Chapter 61

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"AAAAHHHHHH FUUUUUCK!" I screamed as the pain in my right shoulder worsened.

"See what happens when you betray me? You make me, an inexperienced doctor, pull a bullet out of your shoulder. You put this upon yourself." Vaas said as he put the tweezers back into my wound. I could feel him try and pull out the bullet, but it seemed like he was trying to push it in deeper. I kept my eyes shut because I didn't want to see how much blood I lost.

"You done goofed Blake, you done goofed. You and I, we could have it all. We could have been kings of the world, but you just had to fuck up and side with Jason. I would give you a second chance, but why should I? You would just betray me again and again. Never learning from your mistakes." He pushed the bullet deeper into my shoulder and I screamed. I couldn't move my arms or my legs. They were strapped to the operating table and all I could do was scream.

"I really hate doing this to you, but you leave me no choice. Even if you apologize, that shit ain't going to work. Not anymore. You should have listened to me, that way you wouldn't be in this situation." I opened my eyes and I looked at my right arm. It was covered in blood and I started to have a mini panic attack.

"Sir!" I looked to my left and saw a pirate standing there waiting for Vaas to say something.

"What the fuck do you want? Don't you see I'm busy?"

"Sir! The Rakyat warriors are storming the jungle! They are coming this way!"

"You got to be fucking kidding me! Fucking damn it. Look Blake, I'll deal with you later. You, take care of him. Don't let anyone near him, got it?" The doctor nodded and Vaas left. I sighed in relief because I could finally relax without having my shoulder bleeding all over the place. I looked at the doctor and he took out a small toolbox. I wondered what was he was going to do when he pulled out a pair of pliers. I gulped and tried to struggle out of the straps.

"Calm down boy. This won't hurt a bit." He slowly walked towards me and I was starting to hyperventilate. I've seen enough horror movies to know what he would do with those pliers. He put his fingers in my mouth and he spread my mouth wide open. I bit his finger, but he seemed unfazed by the attack. I could feel the pliers touching the top of my mouth and I closed my eyes.

"BLARGHDDFDKFSKJ!" I heard something fall to the floor and I opened my eyes. I saw Jason holding the tribal knife in his hand. It was covered in blood and I assumed it was from the doctor.

"Jason? What the hell are you doing here?" I asked him.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm saving your ass!" Jason cut the straps off and I fell to the floor. The wound in my shoulder really fucking hurt.

"Are you alright?"

"Not really, Vaas kind of tortured me for awhile." I got up and I inspected the bullet wound. It looked like it was about to come out.

"You want me to pull it out?" Jason asked me.

"Not right now, but later." He nodded and we both ran outside. I followed Jason around the back and noticed he had cut the fence. He lifted the opening for me to crawl through and then himself.

"What now?" I asked him.

"Now, we get the fuck out of here!" Jason said and we ran off into the jungle.

(Arriving At Bad Town...)

"Man, I never knew you were friends with an American spy. Where is he by the way?" I asked Jason.

"He left. He's gone back home."

"Oh, are my brothers there with your friends?"

"Yes, everyone is safe and sound...I hope."

"Don't make me feel nervous Jason. I hate that feeling."

"Me too. So how did Vaas react when he found out you betrayed him?"

"Not so friendly. Even though I faked my own death, he shouldn't have been that mad. I mean, if you faked your own death, I wouldn't have thrown a fit. I'd completely understand."

"Well, didn't you tell me that Vaas said you were all that he had? I can see why he would be pissed at you. If someone I cared for a lot betrayed me, I wouldn't take their apology. I'd probably beat the living shit out of them."

"You make a good point, but I had to do this."

"I know. Sometimes you just have to let somethings go. Even is they're very precious to you."

I slowly walked over to the Amerian's spy's old hut and all I could think about was how Vaas felt about me. Did he really care for me that bad? Am I the only person that can keep the psycho from killing people? For a guy who really cares, he sure as hell doesn't know how to show it. When we walked in, I was welcomed by my brothers giving me a gigantic bear hug.

"You little piece of shit, I thought Jason had actually killed you." Kevin said in between sobs.

"I almost committed murder let me tell you, Blake." Matt said. Both of my brothers were crying and hugging me at the same time and as much as I loved them, they are a gigantic pain in the ass.

"Alright, alright. Enough crying, we've got to get off this island." Daisy said. I looked behind her and saw Liza. She seemed alone so I decided to go talk to her.

"Hey Liza, how's it going?" I asked.

"Pretty good I guess. Jason apologized to me and told me that he messed up. He asked me to forgive him...should I?" I held Liza's hand in mine and I nodded. She smiled at me and hugged me.

"Even though Jason and I aren't that close, I'm sure he has learned that you are more important than any other girl out there." Liza playfully punched my shoulder and I laughed. She walked up to Jason and kissed him right on the cheek. He smiled and laughed. I sat down on a chair and I watched Jason and his friends. They were all laughing as if nothing terrible had ever happened. It made me jealous how thwy had no worry in the world. And here I am, worrying about my life and for my brothers's.

"Blake, can I talk to you for a moment?" Jason asked me. I nodded and followed him outside.

"Listen, Citra doesn't know that I left her for you guys. She thinks I'm going out to find Vaas."

"So what are you going to do?"

"I got a small little favor for you. It will benefit you and me I'm sure of it."

"What is it?"

"I want you to kill Citra for me. In return I'll kill Vaas for you, we have to do this now Blake. Time is of the essence."

"Are you going to be mad if I do it?"

"Nope. How about you?"

"...a little, but I understand why you are doing it."

"Good, that means we got a deal...right?"

I held out my hand and Jason shook it. He patted me on the back and walked back inside the hut. I looked down at the ground and wondered what kind of deal did I just agree to.

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