Chapter 41

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While we were driving, I told Jason to drop me off a few miles away from Vaas's Compound so he wouldn't be seen. I told him that I was going to visit for awhile and he could leave and go back to Hoyt to tell him we had done the job. After Jason left I made my way towards the compound and I saw a bunch of soldiers sitting around playing cards and drinking. They nodded at me as soon as I walked in and some of them even waved at me.

I walked around searching for the one place I remember the most, Vaas's office. Before I could make my way up the steps to his office, the door swung open and an angry looking Vaas came through. He looked around until his eyes settled on me and he instantly went from super angry to fucking happy.

"Blake! Holy shit hermano I didn't expect to see you here! I was just about to go murder some villagers, want to come with?"

" thanks.'s it going?" I asked.

"Pretty boring, I mean, I'm not saying that when you're here things are fun, but I mean that business is slow and shit like that." He sighed.

"You miss me or something?" I teased and he glared at me.

"I can't believe I'm going to say this, but ever since you left...shit has been going down. As in I've become more insane and my whole island is ruined because of Jason and Hoyt is too busy doing his own shit...and for fuck sakes hermano I fucking miss hanging out with you." He was instantly angry again and I ignored it.

"You miss me? Because I missed you too." I gave him my usually big happy smiles. He seemed to have calmed down after he saw that I was giving no harm.

"Thanks I guess, anyways, I heard about what happened with Hoyt's big enemy, what was that about?" He asked me.

"Wait, how the fuck do you know that?" I asked him.

"News travels fast around here, especially on my island. So tell me what happened!"

"He's dead...I killed him."

"Good job! I'm so proud of you hermano! You know what? Lets celebrate with a few beers and some drugs tonight, you up for that?" Vaas put an arm around my shoulder and I nodded.

"I'll drink, but I won't smoke weed, that shit is fucked fucked me up." I then started remembering my first time experiencing weed and drinking. Damn that was a huge nightmare.

"Don't worry hermano, everything will be just fine." He said and he started complaining about he weather and the many ways he could kill Jason Brody.

(Later That Night...)

"Man, I hate that you're lightweight, you can't even finish your first beer! You'd make the worst drinking buddy ever." Vaas gave me a pat on the back and I laughed. We were sitting on the beach near his compound and I barely even drank a lot of beer and I was already drunk.

"Shot the fudge up you stick head!" I told him. He laughed and I raised an eyebrow.

"Man you are the funniest drunk ever! Mix beer with weed and bam! Best fucking combination ever hermano!" Vaas puffed out smoke and I took another sip of beer.

"Hey Vaas, why do you hate your sister?" I turned my flushed face towards Vaas, he crushed his beer can in his hands and he threw it in the ocean.

"She started doing some fucked up shit and I wanted no part of it." He took the beer can out of my hands and he started to drink it. I looked at him and he shrugged.

"Sooooooo, what's the difference...between fucked up shit are doing compared to citrus?" I asked him.

" mean Citra? Well, I kill people and she uses people for her own personal gain."

"Isn't that what you did to me? Or what Hoyt is doing to us?"

"Yes, but Hoyt and I actually care for the people that we use. For example, you. Hoyt has to care about you because you are making his business boom. I care about you because we have a lot in common and you are the only thing that can keep me from destroying the whole world...Blake, did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is?"

"Uuuhhhh...nope." I pulled my legs to my chest and rested my head on my knees. I looked up at him and he stared me straight in the eyes.

"Insanity is doing the exact...same fucking thing...over and over again expecting...shit to change. That. Is. Crazy. The first time somebody told me that, I dunno, I thought they were bullshitting me, so I shot him. The thing is...he was right. And then I started seeing, everywhere I looked, everywhere I looked all these fucking pricks, everywhere I looked doing the exact same fucking thing...over and over and over and over again thinking "this time is gonna be different" no, no, no please...this time is gonna be different...I'm sorry, I don't like the way you are looking at me!" Vaas got up and he looked as if he was ready to kick my ass. I didn't even do anything to this guy and he was ready to beat my head in.

"Okay, do you have a fucking problem in your head? Do you think that I am bullshitting you? Do you think I am lying? FUCK YOU! OKAY? FUCK's okay, man. I'm gonna chill hermano. I'm gonna chill...the thing is alright...the thing I am really fucking high right now...but it's not like I am fucking crazy. It's's like water under the bridge. Did I ever tell you the definition...of insanity?"

"" I stared deep into Vaas's eyes and it seemed like he was in a whole other universe or some shit. He sat back down and he started to smoke another blunt.

"So, how was it? I've been thinking about that quote for a long time...I've always wanted to tell someone that." Vaas said.

"Fucking amazing. Simply fantastic. That quote, is going to be imprinted in my head forever now." I told him and he chuckled.

"I hope so, and if anyone asks who told you that, tell them I did. And if you say someone else told you that, I'm going to legitimately rip your fucking balls off hermano." He gave me a serious stare and I nodded. I stared at the ocean and noticed that it was calm and nice for once. Usually it would be filled with pirate boats all over the place and dead Rakyat warrior bodies being eaten by sharks.

"Listen Blake, don't fall for Citra's tricks. You see Blake, Jason is too stupid to see what kind of person Citra really is. You and I, we can see right through her, we can see the fucked up monster she really is. Because Jason is weak, she brainwashed him and soon, she might brainwash all of us."

"I want to know Vaas, what I should do if someone I know is under Citra's spell. What do I do? How do I help them?"

"You don't, you kill them. Once they get caught in Citra's trap, they'll never make it out alive." Vaas's tone was serious and I felt a chill run up my spine. I shivered and Vaas noticed.

"You cold? Want to go get some beauty sleep?" He asked me.

"Beauty sleep? I am not, sleeping beauty. If I were a princess, I would be Mulan!"

"You're not even Chinese." Vaas said.

"Yeah, but I like the songs in the movie though."

"Don't you dare start singing or I will tape your mouth shut." He gave me a smirk and I laughed.

"My singing isn't as bad as you think." I told him.

"Yeah, well I don't want to hear it. Stay over for the night and then return in the morning, got it?"

"Got it." I said and I walked back to my old house and I found that it was empty, except my bed was still there. I laid on the bed and I stared at the ceiling. Whatever Citra was doing to Jason, I better stop it or it might grow into a serious problem. Maybe the jungle does change you, or is it Citra? Or Vaas or...I don't know. I looked out the window and saw the moon high in the sky and I thought of that moon in the game Legend Of Zelda. That scary ass moon always creeps the hell out of me. Then I decided to sleep, dreaming about escaping the island and the ugly ass Zelda moon.

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