Chapter 47

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"A mine shaft? What the hell compass." I said.

"Are you really going to cuss out a compass?"

"Why not?"

"That's just weird...welp. Look who's here." Jason pointed to Buck casually leaning against the entrance of the mine shaft. We walked up to him and put away the compass.

"How the f-" Before I could finish my sentence, Buck stood up and pointed a finger at me.

"You, you fuckers! You both took your time getting here, didn't ya? Personally, I'm worried that your heart's not in it anymore. But don't worry. Look at Keith, Keith...Keith just cries all the time, now. Actually he's becoming a bit of a drag."

"Just shut up." Jason said.

"No, no, no. We got a little history lesson for you both. Now listen up! Remember Zheng He, with his treasure ships out trying to collect riches for the Mings? Remember him? "Yes Mr. Buck, Sir. Of course I remember". Answer that like that. Right? When I ask you a question, answer me back, alright?"

"How about no?" I said.

"Well, fucking Zheng He, he's got this captain called Lin Cong. And Lin Cong goes fucking AWOL with his ship's hold, the Chaoyang, full of sparklies, right, and he settles right here. Enslaves all the locals, but Zheng He...ooh Zheng He, he sinks his little empire in just a few years. "What do you think happened to the treasure?"."

"...." We stared at him waiting for an answer.

"Very good question, young Jason. Very astute. Well, the treasure...the treasure, nobody knows where it is. It's not on the boat anymore. And, Lin Cong, that fucker's nowhere to be found. Treasure hunters have been after that little crap ever since. Even the bloody Japs tore the island apart looking for it. But nobody knows where it is. So, best not dawdle. Both of you. Chin up and good luck."

Buck walked away as usual and left us to do his dirty work. I swear if he knew what to do all along I'm going to be pissed. But it's actually quite fun this little adventure.

"This mineshaft looks like it's going to fall apart any moment." Jason said as he turned on his flashlight.

"Look at that elevator. You think it works?"

"Let's find out."

We walked into the elevator and I pushed the only button there. There were no elevator doors so all you could see was wall. When the elevator stopped, we got out and we heard some voices ahead of us. We hid behind a rock and poked our heads out to see what we're dealing with.

"We're in a cave-in waiting to happen." Jason whispered.

"Look at all the molotovs!" I said.

On a table were about 30 molotovs and walking around were a few pirates that had molotovs strapped to their chest. I knew the types of pirates that Vaas has. Grenade pirates, brutes, normal ones. I mean, I am the one who helped him create these guys.

"Let's take them out, quietly." I whispered.

"Yeah, like that will happen." Jason and I took out our bows and arrows and shot.

(A Few Moments Later...)

"Jesus many damn molotov assholes are there?" I asked.

"Don't know, don't care. Hey look, the door. Let's try the compass." Jason said and he placed the compass on the door and turned it.

"Ha ha! Yes! An- HOLY FUCKING SHIT!" I jumped back when a Komodo dragon popped out of no where and tried to bite my leg. Jason took out his silenced AK-47 and shot it. It made a hissing sound and died.

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