Chapter 4

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I woke up to the sound of someone banging on my door. I rubbed my eyes and slowly got up and walked downstairs to get the door. I opened it and no one was there. Before I could poke my head out Vaas pops out from out of nowhere and just says "hello sleeping beauty."

"Um...hi?" I said unsure and tiredly.

"Is that what your really going to wear to the party tonight?" Vaas pointed at my clothes and that's when it hit me. I forgot about the party.

"Well...I...uhh." I scratched the back of my head and shrugged.

"Well anyways Blake it doesn't matter so come on and let's go fucking party!" Vaas pulled me away from the door and pushed me forward. We both walked towards a building that had a sign on it saying "Strip Club". There was a guard smoking weed and drinking beer outside of the entrance. Vaas whistled and the guard looked up from his beer.

"Open the door fuckface." Vaas said in a serious tone. The guard understood and opened the door which let out a bunch of smoke and the sound of music blaring through the night. Vaas pushed me inside and he went in too.

Let's just say I've never been in a strip club before so I had no idea what the fuck was going on. Especially Vaas's strip club. Vaas led me upstairs to a room where Carlos and a guy were smoking weed and drinking alcohol.

"Blake come try some of our island's beer!" Carlos handed me a beer and a blunt, but I shook my head.

"I don't really drink beer...or smoke weed." I stared at my feet and felt embarrassed.

"It's not that bad Blake. Tell me, how old are you?" Carlos asked me.

"21." I said. Carlos started laughing and Vaas led me to a table and we both sat down.

"You're 21 and you don't even drink or smoke weed? Have you ever had sex with a girl at least?" Vaas asked me.

"No, my brothers don't really let me do all that stuff." I said. Vaas got up and went to the cooler to grab 2 beers and put one down in front of me.

"Drink it." He said in a forceful tone.


"Look Blake, I don't care what the fuck your brothers say. You're going to drink that beer and smoke some weed. Then you are going to do it with a girl." Vaas crossed his arms over his chest, waiting for me to drink the beer. He reminded me of Matt when he did that and I looked down at the beer.

I grabbed it and opened it and looked at Vaas and Carlos. They were staring at me, waiting. I looked at the beer can, closed my eyes and took a sip. It tasted so weird, like I said I never tried beer before so I started choking on it and had a coughing fit. I looked up at Vaas and he nodded in approval like I did something right. He then went and got a blunt for me and started to light it. He handed it to me and I took it. I then put it in my mouth, took a deep breath and I opened my mouth in a "o" form and blew out. A puff of smoke in an "o" form came out of my mouth. I looked up at Vaas and he gave me a thumbs up.

"That's pretty cool." Vaas sounded really impressed.

"I did what I saw in movies." I said. Vaas told me to smoke some more and I don't know why, but I did. Let me tell you, I was seeing some crazy ass shit when I was high and it was amazing. After a little while I felt lightheaded and I didn't even finish my first beer. Vaas looked me up and down and started laughing.

"Well boys, it looks like Blake is a bit of a lightweight drinker." He patted me on the back and I gave him a weak smile. I felt so high and tired that all I wanted to do was go home and sleep.

"Blake, I think it's time for you to go downstairs." I had to hang onto Vaas because I could barely even walk. We made it downstairs and into a huge room with a bunch of guys whistling and hollering at the pole dancers who were doing some crazy dancing on those poles.

"Why are those ladies dancing on poles?" I asked Vaas.

"They're pole dancers Blake, man you are really high." We made it to a room where there was a girl who was topless and covering her breasts while a guy was kissing her neck on a bed.

"Hey hermano get off of her, she's ours." The guy looked up, saw us and he left.

"Alright Blake she's all yours." Vaas pushed me towards her and I stumbled and almost tripped walking towards the bed. Vaas closed the door behind him and I looked at the girl. She stared at me with a horrific look. We sat next to each other and I looked her in the face and saw that she looked familiar, but I waved it off and stood up. I turned around to face her and put my hands in my pocket.

"Look lady, I'm not going to do anything to you. To be honest I don't really want to do it with you or anything like that because I'm only 21 years old and you know...stuff and...yeah." I looked to the left and saw myself in the mirror. I went up, to it and saw a unicorn fly over a rainbow. I rubbed my eyes and saw myself in the mirror again.

"Man I need to go back to my house." I said and when I turned around the girl was right in my face. She scared the living shit out of me that I jumped and hit my back into the vanity.

"Is your name Blake Evans?" Her voice sounded so familiar I don't know why.

"Uh...yes?" I had no clue why I sounded so unsure.

"It's me." She sounded terrified.

"Me who?" I was so confused and high at the same time.

"Your brother's friend, Jessica, remember? You know who Kevin is don't you?"

"K-Kevin? You know where Kevin is!? Please take me to him!" I took her by both of her shoulders and I guess that she thought I was attacking her so she punched me in the face.

"OW! What the hell was that for!?" I then felt some blood coming out of my nose and I touched it. I looked at my blood and saw that it was pink.

"The fuck? Am I really that high?" I stared at it fascinated like a little kid staring at bugs. All of a sudden the door burst open and Vaas came in.

"I heard you screaming Blake and...what the fuck happened to your face?" He came by my side and helped me up.

"Oh..I...uh...she accidentally punched me in the face and things happened you know." I said.

"She did this to you?" Vaas asked.

"No a ghost did this." I said sarcastically. Vaas pointed at Jessica and said that tomorrow she would be killed for what she had done to me.

"Let's take you home Blake." Vaas said and dragged me out of the room. I looked behind me and took one last look at Jessica. She looked horrified because of what Vaas said and I felt terrible for not coming up with a better excuse. Now I'll never be able to find Kevin.We arrived at my house and Vaas opened the door for me.

"Look Blake tomorrow, if you want, there are some missions I want you to do. So if you feel like it see me in my office, understand?"

"Sure." I gave him a salute and walked into my house.

I walked upstairs and headed straight towards my bed and laid on my back. I stared at the ceiling thinking about my brothers...well one of them. I wondered what happened to Kevin because if Jessica was captured then wouldn't Kevin be captured as well? So many questions surfaced in my mind and I couldn't answer them. I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.

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