Chapter 29

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"Hector open the door! Don't make me count to 3!" Buck and I were standing outside of his house waiting for Hector to open the door for five minutes and I was tired of standing. Finally, the door swung open and Hector looked as if he just got out of bed.

"What the hell Buck? I was sleeping!"

"Too bad, anyways we have a special guest here." Buck walked inside and Hector gasped when he saw me. He quickly ran into the house and slammed the door on me. I knocked on the door and Buck opened it.

"I'm sorry, but you can't come in."

"Why not?"

"It's like a sauna in here and you do not want to be inside with those clothes on." He shut the door on me and I went over to a rock and sat on it. I plucked out a piece of grass and started twirling it around. I heard the door open and Hector ran over to me.

"Hope I didn't keep you waiting."

"You didn't." I tried to ignore him, but it was impossible.

"'s life?"

"Pretty good, for now."

"That's good." He sat on the rock with me and he sat really close to me. I felt his arm lightly touch my arm and I moved away a little. He moved closer, this time full on touching my arm. I got off the rock and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Stay the hell away from me." I said angrily.

"Why are you mad? I didn't do anything." He came closer to me and he was leaning in for a kiss, so I pushed him away.

"Are you 2 lovebirds done fighting? And come on Hector, we both agreed I'd be getting first dibs on him." I was about to punch Buck in the face, but he caught my arm.

"I was joking Blake...ok maybe not, but still. I get first dibs." Buck let go of my arm and we got into the car with Buck in the driver seat, Hector in the passenger seat, and with me in the back.

"Where are we going now?" I asked hoping we can get this mission over with.

"To Darwin's house."

"Whose that?" I asked.

"He's the hitman Hoyt told us to kill, I'm pretty good friends with him. Now, he might come off a little homosexual and stuff, but you get used to it. And for the love of God Hector please don't get into another fight with him."

"Alright, alright. But if he ever mentions my mother again, I'll kill him."

"Sure, whatever makes you sleep at night."

I sighed and looked at the rear view mirror and Buck adjusted it so he can look at me and he winked at me. I stuck my tongue at him and he smirked. I noticed that it was getting late and I felt like taking a nap so I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

(An Hour Later...)

"Blake get the hell up mate. Darwin wants to see you." I rubbed the sleepiness from my eyes and when I turned to look out the car window, I got a face full of some creepy ass dude staring straight at me. I backed up into Hector who grabbed me from behind and he took a deep breath through his nostrils smelling my hair.

"You smell nice." He said in my ear and I struggled to get out of his grasp.

"Let go of him Hector and let the kid breathe. He just got the shit scared out of him by Darwin. Nice one by the way mate."

"Thanks." Darwin said.

I dusted myself off and glared at Hector who just shrugged and we went inside Darwin's house or should I say mansion. His house was even bigger than Buck's and that was saying something. I roamed around looking at all the cool stuff he had and I was trying my hardest to not touch anything like I usually do and it ends up with me breaking stuff.

"You like what you see? I've been Hoyt's hitman for a few years now and he gave me a promotion that let's me get whatever I want. Too bad Buck is a shitty hitman, he won't be getting a promotion with those kind of skills." I chuckled and Buck raised an eyebrow at me and I quickly shut up. Darwin led us to a table where there were wine glasses and cards.

"I thought that we could play a game while you were here." He pulled out a chair for me and I sat down in it. He sat down and he gestured for the others to sit down. They sat down and he started pouring some wine in the glasses and Buck started passing out cards for a game of poker.

"So, what's your name lad? Never seen you before, you one of Buck's slaves or something?" I raised an eyebrow and Hector coughed.

"No sadly, he's not, but I would feel better if you treated him with respect." Buck gave Darwin a mini glare and went back to passing out the cards.

"I guess so, so Hector, how you been?"

"...great, just great." Hector took a sip of the wine Darwin gave him and I shook my head when he gave me my glass.

"You don't drink? How the hell are you supposed to wash away all the troubles and nightmares?" He kept passing it to me, but I kept refusing.

"I'll take it." Buck took my glass and he drank it all down in one gulp. Darwin and Hector glared at Buck and he shrugged his shoulders and chuckled.

"So what brings you fine men to my luxurious home?"

"I just wanted to see an old friend of mine. And Hector is a bitch at times so I kind of got him a play date. I thought we could talk like grown ups and let the little kids do their thing." Buck finished passing out the cards and I picked my cards up and noticed that I have no idea how to play poker. I figured it was just like solitaire, until I started losing halfway through.

"What the hell is wrong with you boy? Have you never played poker before?" Darwin asked.

"No." I felt embarrassed and Darwin laughed.

"Then why the hell are we letting you play? My God boy, you have a lot to learn." He gave me a pat on the back and I swear I heard Buck and Hector growl.

"Oh don't be jealous boys, for all we know, we could get drunk and have a foursome!" He laughed and Buck rolled his eyes, Hector sighed and I cleared my throat.

"What? It could happen." They went back to playing poker and I watched as Darwin kept beating Hector and Hector was getting angrier each time Darwin laid a hand on me or when he winked at me. I was sure Hector was going to do something, but I didn't know what.

"So Hector, how's your mum?" Darin asked.

I don't know what happened, but I think something snapped inside Hector because he pulled out a pistol and aimed it at Darwin. Buck sighed and walked around and pulled Darwin out of his seat and took the gun the man had hiding in his jacket.

"Alright, you've got me. Now what? You going to kill me like you did to that native girl?" For a second, I had no idea what he was talking about, until he continued.

"What in the bloody hell are you talking about?"

"You don't remember her? The way you nailed her to the wall and left her for dead? She was a beautiful girl, but you just had to kill her because you were jealous that I got the promotion and you didn't."

"Oh please, I would never be jealous of someone like you. You are a weak man and you only work for Hoyt so your little master can kill the guy. Am I right?"

"We will succeed, and there is nothing you can do about it."

"Oh really? And what are you going to do?" Buck asked him.

"This." He elbowed Buck in the groin and tackled Hector. I ran after Darwin who ran outside and when I stepped out the front door, there were soldiers wearing different uniforms aiming their guns at me. I held up my hands and some men came over to me and they checked me for any weapons. Some men went past me and went inside the house. All I had on me was my knife and revolver. They threw it to the side and I felt a sharp stinging in the back of my head and I fell to the floor. I felt dizzy and my vision started to blur.

"You didn't hit him hard enough, hit him again." Darwin ordered some guy and he took the butt of his gun and he hit me in the face knocking me unconscious.

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