Chapter 60

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I knelt down and I started to cough out blood. That punch to the stomach really hurt and I felt like one of my ribs were broken. Jason leaned against the wall and he still had the knife in his hands. He slowly made his way towards me and I tried to stand up, but I felt weak. I had no idea how long we were fighting for, but I could tell one of us is going to drop dead any minute.

"Just...give...up." Jason gasped as he fell to the floor. He slowly got back up and he held on to the wall.

"I-I don't want to kill you stop." I could hear Vaas yelling my name and Citra yelling Jason's name. The only thing I wanted to do was try and convince Jason to stop this shitty fight. Jason was coming closer and closer and I had no strength to fight.

"I give up...kill me." I said and knelt down in front of him. He got off the wall and he held the knife above my head. He pushed me to the floor and he climbed on top of me. He sat on the lower half of my body so I couldn't kick him.

"Please Jason, stop this. We can go home now." I pleaded. Jason looked behind him and he nodded to Citra. This is where I die. He turned to look at me and I closed my eyes awaiting my death.

"Blake, look at me." I opened my eyes and looked at Jason.

"What do you want? You want me to watch as you cut my guts out of my stomach?"

"What the fuck? That's gross dude. Look, I'm not crazy, but I've been thinking of a plan to get out of this situation."

"Wait, what the hell are you-YOU MOTHERFU-" Jason put his hand over my mouth.

"Shut the fuck up! They'll hear us! Look, I'm not actually in love with Citra, but I kind of like her, but not anymore. Basically, I just want to get off this island, but to that, one of us has to die right now. Will you die for me?"

I nodded and Jason lifted his hand from my mouth. He took the knife and he cut a little slit on the palm of his hand and his blood started to drip. He wiped the blood all over my shirt and he ripped the front of my shirt where my heart was. He wiped more blood on the spot and he held the knife above the spot.

"WHOA! WHAT THE FU-" Jason cut me off by holding the knife above his head and he drove it into the ground next to my head. His arm covered my mouth so I wouldn't scream.

"Just play dead." He whispered in my ear and he leaned further into me. Luckily Citra and Vaas couldn't see what was going on because Jason's back was covering me. I closed my eyes and tried to breathe as little as possible without dying.

"BLAKE!" I heard Vaas scream and I heard footsteps getting closer and closer. I heard someone knelt down next to me and I felt someone grab me and hold me in their arms.

"Why...why...WHY!?" Vaas screamed.

"Come on, hermano. Please don't die on me." I heard Vaas plea. I tried not to breathe as much so he wouldn't see my chest go up and down.


"Jason is the ultimate warrior Vaas! You cannot defeat him!" I heard Citra yell.

"You'll pay for this you piece of shit." Vaas whispered and I heard him whistle loudly. The next thing I knew, I'm smelling smoke and people are screaming their heads off. I felt someone lift me up and I opened my eyes a little to see what was going on. I saw Vaas carrying me and the temple was all up in flames. I closed them when he looked down. He stopped running and I felt him throw me a car. We drove off and all I could think was how the hell am I going to get out of this without being buried alive.

(Arriving At Vaas's Compound...)

Vaas gently laid me down on the floor and he told his men to leave. I heard the door close and I heard him open a drawer. I was about to open my eyes when I felt an instant pain hit my ribs and I screamed ni pain. I rubbed my ribs and I looked up at Vaas. In his left hand was a tazer.

"You motherfucking liar. I thought you died." Vaas whispered menacingly. I gulped and kept my mouth shut.

"Did you think that after I brought you back here you would go back to see Jason? Hmm? Did you think I couldn't feel your heart beat?" I face palmed when he mentioned my heart beat. How could I forget about that? You can definitely tell when someone is alive by their heart beat.

"I trusted you, you know that? I thought I could give you half of everything I own. But you do this? Fake your own death? I almost cried. That is how much I cared for you, you piece of fucking shit." I couldn't say anything. My tongue felt heavy in my mouth so whenever I tried to say something, my tongue wouldn't move.

"SAY SOMETHING YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!" Vaas yelled and he started top come towards me. I quickly crawled over to the corner of the room and I sat there in a ball. I was scared shitless. I have never seen Vaas this mad before.

"I-I-I-" I couldn't say anything. I was terrified that Vaas was going to kill me any minute now.

"You're dead to me." He whispered and he took out a small knife. He lunged at me and I rolled over to the next corner. I got up and I headed towards the door, but Vaas beat me to it. He twirled the knife in his hand and he slowly backed me into a corner. The door was right behind him, but the only way to get to it was to get past Vaas.

"Vaas please, I don't want to hurt you." I whispered. He growled at me and I knew the friendship we had was destroyed. I ducked when he sliced his knife and I pushed him to the side and I made my way to the door. I opened it and I ran outside. I ran to the gate, but it started to close and that was the only exit out of the place. I was just about to make it when I felt a bullet pierce my shoulder. I still ran, but the gates closed. I banged on the gates and I heard shuffling happening right behind me. I held my right shoulder with the bullet wound and I turned around. Everybody had their guns pointed at me and Vaas was standing in front of the crowd.

"Do you think you can escape me, Blake? No matter what, I'll still find you. Even if the gates were still open, you wouldn't make it that far. I have you cornered. So come along quietly, or do I have to ask your brothers."

When he mentioned my brothers, I knew I had to do whatever he said. Plus, I'd be killed right on the spot if I resisted. I walked towards him and he grabbed me by the shirt. He started to pull me towards the infirmary and he told them to fix my wound. This wasn't going to end well.

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