Chapter 56

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I was shaking. I was literally shaking. I had to hold on to my chair to keep myself from going crazy. In just a few minutes Jason and Sam were going to walk through the door. Hoyt was patiently drumming his fingers on the table and giving me looks. There were 3 soldiers in the room and they were all heavily armed. I heard a door open and I knew shit was about to go down.

"Ah, welcome boys. Come in, come in! Take a seat." Sam and Jason entered the room smiling and shaking hands with Hoyt. Jason looked my way and I stared at the floor. I felt guilt rising inside of me. It was building up and up, but I knew I couldn't tell Jason.

"Five card hold-em all right with you? Yeah?" Hoyt asked they were getting seated.

"Can I offer you anything? Would you like some food? A nut, perhaps?"

"No." Jason said coldly. Hoyt started passing out the cards and he decided to tell us a little story.

"What a job, poker. Ask anyone on the street and they'll call it a game of chance. Or talk to Sam here and he'll say say it's about bluffing, won't you, Sam?" Hoyt asked.


"Ja! But, it's not, is it? It's about keeping you playing until the house collects. Now, let's get this game started."

During the whole game I observed them. But I still ended up losing. Poker night is shit. I watched as Jason put down a card and I felt someone kick my leg slightly. I knocked over one of my chips and I bent over to pick it up. I looked under the table and I saw Sam's foot lightly kicking me. That was the signal that Hoyt was about to die. I picked up the chip and looked at Sam. He slowly nodded and I knew the next thing I was about to do, I would regret for the rest of my life.

I took out my revolver and I shot Sam in the forehead. Jason yelled and the soldiers sprang into action. 2 of them held Jason's arms down while one of them pointed a rifle to his face. Hoyt stood up and laughed.

"Sorry. House rules." Jason looked at me and I stared at the floor again. I couldn't make eye contact with him at all, but I decided what the hell? I looked at Jason and I was actually surprised. His expression wasn't angry or sad. It was more like he felt bad for me.

"Ah! Look at that. We have the same cards. So, let's raise the stakes a little, shall we?" Hoyt took all the cards and started to shuffle them.

"Didn't see that coming, eh? Bet you thought Blake was going to help you. Not this time my friend. Because of your little shenanigans, his brother's lives are at stake and you're to blame. If he should be mad at anyone, it should be you. Look at him, he doesn't even want to look at you. See that? He feels ashamed for what he's done, but I give him praise. I forced him to do this."

I looked at Jason and mouthed "sorry" to him. He nodded and mouthed "it's ok". I felt a little better, but knowing that I killed Sam. I felt like dying.

"You go by many names. Foster, Jason Brody, whatever it is you fancy. Honestly, HOW STUPID DO YOU THINK I AM? We should keep playing. Dealer's on the left, right?"

Hoyt handed the cards to Sam who was obviously dead and there was total silence.

"Guess he's sitting this one out. You know, you think you can come up on my island, fuck all my shit up and you think you can get away with it? Funny, too funny." Hoyt laughed as he passed out the cards. He looked at me and I shook my head.

"Don't be sad Blake. You did what you had to do. This was Jason's fault, not yours." I bit my lip and I tried not to think about Sam's dead body right in front of me.

Hoyt and Jason continued to play poker and I watched. They both flipped their cards over and I'm guessing Jason lost? Or did Hoyt lose? Why was poker so damn hard to understand?

"But let the chips fall as they may, right? I forgive you. So, name your price. Everybody has one. You're all puppets and we pull the strings. The system was designed to work that way."

"Screw your system!" Jason said and they still continued to play poker. When they flipped over their cards, I could definitely tell Jason lost.

"You know what, Jason? I'm going to go easy on you, since you're a family man. One finger every time you lose."

The soldiers held his arms down and Hoyt got up and took a knife out of his pocket. He tossed it in his hands and then he handed it to me.

"Since Jason cares about you so much, why don't you do the honors?"

"Fuck you." I said. The soldier with the rifle came over and punched me in the face. I hissed at the pain in my right cheek. That was going to leave a big bruise.

"Say that one more time." Hoyt taunted me.

"Suck my ass." I said and stuck my tongue at him. Hoyt's faced turned from playful to murder in a millisecond.

The soldier punched me in the face again, but I stood my ground. I didn't fall from my chair, I didn't cry like a baby. I'm done crying. I just wanted to kill. I wanted to fucking murder someone.

"Just do it." Jason told me. I looked at him and he nodded.

"Give me the knife." I said and Hoyt handed me the knife. I put the knife on Jason's left hand and put it on his ring finger.

"Don't make me do this for nothing." I said and I cut his ring finger off. Then, things went bat shit crazy. Jason went into berserk mode. He and Hoyt started to duke it out with knives and all the soldiers were trying to break them up, but Jason killed them all. I watched in terror as Jason killed them like a blood thirsty murderer. He killed anyone who went near him. For a minute, I didn't think that was Jason. I thought it was someone else inside of his body.

Finally, Jason stabbed Hoyt in the ribs and in the head. Hoyt fell to the floor with a loud plop and I had a feeling Jason was back to his old self again. He stared at his hands and I walked over to him. I lightly touched him on the shoulder and he ended up choking me. He pushed me against the wall and I tried to shake him off, but he was too strong.

"J-Jas-so-son. S-s-sto-op." Jason stopped choking me and he grabbed at his hair.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to choke you out." Jason said.

"It's ok...I've been through worse. Come one, let's go find Riley."

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