Chapter 25

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"So that's what happened. I was wondering what happened to the car that was following us." Matt said.

Matt and I were sitting near the camp fire and we were talking about what happened this past month. I felt happy and sad at the same time because I get to see Matt and Kevin, but we can't get off this God damn island. We talked for awhile and when Kevin came back, he didn't even look at me at all. Matt got up and went over to him. He tapped Kevin on the shoulder and punched him the face. I quickly got up and ran towards them. Daisy and Liza both came to separate them. Kevin had a bloody nose now and Matt was furious than ever.

"What the hell is going on!?" Daisy asked.

"I don't know, but he fucking punched me."

"For a good reason."

"Then what was the fucking reason douche bag!?"

"Our little brother just came back from the hospital and all you can do is ignore him? He is YOUR little fucking brother!"

"News flash Matt! He's adopted remember? So he's not our fucking brother!" Matt went in for anther punch, but I stepped in between them.

"Matt calm down, I'm sure we can settle this in a nice way." I turned to look at Kevin.

"What is your problem? Ever since I found you guys, you've been treating me like shit...what's the deal?"

"The deal is that you are not my little brother, you are this monster that kills innocent people for fun."

"Kevin, I didn't mean to kill those people, it just...happened and I couldn't control myself and...." I couldn't come up with a good excuse so I looked at Matt for help.

"Kevin, you should at least be a little bit nicer to Blake, he did save us from being killed."

"It doesn't matter, and by the way, that is not Blake."

"Kevin, I know you don't like what I've become, but I have to become this monster in order to survive. There is no other way. I know you both raised me to be a good boy, but sometimes...I need space and I need to take control of my own life. I just can't have you guys protecting me from everything and not letting me do things that I want to do." I looked at Kevin hoping he would understand and sure enough, he did.

"If we get home, are you still going to become a monster?" Kevin asked.

"Nope, when I get home I'm going to therapy." I said.

"Look Blake, I'm sorry for being an asshole to you. It's just that...seeing you kill those people without mercy just broke me. You are my little brother, the one I tried to protect from things like this and in the end I failed. I'm so sorry." Kevin started crying and it broke my heart. Matt went to his side and comforted him saying that he is a good brother and that he did his best to make me a good boy. Before we could exchange anymore words, my walkie talkie started acting up and I picked it up.

"Blake. Where are you?" Vaas asked.

"Out walking, why?"

"I need you to report back to the Compound immediately."


"Just get your stupid ass over here right now." Vaas hung up and I put the walkie talkie back in my pocket.

"Well, I got to go. My boss is calling me." Before I left, Kevin grabbed my arm and he pulled me into an embrace.

"Please tell me you will come back soon."

"I can't promise you that, but I will come back eventually." I walked out of the cave and headed to the car and drove to the Compound.

(Arriving At The Compound...)

When I arrived, there was a helicopter waiting for me with Vaas in it. He waved me over and I got in the helicopter. He handed me some headphones I put them on, then the helicopter started going up in the air and we left. We didn't exchange any words wherever we were going. I looked down below and the scene was beautiful. There was a waterfall near an outpost and it looked stunning. I marveled at how the jungle looked from above.

After half an hour we arrived at a base and we both got out. I looked around and noticed that there were men with different uniforms on. They seemed to be more orderly than Vaas's pirates and probably smarter too. They greeted us and they led us to the entrance of a big building. The front doors opened and out stepped the man who I completely forgot we were visiting...Hoyt Volker. He walked over to us with a big smile on his face and a cigar in his mouth.

"Welcome, to my island Blake." When he greeted me, I gave him a small smile, but I couldn't help but get a chill up my spine whenever he talked.

"Hey boss." Vaas said.

"Did I say you could talk? I hope you realize I'm still mad about that conversation we had earlier." Vaas mumbled something in Spanish, but Hoyt ignored it.

"Would you like to come in? Have a drink and a snack?" Hoyt seemed too nice to be a kingpin or a leader so I just nodded and Hoyt led Vaas and I in the big building. When we entered, I first noticed that everything was super clean as fuck. My mouth was literally hanging open as we walked through the halls of the building. Hoyt noticed and he chuckled.

"This my workplace/home. I both work and live here. This place is much cleaner than Vaas's place right?"

"Yes." I said and I received a glare from Vaas. We walked around getting a tour of Hoyt's Compound when he stopped outside of his office. He turned to look at us and he waved over 2 guards who looked even more intimidating than the brutes back at Vaas's Compound.

"Vaas, I would like you to wait outside for a moment, please."

"Wait, what?"

"You heard me, I would like to have a word with Mr. Evans here in my office...alone."

All of a sudden, I felt like panicking. This guy, the one who made Vaas the man he is today, wanted to talk to me in private. I looked at Vaas hoping he could get me out of talking to this guy, but he was already down the hall and out of sight. I sighed and turned to look at Hoyt. He opened the door to his office and he held the door open for me to walk in. I smiled as I walked past him, but I felt another chill up my spine and I knew something bad was going to happen. I sat down at the chair that was in front of his desk and waited for him to sit down. He didn't, instead he sat at the edge of his desk and pulled out a knife. Before I could react, I felt 2 hands on my shoulder and they held me down. Hoyt got up, paced back and forth inspecting his knife and then he stopped and turned towards me.

"Now, shall we begin?"

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