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Heyyyy guys! So it's officially midnight here in South Africa which is the exact time I always update my stories so here it is.

Btw I really tried to be as emotional as possible (by my standards) which is not much but I tried. It wasn't easy writing this chapter but I managed now here it is...

Enjoy 😄🙋


Kehlani's POV

There's an incessant beeping of a machine and it's driving me crazy. I listen closer and realize that it's a heart monitor. Why's there a heart rate monitor in my room?

I slowly open my eyes and stare up at the ceiling. I remain still until my eyes adjust to the light. As my vision clears, I notice that the lights aren't like the ones I have in my apartment.

That's when I start to feel the dull throb at the back of my head and a small pinch in my left arm. I blink once, then twice hoping that it will just go away. It doesn't. But then again that pain doesn't even begin to compare to the one that I feel in my chest every time I take breath.

When I touch my chest the feeling only intensifies.

"Ow." I moaned out.

I sit up slowly and realize that I'm not in my bed, in my apartment but rather in a hospital bed with an IV attached to my left arm.

I really hate hospitals. I'm not a fan especially when I'm the patient but I can't help but notice that this is actually a really nice room.

That's when it hit me. Everything that happened comes rushing back. But all I remember is the searing pain that overtook my whole body and then nothing. How I got here and how long I've been here? I've got no idea.

Actually I think I may have been here for some time because it feels like I haven't brushed my teeth in days. Which is just nasty.

I wonder if Cooper, Sawyer and Imani are all okay and if they made it out in one piece. I thought.

Just as I'm about to press the buzzer to call a nurse, the door to my room opens. My heart beats fast and a large part of me really wishes that it's Christian but it's a doctor - my doctor I presume that steps inside instead accompanied by a nurse.

I try to cover up my disappointment with a toothless smile. After all I haven't had the chance to brush my teeth in Lord knows how long.

"Good you're awake. I'm Dr. Lawson and this is nurse Baker." He said walking towards my bed.

Dr. Lawson looks like he's in his mid thirties, has dark brown hair and kind hazel/green eyes.

Nurse Baker looks to be around my age. She's very beautiful with rich golden caramel skin, dark brown eyes and her wild curly hair pulled into a ponytail.

"Hi." I said trying to sound cheerful.

"How are you doing?" I asked

"I'm fine thanks but I should be the one asking you that question Kehlani" Dr. Lawson said with a smile and I return it.

"Do you mind if I call you Kehlani?"

"No, not at all." I said as my eyes unconsciously darted to the entrance of my room.

"Were you expecting someone else?" He asked when he noticed the look on my face. I guess I didn't hide it well enough.

"Well I was hoping to see my boyfriend." I replied honestly.

"Grey eyes, messy hair and has a serious face with a nasty temper to boot?" Nurse Baker asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Sounds like him. I'm guessing he's here then?" I ask trying not to sound too hopeful.

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