Sawyer not only did you let me fall asleep but you let me drool too instead of just waking me up?" I turn to face Luke, who's seated by fathers desk, with a frown as I wipe the last bit of drool off my face.

"So you are saying is that, it's my fault that you were drooling? Drool that your body generated and came out of your mouth - and it's my fault, " Sawyer asked with a chuckle as he raised his eyebrows.

I kissed my teeth and turned back to my father.

"You were snoring too," Cooper adds with a smirk.

I gasped and met his eyes over my father's shoulder. "I do not snore!"

He mockingly raised his hands.

"Jokes really do write themselves," Reynolds muttered adding his two cents from his seat on the couch adjacent to my own. I glared at him.

"Yes you do. Loud too," Philippe said matter of factly.

I gasped. "Dad," I beckoned, for him to dispute the lies they were telling.

"You do snore and it's the cutest thing. Just as cute as your baby snores. It's good to know that some things don't change," dad sighed, his lips turning down at the corners but his eyes still wistful.

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