Chapter 15

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As soon as I arrived at the Compound, Vaas was waiting for me. He had a huge smile on his face and I was kind of suspicious about it, but I let it pass. I walked up to him and asked why he was smiling. He put an arm around me and he told me that next month, we were going to Hoyt's island for a visit.

"Why are we going to visit him?"

"Because he told us to visit him and he's my boss."

"Oh yeah, I forgot."

"Anyways, Blake, where did you go? And don't give me the "I went hunting" bullshit. You clearly don't have any animal skin or meat on you."

"I went driving around the island, I need to get used to it."

"Did you drive by Citra's temple?"


"Nothing, I just don't want you to go near that fucking place ever again."

"Where's Oliver?" I asked changing the subject.


"Jason's friend?"

"He's still in the shack that we left him in, why do you ask?"

"I want to see him."


"I want to give him a little scare."

"Go ahead, you know Blake, you are basically my equal so you don't need to ask me to do things."

"So I can do what ever the fuck I want?"



"Alright, now get the fuck out of my face."

I walked to the shack that Oliver is in and I opened the door slowly. The room was dark, except for the one light that was shining on top of Oliver. He seemed to be sleeping so I lightly shook him. He woke with a start and he looked around anxiously.

"Blake? Dude, you fucking scared the shit of me!"

"Sorry, how are you doing?"

"Not too well man. I feel like the pirates are planning to skin me or something bro. I just...I just want to go home."

"Me too Oliver, me too. But I'm pretty sure that pirates don't skin people."

"Blake, are you and Jason on good terms?"

"Good terms?"

"You know, like are you guys friends or something?"

"Nope. So if Jason ever sees me, he'll probably kill me. After all, I kind of got his older brother Grant killed."

"What? How?"

"Grant beat me up and my boss shot him."


"Oliver, how did you guys end up here on Vaas's island?"

"Well, my friends and I went skydiving and we landed on the island and then pirates attacked us. How about you?"

"My boss attacked a village/city I was at and I got separated from my brothers and their friends. Then, my boss took me hostage and told me that if I didn't work for him, if he ever found my brothers...he would kill them. I panicked and I didn't have much of a choice so I had to work for him. So that's how I ended up here."

"Damn dude, that's rough."

"Yeah, it is."

"You know Oliver, if I could break you out, I could take you to your friend Daisy and Liza. I know where they are kept safe from the pirates. Jason knows as well."

Before our conversation could continue, Carlos came through the door and said that Vaas wants me to go see Citra tomorrow morning because he believes Jason is part of the Rakyat now. I hesitated at first, but then I remembered the dream I had the other day. I accepted the request and I said good bye to Oliver and received a weird look from Carlos. I walked past Carlos to my house because it was late and I needed the sleep.

(The Next Day...)

I woke up to the sound of a car driving off and I went to go get dressed and cleaned up. I went straight to the cars, got in one and drove off to Citra's temple.

Citra's temple was just as I remembered it, creepy and mossy. I walked up the steps and the door opened. I walked in and there were warriors patrolling the place and giving me glares. I stood in front of the big tree in the middle of the center and Citra walked out from behind it. She smiled as she walked towards me. I smiled back, but not the happy kind...the nervous kind.

"Welcome Blake. I knew you would come."

"You did?"

"Of course, they always come back."

"Anyways, I have to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"In my dreams, I heard a voice, it was yours and it was telling me to come to your temple. It also wanted me to join you."

"Really? So will you join us?"

"...I don't think so."

"That's too bad, I wish you could. Why are you here? I am sure you didn't come here to just talk with me about your dream."

"Do you know some guy by the name of Jason Brody?"

When I mentioned Jason, Citra's face went from calm to serious. I think I angered her.

"How do you know Jason?"

"Vaas almost killed him an-"

"I know, Jason told me everything. He also told me that if he ever met the blonde boy that tried to burn him alive, he would kill him." I gulped.

"Don't worry Blake, I'm sure Jason won't kill you."

"Thanks that totally calms my nerves down." I said sarcastically. I received a glare from her.

"Blake, why don't you join us? Do you hate me?" Citra walked up to me and she was just a few inches from my face. She smelled of the jungle and for some reason, I found that nice. I blushed just thinking about that and she smiled and I felt her hands cupping my face. She made me look at her and she smiled as we touched foreheads. I blushed even harder and she let go of my face and started to laugh.

"You look adorable when you blush Blake." I blushed again and I looked to the floor.


"Please answer my question, why don't you join us? Do you hate me?"

"I don't hate you, it's just what Vaas said he will do if he ever finds my brothers. It scares me. Plus, he doesn't want me to join you. He hates you."

"Do you like me?" I blushed again and I looked away.

"As a friend." I looked at her and she had a frown on her face.

"Citra, I'm younger than you and you're probably older than my oldest brother."

"Age doesn't matter when it comes to love." I stopped breathing for a moment when she said the

"Y- you still didn't answer m-my question about Jason Brody." I said nervously.

"Yes, I do know Jason Brody, but he is not part of the Rakyat warriors."

" have to go now. Vaas doesn't like it when I hang out with you."

"Come back anytime Blake, my doors are always open to you."

I turned and walked out of the temple with out saying another word to Citra or any warriors. I got back into the car and drove off to Vaas's Compound thinking about how I'm probably going to end up like that girl in the shack.

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