part 10

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Hey guys as promised back with the update.. thanks for the support lovelies.. Love you lovelies..

Happy reading lovelies..

Abhi and nandu is still kissing hungrily..The persons are now damn angry and jealous..The persons who saw them kissing is none other than fab5 and soha..They are angrily fisting their hands..And soha and manik is ready to kill them any second..(fab4 is angry Because they already fixed nandu with manik in their bloody minds)..

Unable to control they left the room(what you guys thought)..

And directly went to fab5 jam room and soha also followed them and manik is breaking everything and soha is fuming in anger and ready to kill nandu anytime..

Man:how dare she..How dare she to kiss that bloody rascal.. I will kill him..Her lips are mine..Now I will not leave that bloody bitch..He is breaking everything and shouting..Fab4 trying to control him.. Actually he is shivering with anger even soha is shivering with anger..Then only fab4 noticed Soha and said..

Fab4:hey what are you doing here.. Don't you dare share it with anyone otherwise we will kill you..

Man:out of the room now..And listen don't even dare to share with that bustard Abhi.. I will kill you..Did you get that..

Soha smirked and said..

Soha:if I share..Then you will kill me.. I am not at all scared with you..But I will never share with any..But what will I get..

Man:what you want?

Nav:do you want money?

Muk:we are ready to give?

Dhr:do you want to deal with fab5 Because I know your father is owner of khurana which soha gave r u serious why will I ask that look..Then only cabir said..

Cab:no guys she neither want any money nor any deal..She want Abhimanyu Thakkar..Am I right miss khurana..Now Everyone is Eagerly looking at her..To which she smirked and said..

Soha:yes I want Abhi.. I bloody love him from five years but he bloody Interested in that bitch said angrily..Now fab5 smirked and manik said..

Man:ok now deal..

Fab4:but what will we do..

Soha:we will create misunderstandings between them..We will seperate them..

Fab4:but how..

Soha: don't you guys have anything which will help us to seperate them..

Fab5 smirked and showed them thumbs up and showed her the video..

Soha:yes this will help me and I will make Abhi mine.. I love you guys..

Fab5:we love you too behna..(Dekho guys soha ko inki behan banadiya..How many of you are happy)..


Man:yes because you are same like us evil..So you are our sister.. What say behna..Are you happy to be our behna..

Soha smiled and said..

Soha:yes my dear Bhai..(I am laughing guys because I made them Bhai behan)..

Soha:but Bhai how you will make nandu yours..

Fab5 smirked and said..

Fab5:we already planned for it..Unn donno ko seperate karna bakhi hain..

Man: don't worry behna..Abhi is yours..

Soha:you are my true brother..You are giving me Abhi.. Love you fab5..

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