part 8

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Hey guys back with the update.. Thanks for the support promised here is the update..

Nandu and Abhi is about to kiss..But someone broke vase in anger..After seeing the person Abhi is embarrassed and nandu is embarrassed and confused.. When Abhi and nandu saw the person..The person changed her expression from anger to embarrass and gave them embarrassed smile and went towards them..The person came towards Abhi and pinched his ear and asked..

Per:you said you will introduce Nandini to me but here you are romancing..And I was waiting for you like idiot outside..

Abhi:sorry Meri ma sorry soha..(yes guys she is soha..How many of u thought it's manik)..Now soha left his ear.. Nandini is standing there confusing and huffing face seeing their closeness..

Abhi:ok now I will introduce you to eachother.. Nandini she is soha my best friend from six years and soha she is Nandini my baby doll my life..To which nandu blushed and soha fumed in anger..Nandu forwarded her hand for handshake but soha hugged her tightly digging her nails in her skin..
(Soha khurana: beautiful,sexy and modern girl..Best friend of Abhi from five years.. very obsessed with him..Can do anything to get what she wants..Now she want Abhi..)

Nandini pov: I don't know why but I didn't like this soha not because she is close to Abhi.. Because I am getting negetive vibes from her and I am feeling very scared..Utna hi jitna I felt scared with manik..

Soha pov:so she is one who Abhi loves..Isme aisa Kya hain Jo mujhme nahi hain.. I too love abhi from six years..But he..He just treat me like his friend..Or you can say best friend..But main haar manne wali nahi .. I will make him mine by hook or by crook..Bas ek bas ek chance I will seperate this two.. Promise pakka promise..

And broke the hug and gave weird smile to nandu..Which go unnoticed by Abhi..And he is happy that his friend or you can say his so called best friend liked nandu.. Little did he know that she will seperate this two..

Abhi:Chalo let's go downstairs all must be waiting for us..And went to downstairs..

Malhothra mansion:

After cleaning jam room fab4 sent Aliya to her room and mukti messaged someone and fab4 smirked..

Aliya went to her room and she is going towards her bed but she kept her foot on water and slipped..She is about to fall but two strong hands stopped her from falling..And unknowingly or knowingly their lips met accidentally..Aliya is shocked..The person make her stand properly and broke the kiss..His face is revealed..He is none other than dhruv.. Dhruv showed shocked expressions while Aliya is too numb to react..Dhruv about to go but this time dhruv slipped and held Aliya and they fell on bed with dhruv above her..And once again their lips met accidentally.. dhruv sit on bed and make her sit properly and hugged her while Aliya is too numb and scared to react..

Dhr:sorry Alia woh unknowingly it happened I didn't meant to kiss you don't worry I will not say to anyone..And broke the hug and left from there smirking leaving confused,scared and shocked Alia..

Aliya pov:what he was doing in my room and this water where water came from woh bhi near my bed..Why I feel like something is wrong..And that kiss why I feel that was intentional..And how come dhruv Became soo sweet to me..Why didn't I slapped him..Why I felt Happy when he hugged me..Oh God I am confused..God please don't create more problems in my life..

Here dhruv went to fab4 and showed them thumbs up and smirked to which fab4 smirked evilly..(what are they upto any guesses guys)..

Here in Murthy mansion..Nandu dad asked Abhi and soha to stay here to which Abhi agreed happily but soha she agreed sadly but at the same time her eyes showed evil..

Soha pov:why I am sad.. I should be happy that they asked me to stay here.. I will stay here and try to seperate Abhi and nandu.. I will try to find about nandu which will help me in getting in Abhi..And smirked evilly..

At night everyone had their dinner and went to sleep without any chit chat as soha,Abhi and nandu parents are tired..Nandu also slept..

Man:u r mine samjhi.. I will make you mine..

Nan:just shut up.. I am not yours..

Man:you are mine..Did you get that..

Nan: I am not yours.. I am abhi's only his..That was it for manik..He pulled her to him and tore her clothes and kissed her passionately and lifted her in his arms and throw her on bed and hover upon her and started kissing and biting her like wild animal and nandu is crying and shouting for help but no one came to help her..After some time manik entered her with swift and nandu cried in pain and opened her eyes and sat on bed with a jerk and came to know it's a bad dream no no not just a bad dream.. came to know that it's a worst nightmare and started sweating and crying remembering the nightmare..

Nandini pov:oh God yeh nightmare.. I am scared.. I didn't get such type of nightmare in my life.. I am scared with jiju..He is very bad..God please help me and my Didi..And slept after sometime..(guys aapne kabhi sins dreams Sach bhi hothe hain..Kya nandu ka yeh nightmare Sach hoga.. What you think..)

In morning:

Nandu is sleeping peacefully but suddenly someone poured bucket full of water..

Nan:aah aah tsunami mummy daddy help me Abhi where are you..Help me.. I am drowning..But stopped when she heared laughing sound..The person who poured water is none other than Abhi..Nandu threw pillow which he dodged successfully..And they both end up with pillow fight and nandu is looking so cute that Abhi smooched her cheeks to which nandu blushed..And Abhi is about to kiss her but from nowhere soha came.. Actually soha was watching this from Window already..

Soha:sorry guys..Hamesha main galat time pe hi aati Hoon..Sorry..

Nandu&abhi:it's ok soha..And nandu went to freshen up.. While soha and abhimanyu left downstairs..At the same time Malhothra called them and invited for dinner..At the same time nandu came wearing beautiful white salwar kameez looking beautiful..Abhi is clean blowned by her beauty..Nandu came towards Abhi and snapped her fingers infront of him and Abhi said..

Abhi: beautiful..To which nandu blushed and her parents gave teasing smile and soha fumed in anger and jealousy..

After sometime they went to have breakfast..They are having breakfast but Mr.murthy information made nandu scared..

Nan dad:today evening we are going to malhothra mansion..They invited us for dinner..

Nan:but dad I can't come.. I mean how can I come..Abhi and soha ko chodke..

Nan dad:Abhi and soha also come with us..Woh bhi mil lenge Malhothra's se specially Aliya and manik se..Kyun Abhi..

Abhi:of course Uncle I too want to meet them.. I wanna surprise my best buddy..Soha bhi ayegi..Haina soha..Aur manik se dosthi bhi hojayega..

Soha:yeah I will..Nandu is scared and sweating all the time remembering Manik's kiss and her nightmare.. Someone is noticing nandu's every move and also finding it fishy to see scared and sweating Nandini after listening Manik's name..

Screen freezes on Nandini scared and sweating face..

Precap: dinner in malhothra mansion..And Manik's reaction after seeing Abhi and nandu closeness..

Hope ki it's not that boring..

So guys guess who is the person who is watching nandu's every move..Guys hamesha soha manik ke hi Piche kyu pade..In this story she is behind Abhi..What will manik do after knowing about their relationship.. Will he use Soha's​obsession towards Abhi to get nandu..Or will he leave nandu to live happily with Abhi(stupid question 😀 isn't it)..Share ur views lovelies..

Thanks for the support lovelies.. Love you for the support.. I will update next part if I get 150+ votes..Vote and comment lovelies..The story will turn completely dark after 2-3 updates..It's a dark story..Dark story hain toh dark hi hotha hain..

Guys do read infinite love byparthada..It's interesting concept..You will love it..


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