Chapter 57

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"We can make it! We can make it!" I yelled over the sound of the car.

"Riley! I'm coming!" Jason yelled. We drove to the airstrip just in time, but there were so many guards blocking our way.

"Where do you think Hoyt's holding him?"

"I don't know, in a building somewhere?" I yelled. Jason and I ran all over the place searching for Riley. I heard someone yell "help" from somewhere and I stopped in my tracks.

"I got him! Go get a helicopter ready!" Jason told me.

"A helicopter?"

"Just go!" Jason yelled and he left. I found a helicopter that was in good condition. I turned around and I saw Jason with Riley right behind him. I took out my assault rifle and shot the soldiers that were shooting at Jason.

"Riley you know how to fly a chopper?" Jason asked.

"What the fuck? No!" Riley yelled.

"Uh guys? Can we hurry it up here?" I said as I shot a guy in the head.

"Welp, it's time to learn." Jason said and he guided Riley into the helicopter. We got in and soon enough, we were hovering right above the airstrip.

"Shit...I think we're going to die! This is it, man! We're going to die!" Riley screamed.

"Just use the force!" Jason yelled and I looked at him awkwardly.

"Don't judge!" He yelled at me. I continued to shoot the enemies from the helicopter and honestly, I don't have very good eye sight so everyone looked like little ants crawling around and I couldn't get a good shot.

In the end, we flew away in relief knowing that Hoyt is dead and that we can take Riley back to the cave safe and sound.

(Arriving At Dr. Earnhardt's Place...)

"Oh, boys! Am I glad to see you!" Dr. Earnhardt gave me a huge hug while Jason and Riley stood there confused.

"Are you high?" I asked him.

"High as a kite some might say. But yes, I am very high. Higher than a bumble bee. Higher than a mouse eating pickles."

"You mean cheese?" I said.

"Cheese? Heavens no. Mice don't eat cheese, they eat pickles!"

"Maybe you should take a little rest doctor. It might help you." I said as I led him to the house. I motioned to Jason that he could take Riley to the cave and he nodded.

As soon as they left, I led Dr. Eanrhardt to his daughter's bedroom. It was very pink and it seemed like it would belong to a seven year old.

"This is a nice room." I said.

"Thank you. It's for my daughter, Agnes."

"Where is she?" I asked.

"She's dead. She fell out the window and splat! Right all over the floor!"

"I'm very sorry, sir. I didn't know. I shouldn't have brought it up." I said and I looked down shamefully. To lose a daughter who was just a little girl...that's some rough shit man.

"It's ok. I should have told you earlier. That young girl, what was her name? Daphne?"

"You mean Daisy?" I said.

"Yes, her. She looks like my daughter Agnes. Or a grown up version of her. They would practically be twins!" I sat down next to the doctor and I rubbed his back. He patted my thigh and he laid down on the bed. I got up and left him be.

When I went inside the cave, I heard yelling. Something was up, so I ran. I saw Everyone giving Jason a dirty look and Liza was crying in Daisy's arms. Everyone walked away from Jason and I went up to my brothers.

"What in the hell happened? I leave for 5 minutes and I come back to see this shit?"

"Watch your language young man, and you have no idea what just went down." Matt said.

"What went down?" I asked.

"Ask Jason yourself."

"I'll do it." Kevin said and he walked up to Jason.

"Seriously, what happened?" I asked worriedly.

"As soon as Jason brought his little brother in, we were getting ready to leave, but Jason...Jason wants to stay on the island. He says the island is his home. He wants us all to go back home without him."

"Did you try and convince him not to?"

"I think Kevin is doing that right now. Here he comes now." Matt pointed to Kevin who was shaking his head in disappointment.

"He won't listen to me. Maybe you should try Blake. He trusts you more than all of us...I think."

"I'll try." I said and I walked over to Jason. He had his face buried in his hands and I lightly tapped him on the shoulder.

"Hey, man. Can I talk to you for a moment?" I pulled Jason to the side and I could feel everyone watching me.

"What is going on here? I heard from Matt that you plan on staying here instead of leaving. Why?" I asked.

"Because the island is my new home. I feel more alive. I feel like a new person and this is where I belong."

"What about home in California? What about your parents? What about Riley? Don't you love him?"

"I do. But what do you think happens when I go back? Everyone knows I killed people and I get sent to a mental hospital and I never see my family again."

"Hey, that might not happen, but I'm in the same boat as you buddy. You and I are going through this together. It's you and me, dude."

Jason shook his head and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Blake, how much do you care about Vaas? I know that you really want to stay because of him. And guess what? You can! Do you want to know why I'm staying here?"

"I know. It's because of Citra. You love her." I said.

"How did you know?" He asked me.

"Anybody can see it plain as day how much you care for each other."

"Both of us have good reasons why we want to stay on the island, so why don't you? You can start a new life an-"

"That's not right though! Our goal is to leave the island with all our friends and family. What happened to that goal Jason? Was saving Riley a waste of time?"

"Saving Riley wasn't a waste of time. I saved him so he could tell our mother that I'm dead."

"That you're dead?"

"Yes. That way she won't have to find me. That way no one would ever disturb the peace on the island."

"You are fucking insane." I said.

"Think about it Blake. Come talk to me when you made your decision." Jason walked out of the cave without saying goodbye. Liza was tearing up and I couldn't help, but feel bad for her. Jason is the one that's fucking things up and we need to leave the island now.

"Look guys, I'll try my best to convince him, but if push comes to shove, then things might get complicated." I was about to walk away when I felt someone tug on my arm. I looked behind me and I saw Riley.

"Please bring my brother back. I won't go home without him." Riley had tears in his eyes and I nodded to him. No matter what, I am not leaving this island without Jason Brody.

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