Chapter 6

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"Ands that's pretty much all I know about Vaas and all that other shit we just talked about." Carlos then got up and before he left he turned and pointed at me.

"You better not tell Vaas that I told you about this, you hear me? Because if you do...I'm going to rip your fucking head off." He walked out of the infirmary.

I got up and walked out of the infirmary towards my house because Carlos and I spent 4 hours talking about Vaas's past and a bunch of other stuff. As soon as I reached the door I heard a helicopter in the distance. I turned and headed straight towards the noise. I walked around the base and saw Vaas talking to some guy with a cigar in his mouth and he looked to be around 40 something years old. He shook hands with him and the guy with the cigar in his mouth got into the helicopter and it went up in the air and flew away. I walked up to Vaas who turned around and bumped into me.

"God damn it Blake get the fuck out of they way next time. What do you want?"

"Who were talking to?" I asked.

"It was someone important." He pushed past me and started walking away.

"Was it Hoyt?" I then face-palmed and looked at Vaas who slowly turned around and gave me an angry look.

"What the fuck did you just say hermano?" He started walking towards me and I stood my ground.

"I said, was it Hoyt?" I didn't stutter or felt intimidated by Vaas because to be honest, when you spend a lot of time with a psychopath...they aren't really that psychotic anymore.

"How do you know Hoyt's name?" He took a big step forward and he was a few inches away from my face.

"Some soldiers were talking about some man named Hoyt so I guessed that it was that guy." I gave Vaas an innocent smile.

"Oh, well yes that was Hoyt and if you wanted to know what we were talking about, we were talking about a new shipment of slaves coming in the next few weeks."

Vaas then turned and walked away probably towards his office. I went into my house to lay on my bed and I took out my phone. I went through my photos and saw pictures of my family and friends. I sighed a huge sigh and tuned off my phone. I miss my brothers. I wish they were with me right now, but thinking about it. They might not like it here, especially because of Vaas. I then closed my eyes and started to drift to sleep.

(A few weeks later...)

"Damn Blake! You really love that bow do you?" Carlos gave me a pat on the back as I hit the bullseye again.

"Well I love archery so yeah, I do love the bow." I aimed with my bow and shot another arrow into the bullseye.

"Alright you 2 enough fucking around and let's get down to business. Carlos I need you to burn down a village and Blake I need you to pick up some drugs for me." Vaas said and Carlos nodded and left. Vaas motioned for me to follow him.

"Okay Blake I really want these drugs because my men are getting restless and need something to calm them the fuck down so I want you to go to this place here." He tossed me a map.

"So where do I go and who do I see?" I asked.

"His name is doctor something because I don't care I just want the damn drugs Blake." He gave me a "I don't have time for your fucking questions just do what I tell you to do" look.

"Alright, what do I say to him?"

"You say Vaas sent you. That's it now get the fuck out of my face asshat." He smiled and gave me a light punch in the shoulder and I chuckled because I have never heard Vaas say asshat before. I got into the car and left to wherever the fuck I had to go to get the drugs.

(1 hour and 30 minutes later...)

I arrived at a mountain and I couldn't drive the car up the small path so I parked it and walked up the dirt pathway. I jogged, until I saw a house then I started walking. I walked up to the front door and knocked. Nobody answered so I knocked again. Still nobody answered so I walked around the house and saw some sort of green house. I walked in the greenhouse and it smelled of the drugs Vaas's men do and I covered my nose because it was a strong smell. I spotted a desk where there were 3 bowls and in them were different colored drugs. I felt like taking some, but before I could do anything I heard footsteps and I turned to my left to see an old man that looked like he was recently high.

"See anything you fancy? I like the red ones, myself. The purple ones will give you lift on a grey day...not the yellow ones those are liable to kill you. The mix is not, right yet."

"Uh...I'm here for Vaas's order?" I asked and gave the old man a gentle smile. He smiled back and walked to the end of the room.

"Ah! Vaas,oh yes I have his orders, just let me get them and...oh no."

"What?" I asked nervously because if Vaas doesn't get his order he is going to be pissed. The old man turned around and showed me an empty little bottle.

"I'm out of special mushrooms."

"What do you need them for?" I asked.

"Well, you see, there's this beautiful young lady staying at my house and she's been poisoned and needs theses special mushrooms, but I don't have any left."

"Maybe I could go get them for you?"

"Really? You would do that for an old man like me? Why thank you!"

"No problem, just show me what they look like and where I can find them."

"Splendid! They look like this and you should be able to find them under the mountain. While you're out doing that I will get Vaas's order ready."

"Ok, thanks." I said and headed down the mountain to the ocean.

"What the hell? You've got to be kidding me, it's underwater." I mumbled a few more swears and dived into the ocean.

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