Whose side are you on anyways?

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Hey guys, so just a fair warning this chapter is really short 2850  to be exact. But I hope you like it.


Kehlani's POV

The shrill sound of my phone's alarm wakes me up and I roll over on my back and just stare at the ceiling.

God I don't want to wake up. I thought.

The apartment was quiet. Void of any noise now that everyone has left and gone home. After Courtney gave birth to a beautiful and healthy baby girl named Neela London King at approximately 10:15 am yesterday morning.

A few hours later after Neela's birth papers were signed that would allow Courtney and the newest member of the King's to transfer to a private hospital in California.

Needless to say we all said goodbye a few hours later Matthew, Nevaeh and Jaden were the least happiest to go after building new lives in Seattle in just two weeks. It didn't get any easier when the twins had to say goodbye to Alana and Jake with a promise of seeing them soon.

I giggle alone in my bed suddenly, when I recalled the look of pure horror on Jasmine's face when Matthew showed her their new addition to the family.

See last Friday was bring your pet to school for the kids and I really didn't have the heart to send Matthew off empty handed seeing as we didn't have a pet. So we made a quick trip to the closest pet store. They had many lined up from four legged animals to ones without.

None of them drew Matthew's attention and just when we were all ready to leave to check another pet store, Matthew's attention had been drawn to a small cage next to the pet store owner where a tiny ball of light brown fur with a mixture of white lay inside in the far corner.

When he stepped closer the little ball of fur unravelled to reveal a small hamster.

At seeing the creature Matthew demanded that we get him and dubbed him Spot shortly after the purchase of everything he'd need and well the rest is history.

Now Jasmine was far from being thrilled when she saw Spot and she let it be known by screaming profanities at me with thinly veiled threats and animosity.

Dad demanded that she calm down and keep herself in check.

"A fuck fucking rat! She bought my son a fucking rat!" She screeched not caring one bit that she was hurting Matthew's feelings who was now hiding behind mom with wide eyes as he watched his mother go crazy.

"He's a hamster, his name is Spot and if you were capable of caring for your child you wouldn't be having a one sided screaming match." Were my last parting words before she'd been dragged off by mom and dad and reprimanded for her behaviour or lack thereof.

I thought when the kids left and I had the apartment all to myself that I'd be happier, like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders but it's anything but.

It feels kind of lonely and it doesn't help one bit that Christian and I are on outs because he wants me to move in with him. It's more like he wants to keep a better eye on me now that there's a new threat. To say Sawyer was pissed that I had a new threat in my life would be an understatement.

Sawyer blew a fucking gasket - he went fucking ballistic when I told him what happened to my BMW although I know for a fact that a part of him is happy that I won't be driving the car again. He's hated that car from the beginning and he let me know it.

And shockingly enough he agreed with Christian's idea which was a surprise. He also pointed out that Christian's place offers better security than my current apartment building.

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