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Hey guys!

I hope y'all enjoyed the previous chapter (before my mini rant) and hopefully it made sense in the end.

(If you've forgotten what the previous chapter was about as a whole, it was about Kehlani's father finding out about Willow).

I know the first part might have threw you off a bit but that's exactly what I wanted. I didn't want you to know right away what was going to happen in the chapter so I kinda mixed it up a little bit.

Hopefully the way I recounted how Kehlani's father found out about Kehlani and her losing Willow made sense too. I would normally write a flashback but that's only when it's from Kehlani's perspective so the previous chapter was also a bit challenging. But the important thing here is that you were able follow the story and kind of feel the pain, anger and betrayal that her father felt from finding out that his daughter had lost her child gthat he knew nothing about) from a complete stranger.

Anyways I aplogise for not updating as much as I used to. I'm a reader too so I know how frustrating it can be but I've been swamped with assignments... I still have seven more due but I tried to make time where I could to still write and get this out. So hopefully you're not too angry at me and I haven't lost too many of you. I know that I've been writing this book for almost two years now and I know you'd like to read it until the very end and I'd like to write it but please be patient with me.

I'd also like to apologise in advance for any and all errors. My English is not as good as it used to be now that I don't have to speak it all the time because I'm not around my friends as much as I used to. But hopefully you'll understand what I'm trying to say.

Before I forget I'd like to thank @Blessing_young for my new cover❤.

Happy reading! And don't forget to vote and or comment.


Kehlani's POV

I stood in the kitchen, by the stove absent mindedly mixing and turning food over. Everything was just about done. Only half an hour more then my part would be done.

I shuffled to the side a bit to check on my six pans, full of mac and cheese, baking in the oven. Originally I had planned on making three pans - one plain mac and cheese, the second pan with chicken and the last one with bacon. It might sound like a lot but I once made the mistake of making only one pan and there just wasn't enough for everyone. There had only been twenty people in attendance and that pan was by no means small.

With roughly around sixty adults and thirty three children in attendance (you can never be sure of the exact number of guests as some people usually come unannounced or bring plus ones) I wasn't going to make the same mistake twice. So lesson learned. I just hope that the mac and cheese won't go to waste since I have Maggie, my house keeper, in the other kitchen upstairs watching over three other pans of mac and cheese as well as baking bread. Something I learned later on that she was really good at and she is also in charge of making salads, drinks and snacks.

It might sound like a lot of food to cook especially for one but we started prep late last night with the help of Gail, Sawyer and Reynolds (who are both surprisingly good cooks) and got in early this morning just so we could finish on time. Besides cooking is our area of expertise. All we do is cook when there's a party or family get together.

I moved away from the oven and went back to making meat, chicken and vegetarian kebabs.

While I was there, in kitchen, slaving over the hot stove physically - mentally I was elsewhere.

My mind was back in Seattle replaying the confrontation I had with my father. Over and over and over again. It might have happened four days ago but the pain of the loss of my daughter and the pain I put my father through was very much still there. And sadly I've felt this pain many times before to know that it would never go away.

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