Chapter 26

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"What is your full name?"

"Blake Evans."

"How old are you?"


"Why did you come here?"

"My brothers and I were on vacation because my oldest brother came back from the army and he wanted to take us on a brotherly vacation."

"What do you like to do for fun?"

"I like to play video games, skateboard, and hang out with friends."

"Do you like killing people?"

"Before I came here, I never even knew how to hold a knife, but now...I feel like killing is the only thing that makes me happy."

"Did you smoke or drink or did any drugs before you came here?"


"Where you from?"

"Texas, but then my parents died and I got adopted by a family and we moved to California."

"How did your parents die?"

"They got in a car accident."

"Tell me Blake, are you afraid of dying?"

"Sometimes, other times I don't really care."

Hoyt took the knife in his hand and he put it against my neck.

"Are you scared now?"

"Not really, I kind of expected that."

I stared him straight in the eyes showing no fear. We stared at each other for a few minutes and then he put the knife down and sheathed it. I sighed and the hands on my shoulders let go and I relaxed a little.

" seems like you passed my test. I thought you were going to break down and cry when I did that, but I was completely wrong. You are a strong soldier you know that? I like men like you, not afraid of anything or anyone. Especially Vaas, I can't believe you're actually friends with that psycho."

"So, what now?" I asked.

"What now? Now, we need Vaas to come in here. You, bring Vaas in here right now." The brute nodded and he opened the door to reveal Vaas standing at the door. He pushed the brute out of the way and he came towards me.

"Are you alright Blake? He didn't hurt you or anything?"

"Don't worry Vaas, I didn't hurt your little soldier. He is grade A material. We need more men like him because with him, think about all the money and all the products we could get if our workers were like him."

"What are you suggesting? That he works for you?" Vaas asked.

"Wow, you actually took the words right out of my mouth. So what is it Blake, do you want to work for me?"

"I don-"

"You know what? You don't have to answer because I'm both of your bosses, so I can tell you to do what ever I want. So Blake, welcome to the Volker family!"

I looked at Vaas to see his reaction and he was not happy at all. He seemed more angry than ever and Hoyt noticed it.

"Listen Vaas, don't be mad that I'm taking away your little soldier, you'll get to see him from time to time. So don't be making those faces at me, I hate it when you do that." Hoyt lit a cigar and he put it in his mouth. He looked like a smug ass bastard and Vaas was taking none of this shit.

"But who will work for me now?"

"Why are you worrying about that? Haven't you been fine alone?"

"Yeah but..." Vaas was actually at a loss for words and I couldn't couldn't blame him, if I were in the same situation, I wouldn't know what to say either.

"Then it's settled then! Blake you are officially working for me and Vaas you can now go back to your island." Vaas and I walked out of the office and the helicopter was ready for take off. Vaas turned around and he held out his hand. I shook his hand and we both gave each other a bro hug.

"You better not get into anymore trouble when I'm gone."

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. I just hope that you don't go insane while I'm gone."

"Oh please, I'm already insane." We both laughed and Vaas got into the helicopter and he left. I watched the helicopter, until it was out of my vision and then I headed back into Hoyt's house and into his office. He was looking out the window smoking his cigar. His back was facing me and I slowly knocked on his desk. He turned around and he put out his cigar.

"Did he leave?"


"Good, now let's get down to business. So what I've heard form Vaas is that you tried to kill Jason Brody and you failed."

"It was all my fault so don't blame Vaas."

"Yeah, yeah, but that's not the point. The point, is that Jason is destroying my merchandise and he is ruining my business. Sooner or later I'll be fucking broke and you know what happens to people like me when they are broke and defenseless?"

"What?" I asked.

"They become less popular and become a peasant. I used to be one, like my father, but then I decided that it was time for me to become more than a peasant...a God. So I became a drug lord and a kingpin. Look at me now! I have everything I ever wanted in life."

"Do like your life?"

"Do I like my life? Of course I do! Why do you ask?"

"I was just curious." I mumbled. I looked back at Hoyt and he gave me a small glare.

"I don't like when people mumble Blake. It makes me want to kill them, but I'll let it pass...for now."

"So what's my first job?"

"I want you to kill Jason Brody. That is my first job for you. And please, don't take your time, I want him dead, fast." I nodded and I walked out of Hoyt's office and went outside. When I walked outside, I was greeted by a bald man with tattoos. He had a thick german accent and he was wearing a different uniform than the others. I guessed he was a higher ranked soldier. He told me that I was to follow him to my new home. He told me about Hoyt's island and how crazy it can get sometimes. He also told me that when Hoyt gets mad, I shouldn't bother him.

"By the way, the name's Sam. Sam Becker. Verstanden?"

"Uhh...yeah, I think." I said and he chuckled.

"You don't understand German?"

"Not really."

"Do you know what dummkopf means?"

"It means...idiot...right?"


"So is this my home?" I pointed at the house in front of us. He said yes and he said if I ever needed help, I should go to him. I nodded and went inside to inspect my new house. It seemed roomy, and one of the rooms there was a bed with a uniform that looked like Sam's and a walkie talkie laying on it. I dressed into the uniform and put the walkie talkie in my pocket and went outside. It was still light out so I decided to go driving around the island to get used to it. It was going to be a long day today.

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