Chapter 13

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"Blake get up." Vaas hit me on the arm and I opened my eyes. We were in front of an old warehouse that was covered by moss and vines. I put on my gear and I followed Vaas into the warehouse and we were greeted by soldiers. We went up a few flight of stairs and we met with a bunch of soldiers standing guard in front of a door. Vaas told them to move and they did, one of them opened the door and revealed 2 people tied to a chair.

One of them was a girl and a boy. They were older than me, but seemed to be the same age as Kevin. The girl (who I assumed was Liza) was crying and the guy was silent. Vaas walked in front of them and he smiled. I stayed in the back of the room and leaned on the wall, watching Vaas talk to his prisoners and telling them how they'll never make it out alive. That the jungle will consume them. I almost fell asleep again, until Vaas's walkie-talkie started to make noise and a soldier on the other end told Vaas that they had successfully captured Jason and are bringing him to the warehouse right now. Things were starting to heat up.

"Did you hear that guys? Jason is going to be here soon so sit tight. Blake, watch over the prisoners...I'm going to go take a piss." Vaas pulled me forward and he took a chair and made me sit in it in front of Jason's friends. Vaas left and I stared at the floor because I did not want to make any eye contact with these guys.

"Hey dude." I looked up and one of Jason's friends were talking to me.

"What?" I asked.

"You got to let us out of here man. I'm not ready to die!" He sounded pretty nervous and Liza stopped crying and looked up. Her mascara was streaming down her face because of her tears.

"Oliver shut up! Don't talk to him. He's obviously not going to let us go."

"Your right about that, but there's no way in hell am I going to let anybody kill you guys." I said. They looked at me with confusing looks.

"Look, I'm not really with them, I'm joining them because I think they can help me find my brothers."

"Are you sure they're not going to kill us?" The guy named Oliver said.

"Don't worry, I'm kind of a higher authority than them."

"You don't look like you're from here." Oliver said.

"I'm not, I'm from Texas."

"Really? You look like a one of us California folks and you don't have an accent."

"I was born in Texas and moved to California after my parents died when I was 3. Then I was adopted into a new family and then I ended up here with pirates."

"Oh, sorry about your parents bro."

"It's ok and...actually...why the hell am I telling you about my past?"

"I don't know, you started it."

"No, you did!"

"No I didn't!"

"Will both of you stop arguing! We are in deep shit Oliver!"

"Oh yeah I forgot!"

All of us went silent and Vaas walked in with some soldiers following close behind him. The soldiers dragged Jason's friends outside the front door and placed them across from Jason who was unconscious, I took a good look at Jason and my breath hitched. He changed. He definitely changed. Last time I saw him. he was a guy who hid behind his older brother and now, he was something entirely different. He had tattoos on his left arm and they look to be tribal and he had weapons with him that were exactly like mine, not only that, but his faced looked like he had bags under his eyes and he had cuts and bruises. I heard a noise and saw that Jason was starting to come to. He opened his eyes and Vaas had a gasoline can in his hands and he started sprinkling it all over the place and on Jason.

"Who gave that ink, hmm? I asked you a question: who gave you that ink? Citra gave you that ink? My sister gave you that ink, huh? You think that makes you one of us? You think that makes you like me, huh? California boy's got a hard-on for jungle fever. I'm gunna drive a bullet through my sister's skull, like I did with your brother Grant."

"Fuck you." Jason said with a glare.

"You are angry, Jason. You are angry. Ok, I get that, I get it. I mean with out family, who the fuck are we? There was a time I would do anything for my sister, you know? First time I ever killed was for my sister. But that was not enough for her. No no no no no please." Vaas started walking around the prisoners and then he turned around to yell at Jason.

"You see, the thing about our loved ones, right? Our FUCKING loved ones, they come and they blindside you every fucking time. So they say to me, they say, "Vaas! Vaas! WHO THE FUCK IS IT GOING TO BE? THEM OR ME? ME OR THEM?" Hahaha, like, you know, like they fucking think that I need to make a fucking choice."

"You want to know what I think about you Jason? Huh? You want to know what I think?" I saw Vaas reach towards his blade and lunged towards Jason. I went after Vaas and held him back.

"Vaas! Calm down! Let me handle this!" Finally after some convincing, Vaas calmed down.

"Why the fuck did you stop me?" Vaas was furious and I could tell, he was all up in my face for one and because he had his blade pointed at my chest.

"Why would you want to give Jason a quick death? Why not make it painful?" I said and I took out my lighter and tried to start a light, but it was out of oil, so I went up to Jason and put it in his shirt pocket.

"Keep it there, you're going to need it." I gave him a smile and a wink.

Vaas poked me on the arm and he handed me some matches. I took one out and lit it, I then dropped it on the floor and everything was set ablaze. Liza started screaming and one of the soldiers took Oliver and Vaas motioned for me to follow him. I followed him outside and we got into a truck. Oliver sat next to me and Vaas sat in the driver's seat. We drove to our compound and dumped Oliver in a little shed where he was tied to a chair again.

Vaas pulled me into his office and started saying how fucking crazy I was back there and how proud he was of me. He gave me a pat on the back and some how, it felt nice. I never got pats on the back when I was a kid. Hell, I never got a pat on the back at all in my life...well except for that one time I got rejected by a girl for asking her to prom, but that's a different story! Anyways, Vaas was being his usual self so I decided to visit Dr. Earnhardt and tell Daisy about what happened.

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