Chapter 1

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My eyes snapped open as soon as I heard the bedroom door open. I slowly turned around to see who it was and saw that it was one of my older brothers, Matt. I slowly sat up and tried to rub the sleepiness from my eyes.

"Rise and shine sleeping beauty." He told me as he tossed a banana on my lap. I picked it up, peeled the skin off and slowly started to eat it.

"Will you hurry up and get ready? We're going to be late." I looked up from the banana and he gave me one of those "I'm serious" looks.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"We are going to eat at that weird restaurant we went to yesterday. So hurry up!"

"Alright! Just calm your tits bro."

"10 minutes or we're leaving without you." He said as he went out the door.

I threw the banana peel in the trash and headed straight for the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face then went to change. After that was all done I went into the hotel living room and saw that everybody was waiting for me.

"Alright everybody, lets go!" My other brother Kevin said as everyone headed out the door.

After a few minutes we were all on the sidewalk talking and making so much noises the locals gave us weird looks and I couldn't blame them. After all, we were the only ones with the only Americans there. Just a few weeks ago (ever since Matt came back from the army), he had planned to take Kevin and I out on a brotherly vacation on an island. Well that pretty much backfired because Kevin just had to spill the freakin' beans and tell his friends. Now it was Matt, Kevin, his annoying friends and me.

As we were walking I started to notice some shady stuff. I would look in the alley ways and see some men with bandanas draped over their faces while some other dudes wore red caps. It seemed as if they were whispering to each other about something. I know I shouldn't stare but hey, I'm a curious guy. I guess I wasn't looking where I was going and I accidentally bumped into one of the guys with the bandana and he fell on his ass.

"I am so sorry sir I didn't mean it, it was all my fault. Here let me help you up." I put out my hand and all of a sudden a bunch of guys started to surround me and this guy.

"You messed with the wrong man, white boy." The guy then signaled to his buddies and they were all closing in on me.

"Oh yeah? Well then come at me bro." I said as I formed a fighting stance. Little did this guy know, I hunt animals and I'm a professional with guns. Not only that, but I know karate (not really...I just watch Jackie Chan movies), but still, I have used those moves on some guys back in highschool. Anyways, just before we started throwing punches, I heard my name being called and saw Kevin running towards me.

"Blake what the hell are you doing?! Stop picking fights with the locals!" Kevin pushed his way through the people and pulled me aside to scold me. Matt and the others were right behind Kevin.

"Come on men, let's go, let's not waste time on stupid white boy." The guy and his men left without looking back at us. I stuck both my middle fingers at the group of men, but was interrupted by Kevin.

"Are you fucking serious Blake? Picking a fight with those men? You're lucky they didn't beat the shit out of you."

"It wasn't my fault those assholes wanted to fight. They started it anyways." I said as I looked at Matt who just stared at me and shook his head.

"Kevin just give him a break. He's only 21, plus he would have kicked those guy's asses anyways." I smiled cause I knew Matt always had my side.

"Fine, but the next time you get in a fight, we are not helping you." Kevin looked pretty pissed and I know why. Since I am the youngest, my brothers think it's necessary for them to be overprotective of me. I find it kind of annoying.

"Hey guys the restaurants over there." One of Kevin's friends said as they pointed towards a big building with a huge neon sign.

We walked over with Kevin and his friends in the front while Matt and I were in the back. We sat down at a huge table (obviously I sat away from Kevin because of the fight we had so I sat next to Matt). I looked out the restaurant window and saw some shady looking guys all huddled outside. I kept watching them seeing what they were going to do because like I said, I'm a curious guy. I was watching until Matt poked me and asked what I wanted to drink.

"I'll have a-" Before I could finish my sentence screams started errupting from outside and we all looked towards the window and saw the shady looking guys with machine guns in their hands shooting at the locals.

"Holy shit!" Someone yelled and everybody started running out the door.

All of us were panicking except for me. Some how I didn't feel like panicking at all which weirded me out, so instead I tried thinking of a way to get us out of here.

"Come on guys let's look for a car!" I yelled and ran away from the chaos that was happening.

Everywhere all the buildings were being burned down and exploding from the RPGs and the guys with machine guns shooting innocent people running for their lives. Bodies lined the streets and blood was strewn across the walls and the buildings were now reduced to rubble. Tires were screeching from trucks and when they came to a halt, the guys with machine guns would jump off and shoot everything that breathed the same air as them.

After running for a few minutes I saw an empty truck and headed towards it. As soon as I reached it I found the key on the dashboard and started the truck.

"Everybody over here! Get in hurry up!" As soon as everyone reached the truck, Matt was in the driver's seat while Kevin and his friends were getting in the back. I was helping people get on the truck so I ended up being the last one. Just as I was about to get on I felt two pairs of hands grab me from behind and threw me away from the truck.

"Looks like we meet again white boy." I looked up and saw it was the guy who I bumped into earlier and this time he's got a knife. Before we started fighting, the truck blew smoke in our faces and left.

After the smoke disappeared, I was surrounded by the guys from earlier. They all had weapons in their hands and this time nothing was going to stop us. A man from my right took the first swing with his knife, but failed which gave me a chance to punch his face in. Next a man on my left tried to stab me and I kicked him in the nuts and in the face. we pretty much just threw punches and kicks at each other. Everything was going fine until I felt a sharp sting on my back and I hissed in pain. It was the guy with the bandana and knife. He came at me again and I dogded him, took his arm, twisted it making the knife fall out of his hand into mine and I stabbed him in the throat.

He started making gurgling noises then dropped down dead. I took the knife out of his throat and went for his friends. It took a long time to beat them especially when I had stab wounds and bruises that made my body ache all over. In the end I stabbed two in the heart, one in the head and one in the eye.

I dropped the knife and stared at what I had done. I dropped to the floor and started pulling at my hair and kept saying to myself "this a nightmare" over and over again. As I was shocked about what I had done, I didn't notice that a shadow was looming over me and I looked up. Bad idea because the next thing I knew I was kicked in the face and started receiving harsh blows everywhere by a brute.

After he was done, he looked at me with such victory in his eyes I wish I could cut them out. My vision was all blurry, my ears were ringing and my body pretty much hurt when I moved.

"Hey! Carlos! What the fuck are you doing hermano?! Didn't I tell you to find survivers and round them up in the God damn truck?!" A voice. I heard it , but it seemed so distant. I opened my eyes to see who was talking and all I saw was the brute and a man with a mohawk and a scar on the left side of his head.

"Really? He did this? Well hermano, it looks like I know who I"m going to fucking torture." That was all I heard before I passed out.

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