Chapter 2

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"Blaaaaake...Blaaaaaake, come on hermano, get up." I slowly opened my eyes and saw a dark figure looming over me. I tried to make out what it was, but I couldn't, everything was a blur. I then closed my eyes and tried to ignore whoever it was that was talking to me.

"I SAID GET THE FUCK UP!" I felt cold hands reach for my throat and I opened my eyes. I blinked a few times and my vision started to focus and I could make out the dark figure. It was the man with the Mohawk and scar on the left side of his head. I tried to say something, but I couldn't, I tried to move as well and couldn't do that either. I then noticed that I was bound and gagged to a chair in a hut with a crazy psychopath.

"Listen here Blake, I don't have time to play games and shit alright? You do whatever I say got that? Nod your head yes and I don't like taking no for an answer."

As much as I wanted to smash this guy's face in, I couldn't so I just did as I was told and nodded a weak yes. He smiled. He then went behind his desk and opened one of his drawers and pulled out my phone. He then sat down in his chair and started going through my phone. I struggled trying to break out of my restraints as he was distracted.

*Click* I stopped struggling and looked up to see a pistol pointed at me.

"Stop trying to struggle Blake. Even if you do get free, you won't make it far. Once you take a fucking step out that door my men will shoot you down. Anyways, I like your phone. It's a nice fucking phone."

He put down the phone and started walking behind me. I felt a hand reach for the tape on my mouth and he ripped it off. Before I could say anything I felt the pistol on the back of my head.

"Any last words hermano?" I didn't panic because I had to choose my words wisely or it would come out a jumble of a mess.

"Go ahead. I don't care. End my stupid pathetic life." I closed my eyes and waited for everything to end. After a few seconds I heard some shuffling and nothing happened so I opened my eyes. The guy was in front of me sitting in his chair with the pistol back in its holster and both hands on my phone.

"What are you doing?" I asked him. He looked up at me and started laughing.

"I gotta say Blake, you are one brave motherfucker. Sitting here not breaking a fucking sweat. Do I scare you? Intimidate you?" He looked at me waiting for an answer.


We both started at each other in silence.

"What do you want with me?" I asked.

"I want you to pay for what you did to my men. Do you know who you just killed hmm? YOU KILLED MY BEST SOLDIERS, THE ONES THAT HAVE NEVER FAILED ANY MISSION I GAVE THEM AND NOW THEY'RE GONE AND WHO'S TO FUCKING BLAME?!" I stayed silent.

"Now let's get the fuck down to business. My friend Carlos, that big motherfucker, yeah you remember him, both of you had a little fight. Aside from that, he told me that he saw you kill those men with such skill. Not only that, but I looked through your phone and saw that you like to hunt and shoot things." My brain was trying to figure what he was getting at, but nothing came into view.

"Blake, I want you to work for me." He then gave me a big smile. I wanted to burn that smile right off his face.

"Just remember Blake, I don't like to take no as an answer."

"What choice do I have?" I said and looked up at him.

"Well you could work for me or I can kill you right now, and your brothers. Yeah I know your brothers are here on this island and if I find them I will make them die a slow and painful death."

I closed my eyes thinking of my brothers and hoping that this man never finds them. I didn't have a choice and as much as I hate to work for some asshole, I had to...for my brothers.

"Fine. I'll work for you, only if you promise to not hurt my brothers if you ever find them." I said angrily. I hated myself so much.

"That is fucking fantastic! Just to let you know Blake, my name is Vaas motherfucking Montenegro. Doesn't your name sound cooler when you add motherfucking in the middle?" Vaas took out his knife and started cutting the tape off.

"Sure." After he had set me free I cracked my bones and started to stretch. When I was done, I felt someone staring at me and turned around to see Vaas looking me up and down.

"What?" I asked.

"Just seeing if are fit for the job I'm about to send you off to."

"Right now? But I didn't even eat anything or took a shower." I said tiredly.

"Does it look like I give a fuck Blake? Your mission is to burn down a village not far from here and don't worry, Carlos will be there too." He gave me a pat on the back and led me out the door of the hut. As soon as we stepped outside all of Vaas's men stood up straight and aimed their guns at me.

"CALM THE FUCK DOWN! He's good, he's on our side now." I looked at everybody in the crowd and it wasn't surprising to me that there was crack, weed and alcohol everywhere. Why? Vaas smelled of all those things.

"Listen soldiers, Blake here is going to be burning down that piece of shit village and we are going to help him. Understood?" The crowd roared with excitement.

I felt someone grab my left shoulder and saw that it was Carlos. He looked down at me and gave me a friendly smile. It kind of terrified me that I found it friendly and I smiled back.

"Alright now group A and B you're going with Blake. While the rest of you, do whatever the fuck you want just don't bother me in my office." With that Vaas went back into the hut and slammed the door. I stared at the door until Carlos spoke up.

"Come Blake, let us show that village what we are made of." I looked up at him and gave him a thumbs up. I followed him to a hut in which he gave me a gun holster with a machine gun and pistol, bow and arrows, and a knife.

"I thought we were burning a village down?" I asked.

"Yes we are, but the village is filled with Rakyat warriors and we must dispose of them before burning the village." Carlos then handed me a flamethrower and some fuel. I followed him out of the hut and as Vaas called them groups A and B were ready.

"Say something Blake, you are the leader of this mission." Carlos nudged my shoulder and I took a deep breathe.

"LET'S BURN THOSE MOTHERFUCKERS TO THE GROUND!" I yelled and all the soldiers lifted their guns above their heads and roared.

After we got into trucks and headed towards the village. I closed my eyes and hoped to God that this was all a huge nightmare.

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