Chapter 28

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"Jason what did you do to him?"

"I didn't do anything alright? I just tackled him down a waterfall and he kind of...knocked himself out."

"You are missing the point Jason, this kid has 2 older brothers who are worried about him and what do you think they'll do when they find out that you almost killed him?"

"He's not dead, he's just knocked out."

"Will you guys stop fighting. You're giving me a headache." I groaned at them. Liza and Jason were both standing by the bed that I was laying on.

"Are you alright Blake? Did Jason hurt you?"

"No." I replied.

"See, I told you he's ok." I felt my clothes and noticed that they were still wet, which means I wasn't knocked out for too long.

"Yo guys I heard the news about Blake is he alri-...hey Blake! You're ok!" Oliver arrived and he fist-bumped me. Soon enough, Daisy joined us and I felt like I was in one of those soap operas in hospitals.

"I just got word from Matt and Kevin, they'll be coming soon. Blake are you ok? I heard that Jason knocked you out or something."

"For the last time, I didn't knock him out, I simply tackled him off a cliff and into a river."

"Guys, don't worry about me, I'll be fine." I gave them 2 thumbs up.

"Guys, can Blake and I talk in private?" Jason asked and everybody nodded and left the room. I looked around the room and noticed I was in the room Daisy used to stay in when I first met her. Jason closed the door and he sat on the edge of the bed. I sat upright and we both stared at each for a moment before Jason broke the silence.

"So...I need your help. I know we don't know each other really well and you probably don't trust me, but maybe we can work something out."

"Who said I didn't trust you?" I said.

"I thought you didn't trust me?"

"Don't you remember back when I pretended to kill you and Liza? I trusted you because I knew you wouldn't die from that. Do you trust me?"

"If you don't try and kill me, then I will." He held out his hand and I shook it.

"What do you need help with?"

"I'm trying to kill Hoyt and Vaas and save my other friend and my brother, but I need your help. Since you are associated with Hoyt and Vaas, they trust you so I thought that maybe you can give me some information about what they are doing."

"What about your friend and brother?"

"My friend's name is Keith and he was bought by one of Hoyt's hitman named Buck and my brother...I have no idea where he is."

"I guess I can do that, but you realize those guys aren't stupid, right? If they find out that we're working together, I'm dead."

"I'm sure they won't find out, they trust you a lot, don't they?"

"I think that it? That's our final plan or...?"

"When I have enough information, I will set up a trap to kill them."

"It's going to take more than a trap to fool those guys. You're probably going to have to fight them face to face."

"I hope not, so are we good?"

"Yeah, we're good." I said.

"Great, now the plan is set in motion. If anything important pops up, I need you to tell me."

"I know." I got up and walked outside.

Dr. Earnhardt was doing what he usually did and I walked down the mountain and on to the road and walked half a mile before realizing that Hoyt's Compound was no where near me. I spent an hour and a half looking for a car and it took me 1 hour to drive back.

(Arriving At The Compound...)

When I arrived, I went straight to my house for new clothes and then I went to the gun shop to buy my weapons back. After, I received a call on my new walkie talkie and it was from Hoyt.

"Blake, are you there?"


"Come to my office right now. That's an order." I made my way to Hoyt's office wondering what he needed me for.

I opened the door to his office and there was a man sitting on his desk. It was the Australian man named Buck and I closed the door behind me. Hoyt waved me over and I slowly made my way over to him with out looking at Buck.

"I wanted to talk to you about something by the way, this is Buck, my most loyal hitman." Hoyt gestured to Buck who winked at me.

"You look familiar, have I seen you before?"

"I took my new baseball cap out of my pocket and placed it on my head."

"Ah! You were that kid my friend was harassing! He won't stop talking about you by the way." The way Buck smiled made me feel uneasy and really on edge.

"Now that the meet and greet is done, I have a job for you both, it's really important."

"We're listening." Buck said.

"I need you 2 to take care of someone special for me. He is a hitman just like Buck, but he is loyal to someone else and it seems like he needs to be dealt with and you boys fit the picture. Now Blake, I've heard a lot about you from Vaas and I hope that whatever he's told me is true. So, do I make myself clear for both of you?"

"Yes sir." I said.

"Well do it mate." Buck cracked his knuckles and he held his hand out for me to shake it. I shook it and we both walked out of the office and I followed him to a building where the privateers were hanging out and I saw Sam. Sam waved me over and he pulled out a chair for me to sit down.

"Wie geht es Dir Blake? Everything good ja?"

"Yeah, everything's fine I how many hitmen does Hoyt have?"

"Not that much, but I've heard one of them has betrayed us and Buck is supposed to kill him."

"Actually, Hoyt also assigned me as well."

"What? Are you mad? The hitman Hoyt wants dead is a strong, cunning, and powerful man. If you accompany Buck on this mission, you will surely die."

"But if I don't do this mission, I'll be in trouble."

"Verdammt noch mal! I don't know how to get you out of this predicament...scheiße. Well, I just hope that nothing goes wrong on your mission and you come back here in one piece."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." I reassured Sam and I followed Buck to a car. We got in and he started driving off to somewhere.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"My house."


"I need to check up on some stuff and I need to get my things for the mission. While I'm doing that you can talk to Hector, he really misses you."

I rolled my eyes and looked out the window for the rest of the car ride to Buck's house.

(Random Author's Note Thingy)

So for Sam, I am using google translate and if I get any words wrong I am open to be corrected. Please tell me if I am making a mistake because I don't want to offend people. Thanks for reading! :)

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