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Hey guys!!!!!! So I hope y'all enjoyed the previous chapter as much as I did writing it. It was great reading everyone's comments. For me as a writer that's the best part about posting a chapter.

I love reading about your reactions and your thoughts and your emotions when reading a certain part. All these things help and motivate me to write more and work towards completing this book. It also gives me an insight to what you'd like to read.

Sooo I wasn't going to update this until midnight which is in two hours and a few minutes but I figured why not?

I'd also like to thank you all for reading and all the compliments. I'd also like to apologise in advance and I hope that you do not hate me after reading this chapter.


Kehlani's POV

Two weeks and two days. That's how long I've been off the radar. No one knows where I am and by no one, I mean exactly that, no one. My family knows the drill, we've been here before. They are well aware that when I need space I tend to fall off the face of the earth. There's a don't ask, don't tell agreement between us as long as I communicate with them from time to time so that they know that I'm fine. I also text the girls from time to time to let them know that I'm still alive and somewhat ok.

My family along with of Alana, James, Amanda and Jake are the only few that I've really kept in touch with, other than the occasional email to Elliot about the renovations.

Other than the occasional text or email my life's been a cycle of work, gym, more work and more gym. I've managed to bury myself neck deep in work to stop me from thinking about anything other than work. I exercise just as much as I work too after all someone's got to keep Sawyer and Reynolds on their toes.

The first week though I allowed myself to wallow in my self pity before picking myself back up and getting much more invested in my work than ever before. I've made sure that every hour, every minute and every second is used up wisely and make sure that I have little to no spare time to think about him.

It gets hard at night though, when I'm trying to sleep, my mind will wander off to Christian. Every time I do, I quickly shut the thought down then drown myself in even more work and gym the next day to exhaust myself further so that when it is time to sleep I am out like a light as soon as my head hits the pillow.

My methods might not be that all that healthy or even at all but it helps and that's enough for me. I always catch Sawyer or Reynolds side eyeing me just waiting for me to blow. But I haven't.

Christian first tried to get a hold of me but I had Nelson block every call, text, email any and all attempts that he could try to get a hold of me have been blocked. Taylor included, mostly by association.

Reynolds didn't get his phone until a few days ago because I still questioned his loyalty but he's proved to be an actually really chill guy.

Either way even if he has managed to track me these past few days I'm very hard to find because I haven't stayed in a place single place for more than two days.

I'm always on the move and today would be the day that I'd normally be moving but today, today is different. Although unlike every other day I just don't want to get out of bed period because to put it simply I felt like shit but I do get up. I brush my teeth, shower, get dressed and meet the guys in the kitchen for breakfast but no words are exchanged. Every move I make is almost mechanical. I feel like I haven't checked in at all. Sawyer says nothing because after all these years he knows that it's best that he steer clear of me. I see Reynolds casting curious glances in my direction but says nothing.

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