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Heyyyy! Sooo hopefully y'all enjoyed the previous chapter. I gave y'all a brief introduction into Kehlani's past. In future I'll be adding a few things about her past to help you guys put the puzzle pieces that is her life together. 

So this chapter is just a fill in chapter so it's not long. I couldn't just get to the good part so I wrote this chapter last minute.

I know some of you don't want me to rush. I sort of am but at the same time I'm not. I'm hoping that I'll be done with this book before my nineteenth birthday. I might write a sequel which is highly probable because I have way too many ideas that I can't just squeeze them into one book.

But moving on even though I wrote this at the very last minute I hope you that like it😊😅😄. Or parts of it at least. (You'll get what I mean after you've read the whole chapter.)


Kehlani's POV

It's two o'clock in the morning. Most of the house, if not all of them I assume are all asleep but where am I?

I'm downstairs in the kitchen in a giraffe onesie with a fork and a bomb ass double chocolate oreo cake with the most moist sponge that I've ever had and both the filling and the icing are downright sinful.

In my opinion nothing this good should exist. At all. But it does so I'm going to enjoy every last bit of it. I take huge gulps of my milk. And that's exactly how my boyfriend finds me. With a half eaten cake and milk dripping down the corners of my mouth. Oh and lets not forget my makeshift milk moustache.

I don't know why I turned to the side but something told me to just turn my head a little. And there he stands, sexy as ever in his navy pyjama pants with a matching shirt on, leaning against the threshold of the kitchen, watching me with an amused expression on his face.

There are a lot of scenarios that are running though my mind about what he's going to say and the one scenario that comes forefront to my mind.

The setting is similar but a different man stands at the threshold of the kitchen.

That man...

That man is Mike.


It is late at night. I just got home from London and of course the apartment is empty and dead quiet. Mike had told me hours prior when I'd called that he'd be working late at the office so I wasn't worried.

I haven't had anything to eat in hours so I'm starving but luckily for me I picked up food at McDonald's on my way home.

My mouth watered at the sight of my extra large meal. Unlike most days when I order a small meal, today I decided to go all out and ordered a double quarter pounder burger with extra cheese no pickles, extra large fries and an extra large coke.

Soon I was shoving the fries into my mouth at an alarming rate but I couldn't stop. I was just so hungry.

When I reach for my drink that's when I see him standing at the threshold of our kitchen shaking his head with a look of disgust on his face. My heart immediately plummets and ice soon rushes through my veins.

The last thing any girl wants is to have their crush, boyfriend, fiance or even their husband to look at them like they're disgusted by them.

My hand instantly drops and I swallow the fries that are already in my mouth. I suddenly feel dread pool into my stomach.

"God you eat like a pig." He said.

In that moment I'm frozen right after those harsh words leave his mouth. The words play over and over again in my head. I want to say something. Anything. I just want to explain that I don't usually eat like this. He should know. I open my mouth but no words come out.

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