Chapter 63

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I opened my eyes and noticed that it was a little light out. As a kid, I used to be sea sick, but now I feel fine. I guess little me couldn't handle it. I got up and the wound at the top of my chest hurt a little. I rubbed it and walked over to the door. I looked at Matt and Kevin who were sleeping on some chairs. They stayed up all night to make sure I didn't die on them. I smiled and walked out to the deck. I saw Jason leaning on the railing.

"How you holding up?" I asked him.

"I'm ok, for now." I nodded and we stared out into the ocean.

"Are you going to tell your parents about Grant?"

"...yes. They need to know everything."

"You think they'll believe you?"

"I don't know, but what about your family?"

"Mine? Pfft, like they care about what I have to say. I'll just have Kevin and Matt tell them."

"...I'm sorry for bringing this up, but how close were you and Vaas?"

"How close? Pretty close I would say. He always called me hermano which means brother in Spanish and he would treat me differently than the other pirates. Killing him really...really made me want to puke. What about you and Citra? What was all the lovey-dovey thing about?"

"I...kind of liked her. She was very pretty and she smelled of the jungle which isn't that bad of a smell."

"I see...Jason, do you think we'll have to go to therapy?"

"Oh hell yeah. You think our family's going to let us live with this for the rest of our lives? And if your family won't pay for the therapist, I will. You and I are definitely going to therapy." Jason said. We both laughed and looked up at the sky.

"It's so pretty out at...what time is it?"

"I don't know, 5? 6 in the morning?"

"Damn, I only slept for 4 hours then."

"You should go back to sleep."

"Nah, I'd rather watch the beautiful sky than go back to sleep." I said.

"You know when I first saw you, I thought you were a bad guy. I wanted to ask you to help my brother and I get out of there, but I was scared shitless. So when Grant beat you up, I wanted to help you. I wanted Grant to go back and apologize for what he did to you, but he told me you were not like us. He said you were a special pirate for Vaas and you are. But I still feel bad to this day about Grant beating you up. I'm sorry."

"It's ok Jason. People make mistakes all the time. If I were Grant, I'd beat the shit out of me too. I was the one in the wrong. I was under Vaas's influence. I gave in and helped him kill innocent people and I hurt Riley. If I had a choice to hurt Riley, I wouldn't."

"I guess we were both in the wrong. You and I have done some terrible things. I sided with Citra and you sided with Vaas. We were on the wrong sides. We fought against each other. We were like their pawns. Vaas was the king and Citra was the queen and we were the knights. They both fooled and took us under their wings."

"Jason...I don't know how we'll come back from this." I said and I put my head in my hands.

"We've killed so many people that we've lost count. We can't come back from this. We're monsters. The anger, it's inside both of us. But we are still, somewhere inside of us, more than that. Better than that." Jason said. I felt better after hearing that mini speech.

"Are you boys done talking? I need help over here." Daisy said interrupting us. She waved us over and disappeared in the lower deck.

"Race you there?" Jason suggested.

"You're on!" I said and I ran past him. We laughed as we raced down the stairs towards the lower deck.

(3 Months Later...)

"Jason Brody and Blake Evans, Dr. Valentine would like to see you."

"Thank you Miss." I said and walked through the door way with Jason right behind me.

"Please, sit down." The doctor told us. We sat down and he opened his notebook.

"So, Mr. Evans and Mr. Brody am I correct?" Mr. Valentine asked us.

"Yes." Jason answered.

"Alright, now if I'm correct your family members have told me you both have seen some and may I quote "terrible shit" during your vacation, would you care to tell me all about it?" He asked and we both laughed.

"Let me tell you sir, you better get cozy because this is going to be a long ride." I said.

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