Chapter 38

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Day Of The Fight

This was it. Today is the day that the fight between Hoyt and Lyle will commence. I still felt shitty, but it wasn't as bad as yesterday. I dressed up in my usually clothes, and I picked up Harry's diary. I heard footsteps outside my door and I quickly hid the diary behind my back. Lyle walked in and he wore a black suit like those guys wear in the Men In Black movies.

"Well, it's time for me to go. Come give me a hug Harry." He said and he opened his arms. I stayed put with my hands behind my back still clutching the diary. He walked over to me and he put his arms around me. I stood there and waited for him to let go.

"If I don't come back alive, I want you to get off this island and go back to New it?"

I looked up at him and he stared back at me. I nodded and I laid my head on his shoulder. I felt him hug me tighter and he kissed the top of my head. He let go and he told me to not leave this room. He closed the door and I looked out my bedroom window. The window faced where the main gate was and I saw a bunch of trucks filled with Lyle's soldiers in them. I saw Sam and Jason in one truck where Lyle was getting in and I saw Lyle talk to some guards and I saw the guards walking toward the house.

I heard heavy footsteps outside my door and I instantly sighed. He made the guards stand outside my door just incase I ever escape. I looked out the window again and saw that the trucks were leaving. I watched as the truck with Sam, Lyle and Jason went out the main gate.

I walked over to my door and I slowly opened it. I saw 2 soldiers standing at each side of the door and they turned to look at me. I gave them a nervous smile and I lightly closed my door.

"I could climb out the window, but I might hurt myself from the fall." I thought to myself. This is just fucking great, I have no idea how I'm going to get out of this mess.

"Get out of here old man." I heard one of the soldiers say.

"But I must see him, I'm his butler."

"We said fuck off old man! Don't make us hurt you!"

"It's Marty!" I thought to myself. I put my ear to the door and I heard a lot of rustling on the other side and I heard something drop. Then, I heard a loud thump and thought I could hear a body drop to the floor. I whipped the door open and I stared in shock of the scene before my eyes.

Marty was hunched over bleeding out of his chest and there was a dead soldier on the floor with a knife in his heart, the other one had a bloody knife in his hand. The soldier with the knife held Marty up with one hand on his throat and held his knife up to stab Marty. I tapped the soldier's shoulder and he turned to look and I punched him in the face. He staggered back and I quickly kicked him in the groin. He grabbed his balls and I tackled him to the ground. I kept punching the shit out of him for what he did to Marty. Eventually, I stopped and both of my hands were all bloody. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I saw Marty with tears in his eyes. I helped him sit down and he leaned his back into the wall. I held his hand and I felt him tighten his grip.

"B-B-Blake...y-you must...s-sto...stop Lyle bef...before he kills Hoyt."

"Don't die on me Marty, I need you...please don't." I pleaded and he shook his head.

"My...t-time is up...on...this i-island. Don't let be in...vain." Marty closed his eyes and I let go of him. I got up and I went inside of my bedroom and I took the dairy. I walked over the dead bodies and I went downstairs. Before I did, I looked back at Marty and he waved me off. I guess he didn't want me to watch him die. I continued my way over to a building where some weapons were being stored and I knew I couldn't take a bunch of weapons, so I took the ones that were necessary. I just took a knife and a revolver, then I went to go find a car. I searched all over the base and there was none so I had to get one outside of the base a few miles away.

I got in the car and drove off to Hoyt's island, but then I remembered I was on a different island, which means I would need a boat to get to my destination. I stepped on the pedal and I drove off to a nearby port where some boats were.

(Fast Forward To Where Blake Is Near The Base...)

I drove until I saw some familiar trucks blocking the road. I stopped the car and I got out. I saw Lyle hiding behind the trucks with Sam and Jason right beside him. I felt a pair of hands grab my arms and they started dragging me towards Lyle.

"Sir, isn't this your son?" The soldier that was holding one of my arms asked him. Lyle looked up and his facial expression changed from being serious to extremely angry. He dismissed the soldiers and I put one hand behind my back and I felt the dairy in the back of my pants. I took my shirt and put it over the diary.

"Harry, what are you doing here?" He asked me with a very angry tone in his voice.

"I know you're angry and all, but you guys need my help." I said.

"Go home Harry, before you get killed."

"I'm not going anywhere." I said. Lyle gave me a very intimidating stare and if looks could kill, I wouldn't be here right now. I gave him the same stare and Sam walked in between us.

"Let's worry about something more important than family ok? I mean, if Hoyt is kept alive, then he'll do more than kill family."

"Sam's got a point." Jason said and I nodded.

"Fine, but if you get one scratch, I'm going to give them hell." He said menacingly and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, but how can you do that when you're dead?" I thought to myself.

"The plan is to walk right in, but obviously Hoyt will have his soldiers in front of his main building where he will be hiding. So it will be heavily guarded." Sam explained.

"Who's ready?" I asked.

"I am." Sam and Jason said. I looked at Lyle and I knew what he was thinking. He's probably thinking about me and about his dead son.

"I'll be fine Lyle, just focus on killing Hoyt." I said.

"I know." He said and we all got ourselves ready to storm the main gate. Lyle, Sam, Jason and I walked in front of the trucks that were filled with soldiers. When we stopped at the gate, I felt memories flooding my mind. I remembered when I first met Hoyt for real and got a mini interview with him. I snapped out of my thoughts when Jason tapped me on the shoulder telling me to move forward. We walked through the main gate and we all got a big surprise.

"What the fuck?" I heard Lyle whisper.

In front of us, is an empty compound. We walked in and nobody ambushed us, nobody sniped at us, nothing. I felt suspicious, but I looked around just incase. We made our way through the compound and we stopped in front of Hoyt's main building where I got the interview. The door opened and Hoyt walked out...alone.

"Welcome to my island and my home! It's so nice to see you again Lyle Elwood. How's life?" Hoyt was talking way too casual.

"Shut the fuck up you bastard, where are your men?" Lyle asked.

"Not here, I told them to take a hike. I wanted to talk to you men in private."

"You want to talk to me? How about you talk to this." Lyle took out his revolver and he aimed it at Hoyt's forehead.

"My goodness Lyle! I haven't done anything to you and you put a gun to my head." Hoyt up his hands up in surrender and the sound of a gunshot was heard. I turned and saw one of our soldiers falling to the ground with a bullet to the forehead. The fight has begun.

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