Chapter 51

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"Is it time yet?" I asked Sam as he stood outside of the armory drinking a small beer. I planted the explosives all around the outpost, this place is going out with a boom.

"Not yet, I know some of these men are going to be guarding this place and what I want to do is make them really drunk. That way, they won't be much of a hassle." Sam said.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Es ist Zeit für Sie, um eine Uhr zu bekommen!" Sam said and laughed.

"I'm guessing you just told me that it's time for me to get a watch?" I said.

"Pretty much, now go wait outside for a few minutes and when I say go, you press the button and this whole place goes boom!"

"Ok." I said and I did as I was told.

(A Few Hours Later...)

"I can't believe we did that." I said.

"I know! Now, Hoyt will be defenseless!" Sam said.

"But we haven't exploded the rest of the bombs yet."

"Then press the damn button!" Sam yelled and I pressed the button. The whole outpost went up in flames. Sam and I high fived each other and laughed.

"Now, lets get back to Hoyt and see what he has to say."

"What are you talking about? We just blew up the place, how would Hoyt know?"

"He's got men who can deliver news like a fucking cheetah. Hoyt knows everything and everyone."

"Welp, I hope that Hoyt won't be too mad at us for not being able to "protect" his armory." I said.

(In Hoyt's Office...)

"I can't fucking believe you two. I make you do one little thing and you think I'm not fucking angry? You think I'm just going to forgive you? You two are in a world of trouble. Doing a few things isn't going to satisfy me! No, I want you two to do something for me. Something big." Hoyt was fuming and all Sam and I could do was stare at him.

"What do you want us to do?" I asked.

"You know what? I change my mind. Sam, I want you to leave and Blake, sit down. It's about time you and I have a little talk. Or should I say, a "real" talk." I gulped and looked at Sam. He shrugged and walked out the door. What a fucking guy.

"I said sit." Hoyt demanded. I walked over and sat down in the chair. I felt like I was being interrogated for something I've never done.

"Do you want a Cohiba?" Hoyt asked me as he held out a small cigar.

"I don't smoke." I said.

"Oh, you're concerned about cancer. That's goose shit. Cancer won't be what kills you want to know the secret to keeping employees happy?"

"What is it?" I asked trying to act interested. Hoyt got up from his chair and walked around his desk. He leaned in close to my face and whispered "fear".

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because, I don't think you're scared of me. I don't think you're scared enough to do the job right. Maybe I should threaten you, or cut one of your limbs off and feed it to the dogs."

"I'm trying my hardest to do the job right, I swear." I said. Hoyt walked over to the big window and pointed to a huge boat at the docks.

"You see that boat out there? I'm holding it and the people onboard for ransom. But the customer, he just doesn't want to negotiate outside country lines. Bahh!" Hoyt said and he started up an old record player. It started to play an old song which I knew as Ride Of The Valkyries.

"See. I prefer the European recordings. The brass sections in American orchestras are too...bombastic." As soon as Hoyt said bombastic, he pressed a small button on a remote and the boat blew up. I jumped at the sudden explosion and Hoyt smiled.

"You see Blake, I can destroy everything that you hold dear to your heart. You're lucky I don't know where your brothers are, but if I did. You bet your ass that one of them will be dead. Or they'll both lose a few limbs. So listen up, I know what you're doing. You, Sam and Jason." My heart stopped for a second when Hoyt mentioned Jason's name. How in the fuck did he know? Who told him? What the hell is going on?

"Ha! Look at your face! You look nervous, well you should be. Because this whole time while you're out there ruining my plans, I've been doing things. Traveling in fact. One of my soldiers, are looking for your brothers. They should be back any minute now with a report." After a couple of seconds, Hoyt's walkie talkie started making noises.


"Hoyt, we found them. They are under a large house that belongs to some guy named Dr. Earnhardt. Should we kill them?"

In that instant, fear set in. I felt like my whole world was coming to an end. Hoyt knew where my brothers were and now I'm screwed.

"Don't do anything yet." Hoyt said.

"Let's make a deal Blake. You do whatever I tell you and your brothers will be safe. But if you fuck up on one job, they're dead...understood?" Hoyt asked me.

"Yes...Hoyt." I said quietly. This might be the worst day of my life.

"Good, glad we got to an understanding. Now, there's something I'd like you to do for me. I have a prisoner downstairs. I want you to find out who he is, who his benefactors are, then, I want you to beat him until he can't stand up. I'll send Sam with you." Before I got up, Hoyt motioned for me to stop.

"Oh, I'll keep my eye on the camera feed. I so rarely get to watch another professional at work. Go on and don't disappoint me." I nodded and walked out of his office in silence. All I could think about was, what's going to happen to my brothers? I don't want Hoyt anywhere near them. I met up with Sam and he showed me the way to the prisoner.

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