Chapter 10

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"Leave me alone Matt, just five more minutes." I said and I put my face in the pillow. I guessed Matt didn't get the message because he poked me a second time and this time I sat upright and said that if he doesn't stop poking me, I'm going to rip his dick off. I rubbed my eyes and noticed Vaas was staring back at me with one eyebrow raised.

"Um, good morning." I said in a tired tone.

"Actually it's good night and the next time you say that to me, I'm going to be the one who rips your dick off."

"Sorry...wait, why am I in the infirmary? Why is there a bandage on my shoulder? What happened?"

"You really don't remember?"

I stopped asking questions and started thinking about what happened. After awhile of memory scrambling, I remembered everything. I touched my shoulder where I got shot and a burst of pain went through my arm. I looked at my body and saw so many bruises had formed and I poked every one of them.

"Vaas, why am I only in boxers?" I asked blushing.

"Well I thought after you woke up you would want to take a shower. Oh yeah! I almost forgot I got you new clothes." Vaas went to a drawer and pulled out some clothes and tossed them at me. I unfolded the t-shirt and saw that it had the Breaking Bad periodic symbol on it. The pants was just a normal pair of jeans. Vaas handed me some socks and my shoes. I stood up and winced because I still felt the pain from the punches.

"Go home and take a shower hermano, then I want to see you in my office." He left without another word and I quickly ran to my house with only my boxers on.

After I came out of the shower and got dressed, I headed towards Vaas's office and I opened the door slowly and saw him playing with a phone. I sat in the seat in front of Vaas's desk and I silently stared at him, until he tossed the phone at me and I quickly caught it.

"That phone belongs to the prisoner that escaped 5 days ago. The one with the light blue shirt."

"I slept for 5 days straight? Why didn't you wake me up?" I asked a little angrily because I just wasted 5 days of my life sleeping.

"You were hurt dumbass, anyways I was really busy so I couldn't see you."

"You looked through his phone?"

"Yup, the guy's name is Jason Brody and the guy with the red shirt was his older brother Grant. Anyways, they didn't come alone, they have friends who have been captured by other pirates on the island."

"Where's Hoyt?" I asked changing the subject.

"He left before you got shot. He said that he had some urgent business to attend to back on his island."

"So why do you want to see me in your office?" I asked trying to get to the point.

"I have a favor to ask, you see Blake, I have a sister and her name is Citra. I want you to deliver a message to her."

Vaas pulled out a cut off arm from a Rakyat warrior and placed it on the desk. He then took out a knife and started to carve some letters into the arm and he pulled out a rag and wiped the blood that was spilling out of the arm. He handed it to me and I read what he carved into the arm.

" ..."Fuck You"...? Why would you write that to your sister?" I asked curiously.

"I hate her. By the way, some pirates told me that Carlos told you everything about my fucking past. My question is hermano, why the fuck didn't you ask me in the first place? Why in fuck's name would you talk to Carlos out of all people?"

"I thought you would be pissed at me and I thought you would kill me."

"I wouldn't kill you, but I'd be pissed at you. I don't like talking about my past and I don't ever fucking want to. Got that?"

"Got it." I said and got up from my seat and headed towards the door.

"Where does she live by the way?" I asked.

"Take this map and find out." Vaas handed me a map and I took it and went to a car to drive to Citra's...temple?

(A Few Hours Later...)

I arrived at a mossy temple and there was fire burning at the entrance. I got out of the car and walked up the steps with the arm in my hand. The door opened up and I saw a big tree and headed towards it. I walked in and saw that there was no one there and I got suspicious. Luckily I had my bow and knife with me just in case someone were to attack. I stood not to far from the big tree and I saw some men with tribal tattoos and machine guns come out from behind the big tree and walk in front of me as if they were guarding it.

"Who are you?" The man in front of me asked.

"I am one of Vaas's pirates and I was asked to deliver a message to Citra." All of the men were giving me glares when I mentioned Vaas's name.

"We don't like your kind here." One of them said.

"Well fuck you too." I mentally slapped myself because the next thing I knew, all of the men had their guns pointed at me and I was surrounded.

"Wait, don't shoot." A female voice came from out of nowhere. I looked around, until I saw a tanned woman wearing what seemed to be tribal clothing and she looked as if she were queen and all of us were peasants.

"Vaas wants to give me a message? What is it?" I threw the Rakyat warrior's arm at her and she caught it. She read what was carved in the arm and she started to giggle.

"I love you too Vaas. Tell him I said thank you and if he ever tries to do this again, I will come after him."

"Sure." I said, but before I could walk off 2 Rakyat warriors were blocking me from leaving.

"What the fuck is this now?" I asked.

"You are not one of Vaas's normal pirates, you are different." Citra started walking towards me and I backed away a little because this lady really creeped me the fuck out. She walked until she was only a few inches away from my face.

"What is your name?" She asked.

"I'm just a pirate deliv-"

"What is your name?" She asked again and I sighed.


"Blake what?"

"...Blake Evans." She backed up and started to walk around me, looking me up and down as if I were a weird animal.

"Are you Vaas's prisoner?"

"I was, but now I'm sort of like his right hand man." I said proudly.

"Oh. You shouldn't trust Vaas, he's a bad man, he will corrupt you. He will turn you into a monster. I know because I saw it happened."

"That's not what I heard." She looked at me as if I had 2 heads.

"What did they tell you?"

"Somebody told me you are a lowlife bitch who made Vaas sort of become who he is today."

"They are lying. You should come by the temple sometime...Blake." She blew a kiss at me and I raised an eyebrow.

"Are you flirting with me?" I asked.

"Maybe...maybe not." She walked off and with a snap of her fingers a man with big glasses came towards me and was leading me out the temple door.

"You should listen to Citra Mr.Evans, she is a God."

"Who are you?"

"I'm Dennis. I am one of Citra's followers. She has made me a new man and if you follow her, I'm sure she would make you a new man as well." Dennis led me out the temple door and as soon as I stepped outside, the doors quickly shut and I stood there for a good solid 5 minutes thinking about what Dennis and Citra said.

"I could betray Vaas right now if I wanted to, but that would be a risk because what happens if he finds my brothers? He'll kill them for sure. Awe fuck I hate hard decisions." I thought to myself. I got into the car and drove back to Vaas's compound, thinking about how the hell am I going to tell Vaas his sister was flirting with me.

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