Chapter 22

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When I woke up, there was daylight coming from the windows and a few cracks in the wall. My body ached all over and I could barely stand. I felt dried blood all over me and I could tell that it was mine. I sat upright and noticed that I was alone in the room. I tired to stand, but I couldn't, I didn't have enough energy to do anything physical. I heard voices outside the door and it opened revealing 3 warriors.

"Look who's awake. Sleep well sweet heart? I hope you did because we are going to have a lot of fun tonight."

"Go fuck yourselves." I said and I spit on the guy's shoe. He came towards me and grabbed me by the collar of my shirt.

"Do that again, I fucking dare you."

I gave the guy a smirk and I kneed him in the crotch and he pushed me away from him. I fell to the floor and crawled away from him. I did not want to get into a fight with anyone, especially when I'm injured.

"Why you little fu-"

"What's going on here? Why are you grabbing your balls?" The man with the long hair came in and shut the door.

"This fucking kid kicked me in the balls!"

"Technically, I kneed him." I said and I stuck my middle finger at the guy.

"You shouldn't be messing with us kid, especially when we are going to have a surprise guest tonight."

"Surprise guest?" I asked.

"Yes, when you blacked out, my boys sent the video to Vaas. I wonder what his response will be. By the way, you better heal up because tonight, we are going to have some fun." I gulped and he started laughing.

"You look scared, I like that. You're lucky I don't kill you the way Buck kills people, I mean, have you seen the way he kills people? It's pretty fucked up."

"Who's buck?" I asked.

"None of your concern. Now, why don't you stay in this room and wait until nightfall so we can have our fun alright? And don't you dare touch anything." He ordered his men to follow him and he closed the door behind him and I heard a clicking noise which means he locked it. I sighed with relief to know that I'll just be in this room for a few hours and then I'll get a beating.

"How the fuck do I get out of here?" I asked myself. I slowly got up and limped around to see what they had. There was a desk, a shelf and a few chairs. I went towards the shelf and found my phone in it. I tried to turn it on, but it wouldn't work so I checked the battery and it was empty. I put the phone back and I limped to sit in a chair. I sat there wondering what the hell were they planning to do to me tonight.

(Nighttime Rolls Around...)

I yawned as I was woken up by the sound of the door being unlocked and 2 warriors came in and they started beating me. It was like last night all over again and I did not want to relive that. I was still weak so I couldn't really do much. In the end, I was on the floor gasping for air and spitting blood all over the floor from my mouth. I didn't want to move so I laid there and watched the men as they stared at me. I heard car tires screeching and then I heard screaming. The voice that was screaming sounded awfully familiar and then I recognized it. It was Vaas.

"Looks like Vaas is here. What do we do now?"

"We wait till leader gives the signal."

I laid there listening to Vaas's screaming. The conversation went like this:

"Where the fuck is he you fucking bastard!"

"Whoa, whoa Vaas, calm down."

"Calm down? You fucking kidnap my friend and video tape beating the shit out of him? AND YOU EXPECT ME TO BE CALM?!"

"Well, not really, but he deserved it and so did you. Listen, I want to make a deal, you die for the boy and we set him free. You don't die for him and we kill him and you."

"You want me to die so bad all for what I did to your son? It was 4 months ago you dick! Get the fuck over it!"

"We'll see about that."

I heard the men's walkie talkie go off and they both looked at me. They grabbed both of my arms and dragged me outside. When we were outside, I saw Vaas and the man with the long hair. The warriors threw me to the floor and the man with the long hair laughed.

"We can make this easy Vaas, or hard. It's your choice."

"I don't give a flying fuck about your choice."

"Suit yourself, boys!"

One of the warriors kicked me in the face and all of them started dog piling me. I couldn't breathe with all the pressure on my body. When they got off of me, they started pummeling me with punches. I struggled trying to get away from them, but they would just end up pulling me back into the fight. I felt the blood trickle down from my head. It hurt badly and I winced when ever someone punched it.

"Fucking...STOP!" I screamed and I kicked a guy in the face and he got knocked out. One of them tried to hit me and I attempted to punch him the face and I did. My punches and kicks weren't all that strong, but it sure did hurt them. My body ached whenever I moved it or when I made contact with something. I felt like my whole body was burning like it was on fire. When I thought I was safe, one of them tackled me and laid on top of me. He pulled a knife out and he held it over my neck. I stopped moving and I felt the blade of the knife touching my skin. It was cold and I shivered. The guy made a gurgling noise and went wide eyed and then he fell on top of me. On his back was a knife stabbed through him. I looked up to see Vaas standing over the man. I shoved the guy off me and Vaas tried to help me up.

"So, I guess you both think you're going to get out of this place alive huh?" The long haired man said.

"Fuck yeah we are." Vaas then made a loud whistle and all of his men came out from the shadows and surrounded the long hair guy and his men.

"You didn't think I'd come here unprepared right? I knew what you were planning all long, I'm not fucking stupid if that's what you think."

"You won't get away with this Vaas, I swear. I'll get my revenge!"

"Yeah yeah what ever. Let's get you home Blake."


"Yeah, back to the Compound. You know what I'm talking about."

"Of course, but I wouldn't call it home."

"Rude as fuck, but who cares, you're safe."

"For now."

"I don think he'll want to mess with us anymore after today."

Vaas helped me get into the car and we drove off. It was dark out and I felt so sleepy.

"Take a nap." Vaas said.

"I'm alright I-"

"I said, take a nap." Vaas had a serious tone in his voice.

I nodded and went to sleep thinking about not getting the shit beat out of me anymore(for the time being) and taking a few weeks off from work."

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