Chapter 34

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Darwin and I walked into the building I wasn't allowed in and he led me to a room where there were soldiers and Sam was there as well. He winked at me and I winked back. Lyle was talking about his plan and how he could attack Hoyt, he then put a hand on my shoulder and said that I was a great son because I told him where Hoyt was located.

"So, let's just hope that Jason Brody doesn't crash our plan and ruin all the fun!" He clapped his hands together and all the men nodded while some quietly cheered. Sam coughed loudly and everybody went quiet.

"When do you want us to execute this plan? Weil das, was ich gehört habe, is that Hoyt barely leaves his Compound and he usually stays in a building where he is protected 24/7."

"Really now? Well boys change of plan, we can't barge in there and kill him...what do we do?" Lyle nudged me with his elbow and I sighed.

"I think we should take out Hoyt's defenses and weapons. He would be left vulnerable and it would be a perfect time to strike."

"That, is a good plan. Hell, it's the best plan I've heard yet! Did you all get that? We should follow what Harry says and carry out the mission! Let's go!" All the soldiers walked out and Sam gave me a thumbs up. I smirked at him and Lyle yawned.

"Man, I haven't had any sleep...Harry, do you mind if I sleep for awhile? Can you watch the base and make sure nobody fucks anything up?"

"Yes father." I said and he patted my shoulder.

"That's a good boy." We walked out of the building and Lyle went back to his house. I heard footsteps and I turned to see Darwin creeping up behind me for some odd reason.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked.

"Nothing, just walking." He walked by me and I rolled my eyes. I walked to where my body guards were and they greeted me. I nodded and walked further into the crowd of soldiers. I saw Sam and I quickly ran over to him and I tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and he held out his hand and said his name was Sam Becker. I was confused for a moment and then it hit me that the soldiers have no idea that I know Sam, so I shook his hand and said my name.

"Blake Evans...or Harry Elwood." I smiled at him and he winked at me.

"Nice to meet you, why are you here? Shouldn't you be with your father?"

"He says he's going to bed. I thought that I'd go around and make sure that nobody is doing any funny business."

"Ah! Good boy, I wish my son was just like you." He rubbed my hair and my body guards stood by my side with their guns out.

"Hey, ease up on the guy, he wasn't doing anything." I said and they muttered something and they put their guns away.

"So what's the plan? Do we stick with the plan or nein?" He whispered and I shrugged. I said to let it all play out, if things get too nasty, then we improvise. He nodded and he told me that Jason wanted to see me later tonight at midnight. I nodded and I walked away from the crowd of soldiers and I looked at my watch.

It was only 12:57 pm and I sighed. I couldn't leave the base and I had the soldiers following me wherever I go. I have no where to run or hide. I decided that I'd read the diary that I found and I went to the house. I ran upstairs and I took the shoebox from under the bed and I took out the diary. I flipped though the pages trying to find more interesting stuff when I found the jackpot.

Dear diary,

Mom killed herself today.

She told me that she couldn't take it anymore.

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