Chapter 58

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"That white ass piece of fucking shit motherfucker! He thinks he can come over to my island. Fuck shit up. Kill my boss and then fuck my sister to oblivion? This fucking...douche bag." I sat there watching Vaas release his anger by swearing furiously. I wasn't going to speak until he tells me to.

"Why are you just sitting there? Don't you care about what this fuck stick is doing to my life? He's fucking all my shit up and I can't deal with it anymore!" Vaas was pacing back and forth in his office.

"This motherfucker needs to die. He's fucking my sister and I shouldn't care about her, but God damn it  it makes me angry just thinking about it."

"What do you want to do?"

"I want to kill Jason Brody. I want to shove the barrel of my gun up his white ass and pull the fucking trigger. Maybe then he'll stop talking shit about us."

"Vaas, you need to calm down. Let's think about th-"

"NO!" I jumped and Vaas stared at me. He mumbled something in Spanish and then he sighed.

"Do you know, how much I care about you? Do you know how much you mean to me? Do you know that you are the only person I have left, hermano? you like a brother. Hermano means brother in Spanish and I call you brother because you are like a brother to me. You're all I have left Blake. Hoyt's gone and my business is falling apart. My island is full of those Rakyat bitches. You and I are the only ones left. We can still do this as long as you are with me." Vaas said as he held out his hand for me to take. I held out my hand, but then I pulled it back.

"Vaas, I was there when Hoyt got killed. I watched Jason kill Hoyt. I didn't do anything not because I was afraid of Jason, but because I helped him. The reason Buck died was because of Jason and I was there too. The reason that you are losing this war is because of me. I know you're mad at me right now, but don't blame me. I just want to leave this island and go back home."

I sat there with my eyes closed waiting for Vaas to put a bullet to my head. Instead, I heard him sit down and I opened my eyes. Vaas was giving me a serious look and whenever he gives me one of those looks, I feel a shiver go up my spine.

"I'm not mad at you ,hermano. I'm not even shocked. I've known that you and Jason are a thing. But now, you have to pick a side, whose it going to be hermano? Jason, or me?" Vaas asked me. I looked at him and I bit my lip.

"Answer me. I don't like it when you're silent." He said.

"I don't know who to choose Vaas."

"Yes you do. Now answer the fucking question."


"Why won't you answer me? Hmm? WHY?" Vaas picked up his chair and threw it at the wall.

"Because you'll hate me forever and kill me." I said.

"Jason? YOU CHOOSE THAT FUCK ASS OVER ME? WHAT HAS HE EVER DONE FOR YOU?" I shrunk in my chair. This was not how I wanted this discussion to go down.

"You are lying to me. You know you don't want to pick Jason. You are picking him because you want to leave the island, but you don't. You want to stay. Do it Blake. Stay here. Fuck whatever your brothers say. Let them go home by themselves and you stay here."

"But what will I do for the rest of my life? I don't want to do drugs or drink alcohol as if it was water. Give me a good enough reason to stay." I said. Vaas picked up his chair and he sat down. He looked me in the eyes and I could tell, he was pretty serious. 

"I don't have anyone Blake. You're the reason why I'm still here. Together, we can do anything. We can even take over the world if we wanted to! Nobody knows you as much as I do. Nobody knows what you've been through like I do. You and I are connected." Vaas sat back in his chair and waited for me to respond.

"...I'm sorry. You're right Vaas, I really want to stay. I really do, but my family, they're all I got as well. As annoying as they may be, I love them dearly...if I stay, just promise me you won't kill my brothers, alright?"

"I promise, hermano." Vaas smiled and I gave him a small smile in return.

"How do you know Jason is fucking your sister?" I asked Vaas changing the subject.

"Because she told me one day. She told about this dumb ass ritual that she has never completed, unitl now."

"What ritual?"

"It's a ritual for fucking some guy and then after he spills his seed in her, she kills him."

"Wait, you're telling me your sister is going to have sex with Jason and then kill him?"

"Pretty much. She wanted to have sex with one of my pirates and of course I said hell no. Who the fuck does she thinks she is? She thinks she can fuck whoever she wants to fuck? Stupid bitch." Vaas said angrily.

This, is not good. If Citra is going to kill Jason, then I just broke my promise to Riley. I had to do something, but how? Jason won't leave and nobody wants to leave without Jason. This is just a fucking disaster.

"If Jason dies at the end of the ritual, why do you want to kill him? Why not let Citra do it?"

"Because, it's more fun when I do it. All she's going to do is put a bullet through his head. What I want to do is way worse. Which makes it even better. I'll kill all of those that Jason finds dear to him."

"What happens if he cares about me?"

"Why would he care about you? Sure you're both white and have really bad hair, but do you think he really cares about you? Have you ever thought that he's just using you to do things?"

"Ok, first off, what's wrong with my hair? Second, you may be right. Most of the time, I've been helping Jason find his friends and family. He hasn't really helped me at all."

"See? Jason just wants your help and when the times comes BAM! He kills you or double crosses you!"

I looked down at the floor and thought about what Vaas said. Is Jason really using me to find his friends? Does he really care about me? If Hoyt was going to cut my fingers off, would Jason help me?

"I'm guessing you're thinking about which side you want to be on?" Vaas asked me.

"Sort of, but I would definitely choose your side. You do have a point Vaas. Jason could be using me to do his dirt work."

"Jason is an asshole. I don't know why you trusted him, hermano." Vaas said. I got up and told Vaas that I was going out for a drive.

"When will you be back?" He asked me.

"Some time later, why?"

"Just wondering and by the way, if you need me call me anytime." Vaas said. I nodded and left. Why did he tell me to call him anytime I needed help? I hope he doesn't know where I'm going. I got into a car and drove off towards Dr. Earnhardt's place.

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