Chapter 54

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"What does your heart desire?" Citra's voice echoed.

"I don't know!" I yelled. I had no idea where I was or what was happening. I was in a large white room and it was so bright that I had to squint.

"What is your ultimate goal?" Her voice echoed.

"What's happening? Where are you?" I yelled.

"Answer the question, and the path will show."

"Fine...I want to get off this damn island and go back home." I said. All of a sudden, an old wooden door appeared in front of me and it was covered in leaves and grass. I walked up to it and pushed the door open. It revealed a jungle and a pathway. I stepped out and felt a chill creep up on my spine. The door closed and faded away.

"What now?" I asked.

"Do you love your brothers?" Citra asked me.

"Yes. No matter how fucking annoying they are, I'll always love them."

The pathway lighted up with fireflies and I walked forward. The fireflies flew forward a bit on the path and I followed them. They stopped near a small pond glistening in the moonlight. This jungle seemed so beautiful at night.  

"Have you, or have you not...sinned?"

"Honestly, I don't really know. But I guess you can say that I have. I mean, I kill people and I did drugs, but that was a one time thing!"

"Have you sinned? Yes or no?"

"...yes. Yes I have sinned."

The fireflies flew over the water and I was about to walk around the pond when I heard a faint growl come from the jungle. I backed up and went to the other side, but I heard another growl. I sighed and stepped into the nice pond. The ripples in the water looked amazing as the moon reflected off of it. After, I came up to a small cliff and I saw the fireflies flying over the edge.

"Who do you trust with all your life? Vaas or Jason?"

"Jason." I said, but then the ground started to rumble as if there was an earthquake.

"You are lying. Tell the truth or the path will not open up."

"But I am! I trust Jason!" The ground started to shake harder and I tried to keep my balance.

"Why? Why do you trust Vaas more than Jason?" Citra's voice sounded furious.

"Because Vaas is my friend and I would do anything for him!" I yelled.

"You are a fool. Being friends with the monster that plagues our home. Being friends with a murderer. You have sinned. Sinned along with that man I call a brother. You both, will not leave this island alive. You both will suffer." The ground started to fade away and before I could even react, I fell. I looked down and saw the Rook island and clouds. I was falling from a very far height.


"THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS TO THOSE WHO DESERVE TO DIE!" Citra screamed and I saw the cold hard ground getting closer and closer and then....

(Back To The Real World...)

"FUCKING FUCKSASDFGKDKHIXN!" I screamed as I woke up sweating with a topless Citra on top of me chanting some weird shit. I tried to move, but I didn't want to tell Citra that even though she looked skinny, she was pretty heavy.

"You are awake young warrior. How was your little nap?"


"Please, do not yell. This temple does not like it when people scream harsh words. That is disrespecting the Gods."

"Well it's disrespecting to me that you made me fucking hit the ground from a long fall. I couldn't have landed in water?"

"You wouldn't have ended up in this situation if you had answered the questions truthfully."

"But I did! I do trust Jason more than Vaas!" Citra stared at me with a serious expression.

"You are lying to yourself everyday. You believe what others tell you instead of seeing it yourself. Your words are telling you lies and your eyes speak the truth, but you are blind. You only listen."

"Can you please get off of me. I feel very uncomfortable." Citra got up and I quickly wiped the sweat off of my forehead and took deep breaths. That, was a total fucking nightmare. I never want to do that again.

"I'm going back to Vaas's Compound." I told Citra and I turned around.

"What about your clothes?"

"What do you me-WHAT THE FUCK?" I was almost naked. The only thing I had on was my boxers. Citra handed me my clothes and I just walked out of her temple trying not to make any eye contact with the warriors.

"Blake! What a...why don't you have any clothes on?" Dennis asked me.

"Uh...nothing. Why don't you ask Citra?"

"You know, Jason was in the same predicament you were in. But he enjoyed it."

"What do you mean?"

"Citra was on top of you, yes?"

"Yeah, and?"

"Well most men would be honored. The whole jungle heard you scream."

"Well that's embarrassing."

"Yes it is." He said and laughed.

"But I thought Jason had a girlfriend? Wouldn't he freak out?"

"Why would he freak out? Jason loves Citra and would do anything to be with her. He might as well call her his girlfriend."

"Thanks for the info Dennis...see you around." I said.

He nodded and we both went our separate ways.

(In Vaas's Office...)

"Did she get mad? Did she threaten you?"

"No, but I could tell she was pretty much 110% done with me." Vaas laughed and I smiled. I would never tell him about that moment with Citra. He might kill me for real.

"So let me get this straight. You tripped her a couple of times, you tangled her hair when she wasn't looking and you pissed on her holy tree?"


"This is fucking great, hermano. You can get away with anything."

"Yeah right. One day she'll snap and kill me."

"Now that can't happen. If she does try and kill you, I'm cutting her head off." Vaas looked at his watch and whistled.

"Look at the time, hermano. You got to go and I got to go do some important stuff." Vaas said as he was pushing me out the door.

"You mean do drugs and drink beer?"

"Shut the fuck up and go." Vaas said and he slammed the door. I laughed and walked up to my car and drove towards Hoyt's island.

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