Chapter 19

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When I pulled the trigger, I expected to die. Not to have my wrist gabbed by a psychopath and point it up at the ceiling when I shot. I opened my eyes and stared into Vaas's eyes...his eyes showed sadness. He let go of my wrist and I dropped the gun. I fell on my knees to the ground and I looked down at my hands. Vaas knelt down in front of me and I hugged him. He didn't wrap his arms around me at first, but after a few seconds he did. He kept patting me on the back and I cried into his shirt. I felt like I could feel my brothers watching, watching me hug a psycho and cry into his chest. A few moments later I stopped crying and I let go of Vaas. I blushed because I just cried in front of my boss and my brothers are watching.

"I'm sorry." I whispered quietly. I felt like absolute shit.

"That just great Blake, cry onto a psychopath's shoulder and hug him. Because that's just normal." I looked at Kevin and he was clearly not happy.

"You shut the fuck up hermano, or I'll kill you first." Vaas pointed a finger at him.

"Vaas, if I do whatever you say when you say it, will you please not hurt my brothers? Even if I do mess up on a job?" I asked.

"I'll think about it, but for now, you need to shower because you fucking stink." I chuckled and I got up. I turned to look at my brothers and I waved goodbye to them. Matt smiled, but Kevin wouldn't even turn to look at me. Vaas left and I followed him. We passed by Carlos and he gave me another glare, this time I didn't glare back at him, I didn't even look at him. I followed Vaas to a bathroom and he said he was going to get me a towel. After I got out of the shower and got dressed, I decided to thank Vaas.

"Thanks Vaas, for not letting me kill myself."

"No problem...I guess." He scratched the back of his head and he looked away. I smiled and playfully punched his shoulder.

"Someone's a little shy when receiving a thanks." I nudged him and he gave me a noogie. He let my head go and I laughed.

"You better not tell anyone, you got that?"

"I promise."

"Alright, now get the hell out of my face."

I walked away and went back to where my brothers were. I opened the door and Matt was the first to see me. He gave me a smile and I did the same. Kevin looked up and he looked away. I decided to question him.

"Why are you so mad right now? You're lucky I saved your life!"

"Lucky? How am I lucky? My little brother just turned into a psychotic murderer and he acts all fine? Tell me Blake, how many people have you killed?"

"...I don't know."

"Pfft, no wonder you don't know, you probably killed so many people you lost count."

"Hey, don't blame him...he probably had to do it or he'd be killed." Matt said.

"He'd be killed? Did you see how strong Blake was? He tackled a guy with a pistol and he cut off 3 villager's heads."

"It doesn't matter, that was in the past an-"

"Are you trying to tell me to forget the past? Because news flash for ya, I won't."

"Just be happy that I didn't let the guy blow Matt's head off." I said.

"Oh please, why are you even here? Why don't you let us rot in here like the bastards we are. It's too obvious that Blake was going to choose Mohawk over us."

"What makes you say that?" I asked.

"Do I even need to explain it?"

"Blake, were you really going to choose that guy over us?" Matt asked me. I stopped and slowly shook my head.

"Of course not. Well...maybe."

"Ha! See told ya! He'd pick that guy over us any day because Blake loves to hang out with psychopaths." Kevin said in a teasing voice.

"Look Kevin, I don't know what your problem is, but I have my reasons to choose him and I have my reasons to choose you guys."

"Them what's the reason for choosing us?"

"I love you guys, you always treated me like family even though I was adopted, you guys were the only ones who protected me, and you guys are the only family I have right now." I looked at Kevin and he stopped to think about what he was going to say next. I sure shut him up.

"Without you guys, wouldn't be here right now. I'd still be at that foster home getting the shit beat out of me by those snobby assholes."

"Blake's got a point Kevin, anyways lighten up, we're not dead! Blake practically saved us."

"Yeah, and he almost killed himself."

"Lucky for us, your psychotic friend saved you."

"Who is Mohawk guy anyway?" Kevin asked.

"He's my boss and we're pretty close."

"How close?"

"I don't know, he feels like he's that crazy uncle I never had or something like that."

"Wow, Blake feels like a crazy person should be our uncle. That's just fucking fantastic."

"Can we just move on to another topic please?" I asked before we could get into another fight.

" about when are we going to get out of here and back home?" Kevin asked.

"I don't know, I thought that maybe when I gain little more trust with My boss and his boss I might be able to get a boat and we could get the fuck out of here. Anyways, what happened to your friends Kevin?"

"They're dead. The pirates killed all of them except for us. They said we were more valuable than them so they burned them...I guess I won't be invited to anymore birthday parties soon." We all laughed a little then stopped because that was just plain wrong. I heard the door open behind me and I saw a soldier come in.

"Vaas says he wants to see you Mr. Evans sir." The soldier did a salute and I saluted back.

"Got to go guys. See ya!" I walked over to the door and I closed it. I walked to the other warehouse where Vaas was at and when I entered the room he was in, he was not in a good mood.

He had a map laid out in front of him and there were a lot of X's on it. Apparently, the X's were outposts that Jason liberated and some of them were very important. Some outposts had slaves, crack, and guns. I looked at the wall and noticed there was a picture of Citra on it and there were knives stabbed through them. I looked at Vaas and he had a knife in his hand and he threw one at the picture. It hit her right in the left eye and Vaas whispered "bullseye".

"Do you see what I am getting at Blake?" Vaas said as he went back to the map.

"Let me guess, you want me to stop Jason or something?"

"No fucking shit I want you stop Jason. He's ruining my business."

"Do you know where he was last seen? Or do you have any lead on where he might target next."

"There is a outpost right here that is going to receive a shipment of slaves soon. Why don't you head over there and wait for Jason."

"Sure and Vaas, please don't kill my brothers or hurt them. I don't want to come back to see my brother's corpses."

"Yeah yeah...whatever."

I walked out to the car and drove off to the outpost. All I could think about was how am I going to save my brothers and what will happen if I confront Jason.

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